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Topic: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer (Read 123246 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #650
I don't think you can using only the standard DUI. Maybe foo_flowin can help?

Thank you!!! I works almost 100%.
I embedded horizontal Peak meter in DUI with BW colors and left/bottom scale. Then set the Spectrum in Flowin and it works with proper colors, art and Nyquist and all four scales. I can manually resize it and it is still OK.
The only defect is that when I make that "flowin Spectrum" fullscreen by double cliking on it, it becomes full screen Peak meter with colors from Spectrum (not BW) and not horizontal. So it changes its function but not set options. But the embedded Peak Meter stays OK,. If I then double click on that flowin it goes back to proper flowin Spectrum.
I will test it more but for now it is the only one minor defect.
Once again thank you for the flowin suggestion and great plugin.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #651
Hello pqrt,

Thanks for all of the improvements, especially for the LED thickness and gap !

Since some last releases I have vertical red lines, their position is moving according to the number of bands or if I adjust the size of the panel.

There is a gap between the left channel (horizontally flipped) and the right channel. I didn't had this problem with previous releases, 0.7.4 or 0.7.3


Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #652
Hello pqrt,

Thanks for all of the improvements, especially for the LED thickness and gap !

Since some last releases I have vertical red lines, their position is moving according to the number of bands or if I adjust the size of the panel.

There is a gap between the left channel (horizontally flipped) and the right channel. I didn't had this problem with previous releases, 0.7.4 or 0.7.3

[attach type=thumb]30078[/attach]

This is the Nyquist Frequency, you can change it in the styles section.

Thx for this plugin pqrt great work.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #653
Hello pqrt,

Thanks for all of the improvements, especially for the LED thickness and gap !

Since some last releases I have vertical red lines, their position is moving according to the number of bands or if I adjust the size of the panel.

There is a gap between the left channel (horizontally flipped) and the right channel. I didn't had this problem with previous releases, 0.7.4 or 0.7.3
[attach type=thumb]30078[/attach]
You'll have to add a couple more FFT bins to both graphs to pad the gap. After experimenting on many scaling strategies I settled on having the bars centered because there is no such thing as a 'fractional' pixel.
For 2 graph scenarios it may be difficult to get right. Maybe I'll add an option to specify the alignment and padding.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #654
v0.7.5.1, 2024-04-06

* Fixed: Peak Meter axes now behave as intended.
* Fixed: Sample rate initialization and Nyquist frequency marker display when the component is used in a popup window.
* Fixed: Disappearing artwork when the component is used in a popup window.

You can download it from the Component repository or from GitHub.

I'm happy to report that the disappearing artwork is definitely a thing of the past now.

There's just one more thing (artwork wise) and that is smaller artwork (smaller than my window size) still does not fill when fill is selected. There is always a border around it, no matter which option is selected. Again, I don't have this problem with ESLyrics and DarkOne's cover art script.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #655
There is always a border around it, no matter which option is selected. Again, I don't have this problem with ESLyrics and DarkOne's cover art script.
@Majestyk , I already answered that one: the "Fit" is restricted to the client area, that is the area used by the actual graphs (bars, curve, etc). It excludes the axes because I found it messy. The idea was that if you want to use the full height or width the user would disable the relevant axes. Wrong assumption?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #656
v0.7.5.2, 2024-04-10

* Improved: Peak Meter
  * Calibrated the peak meter according to the IEC 61606:1997 / AES17-1998 standard (RMS +3).
  * Added style to display the RMS value as text.
  * Reduced jitter.
* Improved: Increased the maximum amplitude to +6dB.
* Improved: Optimized rendering the axes a little bit and tried to preserve the more imported labels.
* Improved: Artwork fit mode can use the full component window instead of just the client area of the graph.
* Fixed: Setting the LED size and LED gap both to zero caused the component to freeze.
* Fixed: Artwork fit mode "Fill" was implemented backwards.

You can download it from the Component repository or from GitHub.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #657
v0.7.5.2, 2024-04-10

* Improved: Peak Meter
  * Calibrated the peak meter according to the IEC 61606:1997 / AES17-1998 standard (RMS +3).
  * Added style to display the RMS value as text.
  * Reduced jitter.
* Improved: Increased the maximum amplitude to +6dB.
* Improved: Optimized rendering the axes a little bit and tried to preserve the more imported labels.
* Improved: Artwork fit mode can use the full component window instead of just the client area of the graph.
* Fixed: Setting the LED size and LED gap both to zero caused the component to freeze.
* Fixed: Artwork fit mode "Fill" was implemented backwards.

You can download it from the Component repository or from GitHub.

Good progress.

Some questions/remarks only about Peak Meter:

1) I want to be able to change the display color when dB above 0 (for me red; no gradient needed)
2) I'd like to define the amount of pixels between channel bars. Now the gap in the vertical PeakMeter is larger than the one in the horizontal. So typically the amount of space available to the channel bars should be lowered by channel-bar-spacing times channels minus 1). If that results in some slack space that slack space should be centered left/right in the panel (or top/bottom)
3) The textdisplay of the levels in bars is too distracting for me. I cannot find an off knob. Changed the colors to 100% alpha. Is that what you intended?
4) There's to many dB values displayed in the Decibel axe; also distracting for me. Would it be possible (like in the original component to specify which values you want to show? In my case I display -48, -36, -26, -18, -12, -8, -4, 0.
5) Would it be possible where you want the Decibel display. Old component you can tell it to be displayed between channels.
6) Can you define in what sequence channels are displayed. I want SL+SR before BL+ BR. This functionality is for instance in old WaveSeekbar.

EDIT: Middle panel has this component vertical and horizontal. Right panel has original component vertical and horizontal.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #658

Last thing. The original component also holds the maximum (which drop after a short time). See video.

