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Topic: WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player (Read 252987 times) previous topic - next topic
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WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #75
Announcement: WMPCDText 1.3 has been released. This is a maintenance release that fixes the Read CD-Text menu item not appearing in non-English versions of WMP 12. Also fixed is a crash when WMP 12 is opened with a very long command line. Updating is especially recommended if you're running Windows 7.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #76
Very thanks for this update

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #77
Hello Tim ! Thanks for the update. I've just tried it, but when I click on "properties" from the Plug-ins tab in WMP options to get the properties window of WMPCDText, WMP crashes! 

Running WMP12 on French Win7 x32.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #78
Thanks for reporting this. I can indeed reproduce a crash when accessing Properties, but only when the plug-in is disabled.

Could you please verify that the crash doesn't occur when WMPCDText is enabled? Thanks!

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #79
Yes indeed, I just verified it : when plug-in is deactivated, it crashes when clicking on properties. Otherwise no crash at all !

(Of course deactivating means remove tick from the box corresponding to the plug-in, and clicking "Apply")

Many Thanks Tim !!

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #80
Thanks, I'll start working on a fix later this weekend and will post a notification here when the fix is available for download.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #81
Well, a classic case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" (American colloquialism). I had v1.2 installed and working fine in WMP 11 on a Windows XP SP3 system. Was bored and decided to upgrade to v1.3.

Uninstalled v1.2 (via Control Panel) and used downloaded v1.3 installer to try and install. It completed the install process successfully but when I clicked Finish with the Open WMP now option checked I got a firewall intrusion alert from Bitdefender Internet Security 2012. Alert said a Potential Malicious Process detected in my Local Settings/Temp folder had been blocked. This file had a .tmp extension. I chose Allow for this process.

Upon opening WMP 11 and looking under Tools/Plugins/Options/Background there was no entry at all whereas WMPCDText 1.2 showed before. I checked in CP/Add-Remove programs and it showed v1.3 as being installed. I also checked in the Programs folder and WMPCDText showed there.

I uninstalled v1.3 and attempted the install process again. Same result. Uninstalled v1.3 again, then disabled the BD IS 2012 firewall, enabled Windows Firewall and tried the install again. Same result.

This appears to be being caused by a tmp file that is created during the v1.3 installation process that BD firewall is treating as a Potential Malicious Process but I can't figure out why this would happen after I disabled the BD firewall.

Any suggestions on a way to get v1.3 installed and working in WMP 11?

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #82
Did you download WMPCDText from the official homepage? With Programs folder, do you mean Program Files?

That .tmp file is actually the installer itself. This is just the way the development tool that I use to create installers, Inno Setup, works. Since the same tool is used for millions of other programs, I'm very surprised to hear that it's only the installer of WMPCDText that gets blocked.

BitDefender might be detecting a virus in the installer but it definitely doesn't do so for the official one, according to the VirusTotal results here. All other antivirus software doesn't detect anything either. If you let VirusTotal scan the installer that you downloaded, does it come out clean as well?

You can also register the WMPCDText plug-in manually by executing the following command (through Start - Run):

Code: [Select]
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\WMPCDText\WMPCDText.dll"

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #83
Did you download WMPCDText from the official homepage? With Programs folder, do you mean Program Files?

That .tmp file is actually the installer itself. This is just the way the development tool that I use to create installers, Inno Setup, works. Since the same tool is used for millions of other programs, I'm very surprised to hear that it's only the installer of WMPCDText that gets blocked.

BitDefender might be detecting a virus in the installer but it definitely doesn't do so for the official one, according to the VirusTotal results here. All other antivirus software doesn't detect anything either. If you let VirusTotal scan the installer that you downloaded, does it come out clean as well?

You can also register the WMPCDText plug-in manually by executing the following command (through Start - Run):

Code: [Select]
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\WMPCDText\WMPCDText.dll"

Thanks for the reply. Yes, installer downloaded from indicated website. Installer scanned with BD context scanner prior to attempting install.

I have tried the installation again and prior to installing I completely disabled BD Firewall and Anti-virus. Still have the same problem. I also received an alert from BD when attempting to uninstall WMPCDText prior to this attempt. By selecting Allow for the process I was able to do the uninstall. See screenshot below.

Here is another screenshot showing the BD alert info for the installer.

I will try the manual registration but would like to confirm the code you supplied. Should there be a space between Program and Files? Here is the directory path as it exists on my system:
C:\Program Files\WMPCDText

Thanks again for the help. Really wish I had left the working v1.2 as it was. There was really no need to update as I don't think the fixes in v1.3 were relative to WMP 11.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #84
OK, I found the culprit! BD IS 2012 has a firewall setting that was causing the problem. It is called IDS and was producing the false positive. I disabled that and the install went fine. Just another complication from a vendor trying to over protect a system. Hope this helps anyone else with this problem if they are using BD.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #85
Good to hear that you found the culprit and thanks for letting me know. It already seemed to me that BitDefender was a bit 'trigger happy'

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #86
Announcement: WMPCDText 1.4 has been released. This version fixes an issue that was introduced in version 1.3: when trying to access the plug-in's settings while the plug-in was disabled, either the settings didn't appear or Windows Media Player would crash. Updating is recommended.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #87
Many thanks Tim !! I've just tested it, it works flawlessly  Thanks

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #88
I've downloaded The latest Update But,When I Insert A Cd Into My Computer That Doesnt Have cd text,The Player Won't Recognize it  It Comes Up With The Error Code "Unable To Find Track##" If It Helps Any I am using Windows Media Player 12, Windows 7 Premium,And The Latset Update for everything,

Oh I Almost Forgot I Burn All My Cds VIA Itunes

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #89
When exactly do you get that error message? Is that the full error message text?

