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Topic: Opus 1.4 released [2023-04-20] (Read 6445 times) previous topic - next topic
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Opus 1.4 released [2023-04-20]

Opus 1.4 brings the following improvements and fixes:
  • Improved tuning of the Opus in-band FEC (LBRR). See the for details
  • Added a OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC(2) option that turns on FEC, but does not force SILK mode (FEC will be disabled in CELT mode)
  • Improved tuning and various fixes to DTX
  • Added Meson support, improved CMake support


Code: [Select]
% sha256sum opus-1.4.tar.gz
c9b32b4253be5ae63d1ff16eea06b94b5f0f2951b7a02aceef58e3a3ce49c51f opus-1.4.tar.gz

% sha1sum opus-1.4.tar.gz
c53b3a74fc26fb2c2314afe958be30d169bd029a  opus-1.4.tar.gz

% md5sum opus-1.4.tar.gz
0d89c15268c5c5984f583d7997d2a148  opus-1.4.tar.gz
