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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4662834 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #8150
I just tried and it works in that case with a new install, but I might as well stop listening to music entirely if I can't use my layout. With my health issues, it would be too much of an undertaking for me to rebuild it.

It is working perfectly on 1.x then it stops working properly in 2.x. What would cause that? And why would it be empty then suddenly populate upon changing the caption or hidden status?

Is there some new setting I might be missing in 2.x that was added?
I tried removing all folders from my library then re-adding them. They showed up, but upon restarting the program it wouldn't populate again.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8151
Ha! Okay, I just installed all the other components I'm using with no configurations and without my Columns UI profile, and everything disappeared again! It has to be one of the components.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8152
I started uninstalling components one by one from the fresh portable install, and the library started working again when I uninstalled foo_playcount_2003. There seems to be some kind of incompatibility or bad interaction between Playcount 2003 and Album List Panel 2.x.

I also updated my primary install to Album List Panel 2.x, and it stopped working as usual, but then it started working again when I uninstalled just foo_playcount_2003.

I also tried a fresh install with ONLY Columns UI, Album List Panel, and Playcount 2003, and it has the same behavior.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8153
Well that's interesting.  :))

edit: well **** knows how I've got it so wrong. It was largely based on the same code from my old foo_lastfm_playcount_sync component and that doesn't break anything. I have some debugging to do. I'm very sorry to you and anyone else affected by that.

edit2: even my JScript Panel 3 component contains very similar code for database storage. But users have to write scripts to populate data rather than plays being logged by the component itself.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8154
It's not much of an issue for me. I'll just stay on version 1.x of Album List Panel for now. Thanks for looking into it, and thanks for your help getting to the bottom of this!
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8155
I've isolated the problem already. It has nothing to do with my underlying use the fb2k provided database stuff which is the real guts of the component. Thankfully that is fine.

The problem is my code for setting my own added field akin to what foo_playcount does but I'm obviously doing it very wrong.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8157
Most likely this is another question that has already been covered in this subforum.

I have a portable installation of fb2k that has Columns UI in it. That Columns UI set up has custom buttons in the fb2k toolbar.

The links to those custom buttons are apparently absolute. So if the parent directories name is changed, or if the parent directories location is changed, the links to the custom buttons are broken, and thereby the buttons do not display.

Is there any way to make the links to the Columns UI custom buttons relative in a portable installation?

Added on edit:

The same question can be asked of the "Stub image path". Any way to make that a relative link?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8158
Most likely this is another question that has already been covered in this subforum.

I have a portable installation of fb2k that has Columns UI in it. That Columns UI set up has custom buttons in the fb2k toolbar.

The links to those custom buttons are apparently absolute. So if the parent directories name is changed, or if the parent directories location is changed, the links to the custom buttons are broken, and thereby the buttons do not display.

Is there any way to make the links to the Columns UI custom buttons relative in a portable installation?

Added on edit:

The same question can be asked of the "Stub image path". Any way to make that a relative link?

I don't use portable, but I have installed my stuff with different users with different usernames on their systems.

There is an environment variable that points to the correct folder.

Depending on where you want to address it you will need:

PSS   %ps_user_profile_path%      no slash
ELP   %el_user_profile_path%      no slash

fb2k   %fb2k_profile_path%      has slash at the end

JSP3   fb.ProfilePath         has slash at the end
example: var configPath = fb.ProfilePath + 'cui-configs\\Defender\\';

EDIT: Does not work in Preferences\Display\Album Art definitions. These fields only accept plain text (wildcards accepted though) and no titleformat stuff.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8159
@Defender I was typing the below while you posted. I will go ahead and post what I typed anyway.

Disregard the above post and question.

For some reason the custom buttons are now displaying when the parent directories location or name has been changed, whereas before the buttons were not displaying.

If I find out the sequence that caused the buttons to not display I might repost the question later.

I think it might have something to do with my having saved a copy of a portable installation to a zip file, and later when I unzipped that portable installation to use it, the links to the custom buttons for some reason no longer worked, and I had to reload the toolbar buttons from a saved .fcl file.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8160
I know I've asked about something similar but quite different in the past (viewing two different playlists at once), but would it be difficult to make a Columns UI Queue Viewer which inherits/shows the same columns as the playlist view? The reason I ask is because I have my playback queue lined up just below my playlist view, and any time I change my playlist columns it gets misaligned, and it's very tedious to realign everything. Additionally, it's not feasible to display all of the same columns in the old queue viewer as I have in the playlist. I understand if it is too much for me to ask for, but I have to ask anyway because it is the only thing I am not happy with in my current layout.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8161
I made a column in playlist view for %rating%, but it only displays for the currently playing/selected track.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #8162
I made a column in playlist view for %rating%, but it only displays for the currently playing/selected track.

