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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Took me a while to test.
@Defender this is very methodical. Wow!

To make fullscreen not crash in PSS I needed to add a couple of exception using it's GUID:
Code: [Select]
        if (m_host->get_host_guid() != guid_foo_uie_panel_splitter)
        if (m_host->get_host_guid() != guid_foo_uie_panel_splitter)
The exception was needed because PSS calling destruct on my visualizer leading to the crash. I copied that part of the fullscreen code from foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer since it was/is the only other CUI panel I know that does fullscreen and is open source. I have to admit that I don't really know why it is needed so I've left the ownership in as it is working and only apply the workaround when the host/parent? is PSS. Maybe someone with better CUI internals understanding can illuminate us.

Why do I mention that? Because, the crash (at least in the dump you posted) is not inside VU 2024 (as you call it). There is nothing but disassembly to look at making it really, really, really complex to step through and understand what happened. We're going to have a difficult conversation of where to draw the line on what is possible to work with and the expectations.

All these "legacy plugins" that have not been updated in a decade or more and are blackboxes are constantly getting harder to work with. One component cannot workaround all of the corner case issues that might present. We need to make hard/unpopular choices and/or live with the tradeoffs. Furthermore, most of my testing time is done on x64 (and some smaller portion on ARM64EC), migrated what I could from x86 several months ago and only have a testing instance with milk2 and vu running.

Since most of the "legacy plugins" are not showing bad behavior. We'll table that conversation for the time being.

Looking at ELP, one of the last few things it does is GetWindowLong(), meaning it is trying to get window information. The dump header, if I read it correctly, is trying to read something that is already gone (use after free, access violation from null pointer).

I don't know if you added this or not into the log:
user_interface::shutdown=>destroy panel=>PSS Destroy=>destroy child panel=>destroy panel=>PSS Destroy=>destroy child panel=>destroy panel=>PSS Destroy=>destroy child panel
I think it points to something with that snippet I pasted. It could be that there is something VU 2024 is doing when going fullscreen that it is not liking. I switch out of the hosting window to go fullscreen (otherwise fullscreen is clipped to the size of the parent window's client area) and then reattach when coming back--the windows are not swapped like in DUI which is a whole other messy subject. Whatever I might be doing wrong in this process, I'm not sure. Whatever the expectations are of the child windows that I'm not meeting or following, I'm not sure either.

I don't know where to go from this point. Blocking fullscreen on ELP is an option. Doing the same/similar PSS workaround for ELP is another option--though I don't know how to tell that ELP is running or somewhere in the parent window chain.

Any tips/hints/help would be appreciated.
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: TOY, a lossy and experimental "do not use" codec
Last post by Klymins -
I did it, and don't think there's a perceptible loss of time resolution. Ratio mode is still buggy (maybe even more) but it sounds pretty good at ~130kbps for an encoder with no psychoacoustic model. But the problems are: I can't lower the bitrate further (I could in the original version), and the encoding process takes too long (it wasn't fast enough in the original version too). Do you know the reasons?

I attached the test samples (not very short unfortunately - 22 seconds): Sonic Heroes by Crush 40. Because of the absence of mind, though, the original PCM is generated from a 128kbps MP3 which is generated from a LAME V0 MP3. I know this is strongly frowned upon, but the MP3-to-MP3 transcode was my only safer option (for another situation), and while the last one is not, as I already use low quality in TOY, I don't think this creates a problem.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme
Last post by hello9757 -
Hi @hello9757,

I have not removed the "album art filled" option, it was just renamed to "Scaled album art cropped"
as you have displayed your menu, you just need to select and activate it.
The newer version is improved and has additional features with better names.

