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Topic: Peakmeter Spectrum component (Read 233707 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #150
pqyt has attempted an x64 re-write but has put it on the back burner for now:,123394.msg1019902.html#msg1019902
It's part of

Hmmm, very interesting. I'm using 18 of those in my skin.

Would it be possible to configure this component to mimic the attached screenshots?

Left side is an instance with number of channels vertical bars and right side is a peakmeter with number of channels horizontal bars.

EDIT: I have flavors for up to 2ch, up to 6ch, and 7+ch that use the 8ch display.
I'm still playing with the styling options. Beta 3 will have LED mode with a configurable LED size and LED gap. All the existing styling options can be applied.

Not sure what else I can do with the separate peak and RMS bars.

(Don't pay attention to the colors. I have zero artistic skills)

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #151
pqyt has attempted an x64 re-write but has put it on the back burner for now:,123394.msg1019902.html#msg1019902
It's part of

Hmmm, very interesting. I'm using 18 of those in my skin.

Would it be possible to configure this component to mimic the attached screenshots?

Left side is an instance with number of channels vertical bars and right side is a peakmeter with number of channels horizontal bars.

EDIT: I have flavors for up to 2ch, up to 6ch, and 7+ch that use the 8ch display.
I'm still playing with the styling options. Beta 3 will have LED mode with a configurable LED size and LED gap. All the existing styling options can be applied.

Not sure what else I can do with the separate peak and RMS bars.

(Don't pay attention to the colors. I have zero artistic skills)

Yeah, I played a bit with it. Looks promising. Of course I know it is beta.
I really want to be able to come very close (gradient colors/legend/peak display) to the layout I'm using.

EDIT: My verticals do not use axes and channel legends. My horizontals only have channel legend on the left side and the dB axe in between the stereo channels. In multichannel mode I use the axe as a divider between L+R and the rest of the channels. And I do not use colors other than a gradient of blue (and red above 0dB). But your impression comes pretty close.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #152

I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.

As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.

PS. Your component becomes a multipurpose tool. Thank tyou.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #153

Here you can see how I have peak display in Channel Spectrum, vertical PeakLED and horizontal PeakLED.
I have 3 different configs for vertical (2ch, 6ch and 8ch) and also 3 for horizontal.

I attached the config files for vertical and horizontal stereo.

And now comes the real pain in the butt, the original Peakmeter Spectrum is not aware of windows scaling, So I have 6 configs per windows scaling (125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250%, 300% and 350%). So in total 48 presets.

So yes, it would be quite helpful if you can pull this one off.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #154
EDIT: My verticals do not use axes and channel legends.
The channels names and axes can be disabled or individually styled.
My horizontals only have channel legend on the left side and the dB axe in between the stereo channels. In multichannel mode I use the axe as a divider between L+R and the rest of the channels. And I do not use colors other than a gradient of blue (and red above 0dB). But your impression comes pretty close.
As usual the configuration GUI is the most work. How do you specify to have an axis as a divider between channels? What happens if multiple channels are available and selected for display as f.e. with a 7.1 track?

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #155
I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.
The algorithm has changed (again): the width of the bars adapt to the available space but will only use a whole number of pixels. To fill the available space, specify more bars or resize the window.
As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.
Again, how would that translate to a configuration GUI? The min, max and amplitude step size can already by specified but the step is used for the whole range.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #156
And now comes the real pain in the butt, the original Peakmeter Spectrum is not aware of windows scaling, So I have 6 configs per windows scaling (125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250%, 300% and 350%). So in total 48 presets.
The code is written to be DPI-aware but I have not spent any time on testing it. The font size is a PITA.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #157
EDIT: My verticals do not use axes and channel legends.
The channels names and axes can be disabled or individually styled.
My horizontals only have channel legend on the left side and the dB axe in between the stereo channels. In multichannel mode I use the axe as a divider between L+R and the rest of the channels. And I do not use colors other than a gradient of blue (and red above 0dB). But your impression comes pretty close.
As usual the configuration GUI is the most work. How do you specify to have an axis as a divider between channels? What happens if multiple channels are available and selected for display as f.e. with a 7.1 track?

