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Topic: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application (Read 1024 times) previous topic - next topic
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problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application


I have a computer where I use Foobar 2000 and also the Zoom videoconferencing application.

Mostly I leave Foobar 2000 always running, but playing only when I want to listen to the music.

But: when I join a Zoom meeting and click "Join audio" in Zoom, Foobar 2000 starts sometimes (not 100% reproducible) playing.

I have tried disabling the Media Keys functionality and the Windows audio integration option, but the problem still persists.

Now I have to remember closing the Foobar 2000 window before I start a Zoom call (which I don't remember]. When the Foobar 2000 process is not executed this problem does not happen, but as I said I am used to leave it open all the time.

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #1
First it was Discord, now Zoom. (No answers yet unfortunately)

Maybe foobar has become sentient AI and just wants to play music... :D

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #2
My suspicion is that these programs for some reason broadcast the media play command. If foobar2000 is running it will see the message and start playing.
Both you and the Discord guy could try turning off the "Process system media key events" under Preferences -> Advanced -> Tools.

A little off topic, but for some guy Zoom seems to be sending pause command every couple of seconds:

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #3
Hello Case, this option is already turned off. It was turned off all the time, but the problem still occurs.

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #4
Ok yeah, I should learn to read. In my head I associated this as the same problem as the linked Discord issue and there disabling media key support wasn't mentioned. Or I failed to see that there too.

That broadcast message would have been a logical source for playback starting. Otherwise out of the box I don't think foobar2000 playback can start except by calling the exe with /play parameter, or someone accessing the actual UI and clicking/pressing enter on play-button or double-clicking a track/pressing enter on selected track.

Peter added some debug commands for playback operations for the mobile foobar2000 as it was acting strange with my jogging. If you don't have third party components that could activate the playback I fear something like that is needed here too to figure out what makes the playback go.

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #5
@Case I asked about this problem on Facebook and one of my friends (who knows more about the Windows sound system) replied: (1) I have a USB headset on the computer involved (2) the friend on FB said that when the headset is switched from "earphones" to "headset" mode - the Zoom conference can trigger this - that Windows can send the PLAY message to the active media application

the problem is that Foobar should not be the active media application in this case: Zoom should be. So the problem may be that Foobar sets itself mistakenly as an active media application in a case when it shouldn't

Re: problem with Foobar 2000 and the Zoom videoconferencing application

Reply #6
for completeness: there was also a reply in the Discord thread: the discord person solved their problem by buying a different microphone