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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 69056 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #350
They are solid but blank, because they are empty. That applies to any type of playlist. Files have a different icon.

I get it at last. To make a standard, one I must select and convert. All others created at the fly are UI-only.

What I can say....I'm dumb.

Accept my humble apologies

Colors work fine


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #351
It has always been that way. If you want only playlist files, disable tracking UI playlists. Otherwise, create playlist files.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #352
It has always been that way. If you want only playlist files, disable tracking UI playlists. Otherwise, create playlist files.

I think I will keep it, maybe I will start to use playlists beyond the library view and some occasional taging.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #353
I'm looking through the latest builds and I see 0.15, but it's dated 2023-03-21. I assume this should be 2024-03-21?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #355

0.16.0 - 2024-04-22

    Playlists maintenance tools: ported the Playlist revive functionality from Playlist Tools, available now at Playlist maintenance tools, for the active playlist. Pressing Shift + L. Click on the menu entry will select the dead items instead of replacing them. For more complex usage, check the other script.
    Importing file: feature similar to the one found at Playlist Tools-SMP, lets you find matches on library using a mask against a text list (for ex. ARTIST - TITLE per line). Additionally, not found items may be replaced with YouTube links. It also works directly on a URL as long as the content is only text. There is an array of configurable query filters to tweak how tracks are preferred (for ex. non live tracks first).
    UI: total track's size is now available as sorting method, tooltip info (next to duration) and display column. Value is calculated at startup for playlist files (and never saved at the playlist file nor cached) or after loading any of them. This calculation is done without an additional performance impact in case playlist caching is already enabled due to specific search settings (for ex. enabling query searching); it may also be forced with a new setting at 'Playlist behavior\Update other Playlists...' submenu. For UI-only playlists, is always calculated at startup independently of any other setting.
    UI: added tip at quick help popup ('?' button) about tooltip font settings.
    Configuration: expanded user configurable file at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json' with a new setting for console logging to file. Disabled by default. Now this is a change from the previous behavior, where console was always logged to 'console.log' file at the [FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]. It can now be switched, but since it's probably not useful for most users is disabled by default.


    XSP: smart playlist are now also refreshed when the playlist sources change by drag n' drop, mouse actions, deleted or restored, in addition to changes when they are loaded in UI (introduced at 0.13.0).
    Clone: .xsp playlists and Auto Playlists will now make a copy of the loaded playlist (if possible) when cloning as UI playlist, instead of re-calculating the playlist to create the copy. This ensures the clone has the same sorting than the loaded version.
    UI: changed all builtin tooltips during external drag n' drop to use the native ones (which also span outside the panel).
    UI: all sorting methods now also sort elements by name in case they have the same priority (for ex. all 0-sized playlists sorted alphabetically instead of randomly).
    UI: smoother scroll bar movement when using the mouse and dragging the bar.
    Helpers: most json data files are now saved with Windows EOL for compatibility improvements with Windows text editors.
    Helpers: updated helpers.


    UI: sorting not applying properly to folders when sorting by size or duration.
    UI: wrong offset for first child item within nested folders when the root folder was not shown on the list.
    Drag and drop: conflict drag n' dropping and pressing Ctrl over the "+" button, unintentionally triggering last edited playlist highlighting at the same time (feature introduced at 0.14.0).
    UI: drag and drop and other features requiring a playlist selection did not work properly with selections from other panels which were not using a playlist as source. Issue #81
    Playlist locks: workaround for SMP bug related to playback on locked playlists. It should now work fine, but the 'default action' lock can not be switched anymore. Issue #82

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #356
Hi! :) I have 2 errors after updating the scripts :

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.16.0 by regorxxx)
too much recursion

File: helpers_xxx_foobar.js
Line: 25, Column: 17
Stack trace:

If I try to reload the panel, it happens again, it takes 1-2 minutes. Everything was fine before updating. The other error is for Playlist tools, I'll post there.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #357
Hi! :) I have 2 errors after updating the scripts :

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.16.0 by regorxxx)
too much recursion

File: helpers_xxx_foobar.js
Line: 25, Column: 17
Stack trace:

If I try to reload the panel, it happens again, it takes 1-2 minutes. Everything was fine before updating. The other error is for Playlist tools, I'll post there.
Without any more info, can't say anything. It seems like you have some kind of circular reference between some smart playlists. It just load a playlist which then tries to load another one, and it goes back and forth indefinitely.

I would need you to check that, and possibly sharing such problematic playlists, if any. While doing that is really stupid, I clearly did not add any kind of safeguard for such usage, so is technically possible to make Playlist A use B as source and viceversa. If that's the case, it's not really a bug but anyway I will forbid such usage.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #358
Ok, so this version should:
- Warn if you try to create a smart playlist with circular references.
- Warn if tries to load somehow such playlist, either internally or in UI (have not tested all cases though).
- New entry at playlist maintenance to check for circular references.