Do you still experience the same issue if you (temporarily) uninstall WMPCDText again?

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #90
I Think Wmc had A Bug Because after i restarted,it works fine now! Sorry for the mixup

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #91
Wondering if you have seen this one.  I am unable to get the right click context menu and the cdtext is not being displayed. 

I do see the plugin enabled in tools and can get to the properties of wmpcdtext.  I also see the registry entry "computer\hkey_classes_root\wmpcdtext.TWMPCDText" and the clsid child 

I am running Win 7 Ultimate (64 bit) and WMP ver 12.0.7601.17514 and WMPCDText 1.4

Thanks in Advance.


WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #92
Are you sure that the plug-in is loaded? The WMPCDText item in the Tools menu should have a checkmark next to it. Did the plug-in work previously?

Are you right-clicking on a CD track in WMP's List Pane (the pane on the right)? This is when the Read CD-Text command should show up. Have you tried other audio CDs?

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #93
Are you sure that the plug-in is loaded? The WMPCDText item in the Tools menu should have a checkmark next to it. Did the plug-in work previously?

Are you right-clicking on a CD track in WMP's List Pane (the pane on the right)? This is when the Read CD-Text command should show up. Have you tried other audio CDs?

Today is a different day. After restarting, WMP 12 now reads the CD-Text when the plugin option is set to automatically read CD-Text. Right clicking, with the plugin not checked or checked seems to give the same context menu of "Play all, Play, Edit, Find album info, and Properties" (can't attach but I do have an image showing the context menu).

With auto set on and the plugin checked it does read the CD-Text.  I still get the same context menu as before.


WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #94
Thanks for sending me a screen shot through PM. I see that you aren't right-clicking in the List Pane but in the Library Pane. The Read CD-Text command only shows up in the List Pane. If the List Pane isn't visible you first need to click Play at the top of WMP's window.

To make things clearer, I have included a screen shot:

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #95
Ok, So When You Do Another Update, 1 Thing To Do Is Make The Track Time Change With The Song, I Use Windows Media Center To Play My Cds, Which Uses Wmp To As The Player, Thats Great, Only Thing Is If The Song Doesn't Have A Composer,It Wont Display Track Time Correctly, Meaning That Instead Of The Current Time Of the Track, It'll Show The Time Of A Previous Track That Had The Composer. So If I Want To See The Time I Have To Go And Select View Track List, Then Go Back To Now Playing,Cant Figure How To Insert The Images With out A Url, So If I Can, May I Email You the Images?


WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #96
It sounds like you have encountered a (previously unknown) bug in WMP. Do both WMP and Media Center display the incorrect track time?

And yes, if you have screen shots then please post them. You can upload them to an image sharing website like Imgur and include the URLs in your post. That way, other people on this forum will be able to see them too.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #97

http://,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4# as You can See In This Image Was The Song I Was Playing,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#2 as you can See I Changed The Song With Out The Composer,With The Track Time Written Incorrectly,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#3 in This Photo I Went back to the track listing and then clicked now playing, that fixes the song information,and displays the correct Track Time,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#4 As You Can See The Song Listing with the correct time

And No It Won't Display The Wrong Info In Wm 12, Just Wmc,But Wmc Uses WM12 When Reading And Playing Both Video, And CD

It sounds like you have encountered a (previously unknown) bug in WMP. Do both WMP and Media Center display the incorrect track time?

And yes, if you have screen shots then please post them. You can upload them to an image sharing website like Imgur and include the URLs in your post. That way, other people on this forum will be able to see them too.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #98
Excellent job, but someone still using WMP?
Listening to music is the best pastime.

WMPCDText - CD-Text plug-in for Windows Media Player

Reply #99
http://,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4# as You can See In This Image Was The Song I Was Playing,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#2 as you can See I Changed The Song With Out The Composer,With The Track Time Written Incorrectly,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#3 in This Photo I Went back to the track listing and then clicked now playing, that fixes the song information,and displays the correct Track Time,B0zxv,WOK9b,ln1VP,igLp4#4 As You Can See The Song Listing with the correct time

And No It Won't Display The Wrong Info In Wm 12, Just Wmc,But Wmc Uses WM12 When Reading And Playing Both Video, And CD

Thank you for uploading the screen shots. I have tried this myself and I can indeed reproduce the issue on my Windows 7 system. What's more, Media Center never seems to update the track time, even without any composer set: after advancing to the next track, the time of the previous track is still displayed.

This issue also occurred with WMPCDText completely disabled so I'm pretty sure that this is a bug in Media Center. I will report this in the Windows Entertainment and Connected Home forums but I'm afraid that there's nothing more that I can do about this.