You must attach the rating column script and a screenshot of your screen with the track playing.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8163
Hi all, I have been trying to figure out for a fix for this for a while:
I use a combination of facets, esplaylist and columns ui and i have been trying to fix my sort order to display in order of date.
I tried changing the incoming filter incoming tracks in columns ui, no fix there.
I tried the "force sort" setting in esplaylist which works but then the play order does not follow.
I finally also got it to work by setting a custom sort order on the date column to %date% which works perfectly except the fact I have to click it everytime I change artist in facets.
I feel like there must be a way around this but im just not seeing it! ill attach a pic of my layout also and if you need anything else let me know! Cheers.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8164
Hi all, I have been trying to figure out for a fix for this for a while:
I use a combination of facets, esplaylist and columns ui and i have been trying to fix my sort order to display in order of date.
I tried changing the incoming filter incoming tracks in columns ui, no fix there.
I tried the "force sort" setting in esplaylist which works but then the play order does not follow.
I finally also got it to work by setting a custom sort order on the date column to %date% which works perfectly except the fact I have to click it everytime I change artist in facets.
I feel like there must be a way around this but im just not seeing it! ill attach a pic of my layout also and if you need anything else let me know! Cheers.
I stopped using EsPlaylist a long time ago.
Facets I never used.
Now I use foobar2000 64-bit.
I can only recommend that instead of Facets you install the "Album list panel" component that supports all the sorting you want.

Here is a basic script that you can adapt to your liking:

Code: [Select]
%artist% [-] |[%date%]. %album%$if(%discnumber%,|%disnumber%,) - $upper($ext(%_path%))|%tracknumber%. %title%)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8165
Appreciate the offer but I really enjoy my layout and have had it for years, facets is awesome for me and really like just separating it all out to artists and not have the albums underneath!
Luckily after all day tinkering I worked it out.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8166
*translated by google translator

Hello! I don't understand much about the Tagz language, but I've been making my own build based on DarkOne for years. But now I have an idea that I can’t implement on my own.

Could someone please tell me if it is possible to create a view like the one in the attached picture in the Album List Panel?

The picture itself was made in Paint, since, it seems to me, in this case it is easier to illustrate than to explain in words.

And if you try to formulate the question in words, then how can I make all the root spoilers in the Album List Panel pick up values not from one metafield, but simultaneously from any metafields I specify?

Thank you in advance for your help!
 .jpg 58.95 KB, 545x235 - viewed 128 times

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8167
Album list panel 2.0.2

After restarting the PC, the settings under General -> Views are lost

Before the reboot

After the restart

What is interesting is that after closing foobar (red cross X) and start the program again, everything is ok

Windows 11 Pro latest build
foobar2000 v2.1.5 x64
Foobar installed in Windows

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8168
And if you try to formulate the question in words, then how can I make all the root spoilers in the Album List Panel pick up values not from one metafield, but simultaneously from any metafields I specify?
It's not possible I'm afraid.

Album list panel 2.0.2

After restarting the PC, the settings under General -> Views are lost

That looks very odd. Could you upload (or send me) your foo_uie_albumlist.dll.cfg (ideally one that is OK and a copy of one immediately after the problem occurs)?

You can find foo_uie_albumlist.dll.cfg by holding Shift and clicking File, then Browse configuration folder, and then opening the folder named configuration.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8169
I have the latest version of foobar 64-bit and the latest version of columns ui and album list panel.
I have had something similar happen to me many times.
In general it has happened to me when I have been modifying scripts to change my interface.
Suddenly one day I see that the albums list panel (image) window is incomplete and missing 1 or more items.
I just have to import a previous fcl (album list view only).

The only clue I can give is that it has happened to me when I have been modifying scripts to change my interface.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8170
That looks very odd. Could you upload (or send me) your foo_uie_albumlist.dll.cfg (ideally one that is OK and a copy of one immediately after the problem occurs)?

I compared the foo_uie_albumlist.dll.cfg file before the reboot and after the reboot, the file is unchanged but I lost the settings  :(  I am sending you this file via PM

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8171
Thanks. As you stated, the configuration in the file still seems to be intact. That somewhat implies the problem is happening when reading the settings, rather than when writing them.

Could you provide a little bit more information about your hardware (e.g. what CPU do you have)? Could you also check if it still happens with a new portable installation of foobar2000 (with Columns UI and Album list panel as the only additional components)? (You can copy your foo_uie_albumlist.dll.cfg over to it when foobar2000 is closed.)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8172
Everything is already working as it should. It was my mistake, very trivial and funny. At the same time as the stable 64bit version, I also have the Preview version 32bit installed. I have a shortcut to foobar in the Startup folder, which runs the program minimised in the tray during system start-up. The shortcut led to the 32bit location I don't use (I simply forgot about it) instead of the current 64bit version. After changing the path to the correct one, everything works.
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /hide
to the
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /hide
Once again apologies for the confusion, everything now works like a charm  :D

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8173
Ah! Thanks, now it makes sense. It's still a bug – the configuration format is not supposed to change between 32-bit and 64-bit builds. (This was thoroughly checked in Columns UI, but evidently not in Album list panel...) I'll have to think of a creative way to fix it now it's happened...

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8174
Hello.In the Playlist view, when executing the Activate now playing command, we get this view.
It would be better if we got this view.
Or like this.
YouTube Music