It's a package for testing. It's missing the readme pdf.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #359
Thanks to your tip I managed to solve this, I didn't use the package.
I remembered that I created a smart playlist , probably 2-3 months ago....I removed that smart playlist and everything seems ok now, that error doesn't appear. I'll send you a PM with the details of that smart playlist, just in case it's useful.
But there is one more issue....something that I forgot to mention last time. I also have this error:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.16.0 by regorxxx)
unknown format:

File: chroma.min.js
Line: 86, Column: 1596
Stack trace:

It happens when I try to right click Action button, and also when I try to left click settings button.
Thx for your patience.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #360
Thanks to your tip I managed to solve this, I didn't use the package.
I remembered that I created a smart playlist , probably 2-3 months ago....I removed that smart playlist and everything seems ok now, that error doesn't appear. I'll send you a PM with the details of that smart playlist, just in case it's useful.
But there is one more issue....something that I forgot to mention last time. I also have this error:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.16.0 by regorxxx)
unknown format:

File: chroma.min.js
Line: 86, Column: 1596
Stack trace:

It happens when I try to right click Action button, and also when I try to left click settings button.
Thx for your patience.

Your playlist was referencing itself, which is obviously wrong. You made Playlist X with a query using Playlist X as source xd Obviously that should crash. I didn't test that specific case, but I think my latest changes should also warn about it.

About your other error, that seems some error from past versions with some color missing not added at a later update. Will look for it tomorrow. If you post here your properties of the panel (you can skip anything with paths), I will surely find it faster.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #361
I mention this just in case that it matters, I just noticed, it seems the smart playlist had the same name that another playlist present in the query....2 playlists of different types with the same name. So the playlist in the query wasn't referencing itself, I think , no? Pics with the properties panel:

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #362
You can not have 2 playlists with same name. There are multiple warnings via popups when that happens. Also if it's "same name/different type", then its referencing itself, since a reference is matched by name.

I need the file, not a screenshot. Text is larger than the window. You can export the properties at that same panel.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #365
Aaand total success, everything seems ok now 👍Thanks a lot

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #366
New version should properly handle this cases in the future, along the smart playlist circular references and some other fixes.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #367
First of all, thank you for developing this - I am slowly getting familiar with the many possibilities offered by your script, and I'm particularly liking the ability to keep all autoplaylists with their queries in a convenient JSON file.
I have a problem that makes startup and any layout changes very slow: everytime I launch foobar or make a change to my CUI layout, SMP Playlist Manager apparently deletes the playlistManager_xxx.json.old and playlistManager_xxx_sorting.json.old files, which triggers two Windows popups asking me to confirm permanent deletion of this file. This causes great slowdown and happens when my portable foobar is not on the C: drive, whether it's on a USB key plugged into the machine or on a network drive. When it's on the C: drive, the .old files go to Recycle Bin so I don't get the popups, and foobar startup is much faster. After enough backup .zips have been generated, I also get the same popups asking me to confirm deletion of the oldest backup.
I tried to disable the confirmation dialog in Recycle Bin properties, but that didn't help.

How can I prevent this from happening ? Disable the deletion of those files entirely ? I'd be OK with having a million .old files piling up in the folder that I'd have to manually delete once in a while, if that's the only way to get around it...

Thanks in advance for any help!

PS: Config: Windows 10, latest foobar x86, latest SMP (mod version from your github) and latest SMP Playlist Manager. I'm using this portable foobar on several machines, some of which I don't have admin rights for (at work).
I tried with a clean foobar install with only CUI + SMP + SMP-Playlist-Manager, and observed the same behavior.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #368
I never had such problems, even using foobar on another drives; but your problem may be those drives don't have a recycle bin. That's said I never saw such popups, just that you could not restore the files. That's a windows thing (not related to SMP) and probably you will get better support at another forum about it. Is beyond my knowledge (how to suppress such popups).

BUT if you read the manual PDF, at known problems and Advanced tips ("Recycle Bin on network drives"), there is a section related to network drives which should also work on USB keyss. I mean... if you don't find a way to suppress the popup, at least you can enable the recycle bin and it should work.

Finally, if you are willing to test a bit, I could look for another way to delete files without such prompt. So it can be enabled by users in cases like yours. If nothing helps, will either point you to the lines you have to remove to fully disable the .old files. The backups can be disabled by setting the backup interval to zero.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #369
Thanks for your answer. I saw the part about Recycle Bin in the manual, but since it made no mention of the specific problem I'm facing, I thought it might be something different. I could add a Recycle Bin on my home machine following the instructions, but I'm using my USB key mostly at work, where I have no admin rights and therefore registry editing is not an option. From everything I've read online, it's completely impossible to disable the confirmation on Shift+Delete (which is what's happening here). Which makes sense as a general OS policy tbh, but turns out to be frustrating in this case.
I'm definitely open to do some testing if that can help, and interested in a way to disable .old files as well.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #370
I think replacing this file within the package/scripts files should do. Or use the new package (note the version number has not changed, etc.)

It should show a popup now warning about foobar being on a network drive or something like that (which will be expanded to also apply for USB drives), if it was not shown before. And no more popups on delete, at least in my tests.

Note with this fix, is no longer needed to disable backups (in case you want them).

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #371
Thank you, this seems to have fixed the problem! No more popups.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #372

Before using the option
F:\My Music\AC-DC\[1976-05-14] High Voltage\01 - It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll).flac

After using the option
..\..\..\F:\My Music\AC-DC\[1976-05-14] High Voltage\01 - It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll).flac

I was hoping the track paths in the playlist would be saved as relative paths, but something seems wrong.

Did I misunderstand the option or is there something wrong with the option?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #373
There is clearly something wrong, but where are your playlists stored? Is it a different disk than the music library disk? I assume that's the case and somehow I bugged that case in later releases.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #374
Playlists are saved in D:
