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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by pqyt -
I've had 2 requests to implement local file access in foo_uie_webview. While every fiber in my body signals this as a security risk for a browser component, I'd like to hear from the users what use cases you have in mind and what the requirements would be for such a functional extension.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Major_Tom -
Don't know if you forgot the file extension here, but

D:\Pictures\Music Art\Album Covers\%album artist% - %album%.jpg   (without quotation marks)

should do it
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by bnuuyhop -
having a bit of trouble with the artwork sources tab
my album cover files are all stored in a big folder (D:\Pictures\Music Art\Album Covers\), always formatted "%album artist% - %album%.jpg"
yet when i put in the source for front cover as "D:\Pictures\Music Art\Album Covers\%album artist% - %album%" it doesn't show. where am i going wrong?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case
Last post by Case -
New version released where the "positive gain" term is changed to "volume increase" as the option now takes both the gain and the target playback level amplifications into account.

There is now also advanced config setting at 'Preferences' -> 'Advanced' -> 'Playback' -> 'ReplayGain DSP' to control maximum allowed gain value with the realtime scanner. It now defaults to +20 dB, range is 0 to 100 dB.

And the peak compress clip prevention method was adjusted, it can now be enabled even for tracks that have unknown peaks (like Opus files with just tags).