If you think about it, how do you think you can completely fill the album art cover in the album art area?
If it cannot be proportional, you need to either scale the image ( zoom in ) and then crop it from all edges,
or you can stretch it to fill the area. There is no magic involved ;)


i just tested it and the results do not reflect what you've described
there is definitely no cropping with the settings i've described in my post
i tested with many albums just now to see if it cropped any and it did not
even in the picture in my last post (gr old) you can see that it is not cropped, as the thin black border of the album cover is visible on all sides
you said the only ways to solve the misalignment is cropping, stretching, or magic, but thats not true

if you look at the gr new picture you will see that the left and right panel meet dead in the middle of the screen, right between the middle two transport buttons
if you look at gr old however, the settings applied have shifted the meeting point to the right, all the way past the last transport button
this allows for the album art to expand horizontally and vertically, without cropping or changing its aspect ratio
in fact i have always been confused as to why this expansion stopped short. i did not understand why the setting did not simply move the meeting point even a bit further to the right to allow the album arts bottom edge to align flush with the right panel

to reiterate the exact settings involved:
player controls > album art > when player size is not proportional > align album art left
player controls > album art > when player size is maximized/fullscreen > scale album art filled
player controls > panel > width > use auto panel width
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by ColumnsUI4ever -
Hi, musicmusic, yet, cans make scripts or patterns (for columns) for indication symbol, hard links and for quantity hard links? And possibly li replace "Artwork view" in panel caption on album title (by center or sides)?

ColumnsUI4ever, more precisely (exactly) i mean tray panel (in taskbar).
I'm confused on why do you mention me, I was asking the same question, if it was possible.
But yeah tray panel would be the correct terminology instead of just taskbar.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Defender -
So did you really mean your FCL file was 2250MB above? The sizes just posted are in kB so that would be quite a large discrepancy.

If you meant 2250kB then it doesn't seem so clear cut that memory usage is the problem. When it crashes without producing a crash report, check if there's anything in the Application log in the Windows Event Viewer.
I'm sorry. Yes it is KB (not kB ;-) ).

I checked the Application Log. Nothing there.
I'll do some crashtesting tomorrow and keep you posted.

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by musicmusic -
So did you really mean your FCL file was 2250MB above? The sizes just posted are in kB so that would be quite a large discrepancy.

If you meant 2250kB then it doesn't seem so clear cut that memory usage is the problem. When it crashes without producing a crash report, check if there's anything in the Application log in the Windows Event Viewer.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Defender -
So the procedure I'm now using (drop everything below the main splitter, restarting fooBar) and then loading the FCL makes sense?
How big is your foo_ui_columns.cfg in your foobar2000 profile folder? I'm afraid (as it's probably not the answer you want) my answer would be either to work out why the FCL file is so big and get the size of that down, or to migrate to 64-bit. (Just having lots of panels isn't a reason for the FCL file to be so big. I can only assume it is full of images or similar data.)

The file foo_ui_columns.dll.cfg is 2187KB.
Condensed PSS code (stripped of tabs, spaces and newlines) is some 700KB.
Condensed ELP code is 290 KB.
There are no images at all in it.

I cannot move to x64 because of PSS/ELP.

There is a lot of redundant panels in it. Mainly new plugins that are still too buggy to drop the old plugins. But then again as you said plugins don't take that much space.

Also for convenience some plugins/panels are available in different spots to allow for different screen setups. It all works fine except for juggling around in Layout.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: FB 2.24.1 (32bit version) crashes quite often without reports
Last post by boxerfan88 -
Try troubleshooting from Windows BSOD side first.
Look at the windows logs to check the crash type and which process triggered the BSOD.
If there is a minidump, check that too, it can give more clues.
I honestly doubt foobar2000 can trigger a BSOD ... i suspect a driver issue or hardware issue (eg. failing RAM) that is triggering BSOD.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: foobar automatically starts
Last post by boxerfan88 -
Some ideas for you:
1. rename foobar2000.exe to foobar2000.ex!
2. copy notepad.exe to foobar2000.exe (and put inside foobar program folder)

Does foobar stop auto-starting? and "notepad" keep auto-starting?
If yes, means there is some script that keeps trying to restart "foobar2000.exe"

(reverse the above steps to recover back to original)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by musicmusic -
So the procedure I'm now using (drop everything below the main splitter, restarting fooBar) and then loading the FCL makes sense?
How big is your foo_ui_columns.cfg in your foobar2000 profile folder? I'm afraid (as it's probably not the answer you want) my answer would be either to work out why the FCL file is so big and get the size of that down, or to migrate to 64-bit. (Just having lots of panels isn't a reason for the FCL file to be so big. I can only assume it is full of images or similar data.)