I assumed you received the original code for Peakmeter Spectrum. This stuff you can specify in their configuration screens. Therefore I sent the two config files as a sample.
I specified the axe between channels when stereo and under L+R in case of multichannel. I want a divider there anyway. You can see in my earlier screenshots and also in the video.
I also don't like slack on top or bottom (especially when a tool is non-transparent). And to see what channel it is both on the left and right is imo unnecessary.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #158
I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.
The algorithm has changed (again): the width of the bars adapt to the available space but will only use a whole number of pixels. To fill the available space, specify more bars or resize the window.
As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.
Again, how would that translate to a configuration GUI? The min, max and amplitude step size can already by specified but the step is used for the whole range.

Concerning width and bars adaptation. We did not understand each other. I said that if I start the component as a pop-us id DUI (I always use it like that) it is OK, it shows all bars or graph or peak meter correctly. But if I then click "full screeen" it becomes incorrect and if I then click "full-screen" again to make it "normal view" still stays incorrect. Only starting new song corrects it. And it always is that way. SO following your suggestion I would change the settings after every click or every drag of the mouse (I sometimes want it bigger to see some parts better but just for a while).
And most important fact is that if it goes wrong it is just all moved to the right so the lest side is veeery wide and the right side is not very thin it is just cut out of the picture so for ex. normally the peak meter goes to 0 (the scale) and after changing the sizxe manually (with mouse) or to full screen the scale ends at 18. The rest is cut out. Changing it back does not change anything. Only starting new song brings it back to normal but if then change the size it is wrong again.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #159
I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.
The algorithm has changed (again): the width of the bars adapt to the available space but will only use a whole number of pixels. To fill the available space, specify more bars or resize the window.
As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.
Again, how would that translate to a configuration GUI? The min, max and amplitude step size can already by specified but the step is used for the whole range.

Concerning width and bars adaptation. We did not understand each other. I said that if I start the component as a pop-us id DUI (I always use it like that) it is OK, it shows all bars or graph or peak meter correctly. But if I then click "full screeen" it becomes incorrect and if I then click "full-screen" again to make it "normal view" still stays incorrect. Only starting new song corrects it. And it always is that way. SO following your suggestion I would change the settings after every click or every drag of the mouse (I sometimes want it bigger to see some parts better but just for a while).
And most important fact is that if it goes wrong it is just all moved to the right so the lest side is veeery wide and the right side is not very thin it is just cut out of the picture so for ex. normally the peak meter goes to 0 (the scale) and after changing the sizxe manually (with mouse) or to full screen the scale ends at 18. The rest is cut out. Changing it back does not change anything. Only starting new song brings it back to normal but if then change the size it is wrong again.
Alas, I can't reproduce this. I've learned my lesson: before a new version goes out I go through a cycle of resizing / fullscreen -toggles both in DUI and CUI. Nothing like that happens here.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #160
I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.
The algorithm has changed (again): the width of the bars adapt to the available space but will only use a whole number of pixels. To fill the available space, specify more bars or resize the window.
As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.
Again, how would that translate to a configuration GUI? The min, max and amplitude step size can already by specified but the step is used for the whole range.

Concerning width and bars adaptation. We did not understand each other. I said that if I start the component as a pop-us id DUI (I always use it like that) it is OK, it shows all bars or graph or peak meter correctly. But if I then click "full screeen" it becomes incorrect and if I then click "full-screen" again to make it "normal view" still stays incorrect. Only starting new song corrects it. And it always is that way. SO following your suggestion I would change the settings after every click or every drag of the mouse (I sometimes want it bigger to see some parts better but just for a while).
And most important fact is that if it goes wrong it is just all moved to the right so the lest side is veeery wide and the right side is not very thin it is just cut out of the picture so for ex. normally the peak meter goes to 0 (the scale) and after changing the sizxe manually (with mouse) or to full screen the scale ends at 18. The rest is cut out. Changing it back does not change anything. Only starting new song brings it back to normal but if then change the size it is wrong again.
Alas, I can't reproduce this. I've learned my lesson: before a new version goes out I go through a cycle of resizing / fullscreen -toggles both in DUI and CUI. Nothing like that happens here.

I just checked on my second laptop and confirm that it behaves in such a wrong way. Ex. when peak meter is enabled and double-cliked to turn full screen, everything above -42dB is cut off the picture (the far right edge of the meter says -42). Changing back to normal view does not fix it. The same with spectrum.

Plus Nyquist line is still in the wrong position. I played 96/24 and the red line was at 22,05.
Plus the cover art does not diplay or if it appears it disapears when changing to full screen and vice versa.


Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #161
I tried newest beta yesterday. As usual as a pop-up in DUI. Whenchanging view from normal to full-screen, the spectrum or a spectrograph or peak-meter widnows are changed in a wrong way. Just like they have been moved to the right - the left side of the window becomes blank, the begining of the bars or graph is about 1/3 to the right and the right end becomes cutt-of. So the bars/graphs do not fit the window. It only goes back to normal when manually restarting the audio file.
The algorithm has changed (again): the width of the bars adapt to the available space but will only use a whole number of pixels. To fill the available space, specify more bars or resize the window.
As for peak meter - it would be nice to be able to configure it - the bottom end ( let's say down to 120dB) and the upper end (being able to put more digits there). What I mean is now we have -12, -6 and 0. I think that it is not so informative to see if the peak is between -6 and 0 (beacuse it usually is) but it would be very useful to see if it is -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or 1. Or even more density in the area of -3/-2 to 0. Just as a feature.
Again, how would that translate to a configuration GUI? The min, max and amplitude step size can already by specified but the step is used for the whole range.

Concerning width and bars adaptation. We did not understand each other. I said that if I start the component as a pop-us id DUI (I always use it like that) it is OK, it shows all bars or graph or peak meter correctly. But if I then click "full screeen" it becomes incorrect and if I then click "full-screen" again to make it "normal view" still stays incorrect. Only starting new song corrects it. And it always is that way. SO following your suggestion I would change the settings after every click or every drag of the mouse (I sometimes want it bigger to see some parts better but just for a while).
And most important fact is that if it goes wrong it is just all moved to the right so the lest side is veeery wide and the right side is not very thin it is just cut out of the picture so for ex. normally the peak meter goes to 0 (the scale) and after changing the sizxe manually (with mouse) or to full screen the scale ends at 18. The rest is cut out. Changing it back does not change anything. Only starting new song brings it back to normal but if then change the size it is wrong again.
Alas, I can't reproduce this. I've learned my lesson: before a new version goes out I go through a cycle of resizing / fullscreen -toggles both in DUI and CUI. Nothing like that happens here.

I just checked on my second laptop and confirm that it behaves in such a wrong way. Ex. when peak meter is enabled and double-cliked to turn full screen, everything above -42dB is cut off the picture (the far right edge of the meter says -42). Changing back to normal view does not fix it. The same with spectrum.

Plus Nyquist line is still in the wrong position. I played 96/24 and the red line was at 22,05.
Plus the cover art does not diplay or if it appears it disapears when changing to full screen and vice versa.
1. All of the above has been fixed or stabilized a couple of releases ago,
2. This is way off-topic. This thread is for foo_uie_peakmeter_spectrum.

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #162
Hi guys, at foobar v2.1.5 X64, i am trying to install peakmeter spectrum  component, but apears a message that it is not a valid win 32 application. Are there a X64 component?
At an older foobar X64 installation, i remember was not encounter this problem.
Any ideas?

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #163
Hi guys, at foobar v2.1.5 X64, i am trying to install peakmeter spectrum  component, but apears a message that it is not a valid win 32 application. Are there a X64 component?
At an older foobar X64 installation, i remember was not encounter this problem.
Any ideas?
Sorry, the Peakmeter Spectrum component is a legacy one, so 32-bit only and obviously, you can't just slap 32-bit DLLs into a 64-bit process, hence this "not a valid win32 application" thing that pops up when you try to slap a 32-bit only component into foobar2000 x64 installation(s)

Anyway, you can use foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer for Peakmeter Spectrum-like visualization for foobar2000 x64 (and also available as a DUI element)

Re: Peakmeter Spectrum component

Reply #164
Hi guys, at foobar v2.1.5 X64, i am trying to install peakmeter spectrum  component, but apears a message that it is not a valid win 32 application. Are there a X64 component?
At an older foobar X64 installation, i remember was not encounter this problem.
Any ideas?
Sorry, the Peakmeter Spectrum component is a legacy one, so 32-bit only and obviously, you can't just slap 32-bit DLLs into a 64-bit process, hence this "not a valid win32 application" thing that pops up when you try to slap a 32-bit only component into foobar2000 x64 installation(s)

Anyway, you can use foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer for Peakmeter Spectrum-like visualization for foobar2000 x64 (and also available as a DUI element)
I would like too finalize my code for that (and get rid of a lot of test and legacy code), but it still suffers from an ugly bug in different windows scaling.