Is this somehow configurable in your component? I could not find it.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #659
I have seen that in the latest update it is possible to incorporate a horizontal spectrogram of two stereo channels.
Thank you for your attention to my request. I hope that in future updates we will have more option configurations for this stereo mode.
Thanks for your work

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #660
1) I want to be able to change the display color when dB above 0 (for me red; no gradient needed)
I can probably solve that with a separate style.

2) I'd like to define the amount of pixels between channel bars. Now the gap in the vertical PeakMeter is larger than the one in the horizontal. So typically the amount of space available to the channel bars should be lowered by channel-bar-spacing times channels minus 1). If that results in some slack space that slack space should be centered left/right in the panel (or top/bottom)
The uneven gap is caused by a work-around for a bug in the Direct2D function I'm using: if the start coordinate is uneven it failed to render the LEDs completely. I'll see if I can find a compromise.

3) The textdisplay of the levels in bars is too distracting for me. I cannot find an off knob. Changed the colors to 100% alpha. Is that what you intended?
Color Source "None" disables the rendering of each styled element individually.

4) There's to many dB values displayed in the Decibel axe; also distracting for me. Would it be possible (like in the original component to specify which values you want to show? In my case I display -48, -36, -26, -18, -12, -8, -4, 0.
Have you tried the Amplitude Step setting on the Graphs page?

5) Would it be possible where you want the Decibel display. Old component you can tell it to be displayed between channels.
Between the channels makes no sense if each channels has a separate RMS value.

6) Can you define in what sequence channels are displayed. I want SL+SR before BL+ BR. This functionality is for instance in old WaveSeekbar.
There is no way to do that now. That would also mean creating a GUI to specify the channel combinations. The current design specifically supports more than 2 channels. Try playing a 7.1 track.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #661
Last thing. The original component also holds the maximum (which drop after a short time). See video.
The hold and decay is currently implemented on the main peak and RMS values. There is no separate Max indicator.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #662
Please provide more details about what you think is wrong.
There are multiple Gaussian-like curves (asides the sidelobes from window function) that is not present in my own spectrum analyzer project on CodePen, even on the same window function and FFT settings (4096 samples Hann-windowed FFT) on a 50Hz test tone (though not tested on my own fb2k with foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer as it is obvious on the screenshots by someone else even if the audio source is not a test tone)

Maybe you can do rigorous testing to make sure that the results between these two are the same so long as the settings between your component (a C++ port of my own project, algorithm-wise) and my own project (not just this, but also another one) are the same as eachother (if applicable)?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #663
Thanks for v0.7.5.2! Unfortunately an error has crept in. In the lower scale, the values are partially superimposed. I use CUI.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #664
Thanks for the very very nice component.

I'd like two improvements:
1) allow to have different type of graph simultanously (ie. a spectrogram and some bars for example)
2) allow the graphs to be rotated.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #665
v0.7.5.2, 2024-04-10

* Improved: Peak Meter
  * Calibrated the peak meter according to the IEC 61606:1997 / AES17-1998 standard (RMS +3).

Almost OK but... please take a look at the screenshot.
Your values are still incorrect but i'm shure you can fix it :)
A few years ago there was a quite interesting discussion (pro audio forum Gearslutz) about RMS meters:
Bob Katz put a link to his calibration audio file just to help to calibrate and to test RMS meters.
This link is dead but you can find a copy here:

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #666
This is mostly offtopic, but can you explain why exactly that ancient IEC 61606:1997 spec is what should be followed, when both it and several of its replacements have been withdrawn and replaced by newer versions? Also can you point to a place where it can be acquired for free? I only see it being sold.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #667
1) allow to have different type of graph simultanously (ie. a spectrogram and some bars for example)
Just add another instance of the component with a different visualization.
2) allow the graphs to be rotated.
You can flip the graphs horizontally and vertically. I don't see the point of having an arbitrary rotation angle.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #668
v0.7.5.2, 2024-04-10

* Improved: Peak Meter
  * Calibrated the peak meter according to the IEC 61606:1997 / AES17-1998 standard (RMS +3).
Almost OK but... please take a look at the screenshot.
Your values are still incorrect but i'm shure you can fix it :)
A few years ago there was a quite interesting discussion (pro audio forum Gearslutz) about RMS meters:
Bob Katz put a link to his calibration audio file just to help to calibrate and to test RMS meters.
This link is dead but you can find a copy here:
I'm afraid not. I went through the math reference back and forth and the only formula I found was dividing the RMS value by sqrt(2). The tone://997,30 on fb2k x64 confirms this. I'll need the help of some audio wizard to point me the way.

Edit: Isn't the difference just the +3.0dB?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #669
This is mostly offtopic, but can you explain why exactly that ancient IEC 61606:1997 spec is what should be followed, when both it and several of its replacements have been withdrawn and replaced by newer versions? Also can you point to a place where it can be acquired for free? I only see it being sold.
I found a 'free' draft but it only gives a couple of definitions. The following article was more helpful:

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #670
Thanks for v0.7.5.2! Unfortunately an error has crept in. In the lower scale, the values are partially superimposed. I use CUI.
Thx. for the report. It's a stupid regression. Fixed in the next version.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #673
The hold and decay is currently implemented on the main peak and RMS values. There is no separate Max indicator.

added it to the upcoming


Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #674
This is mostly offtopic, but can you explain why exactly that ancient IEC 61606:1997 spec is what should be followed, when both it and several of its replacements have been withdrawn and replaced by newer versions? Also can you point to a place where it can be acquired for free? I only see it being sold.

All the meters in pro audio world are calibrated according to AES-17/IEC 61606. This standard is not ancient! RMS meters are still in use and are implemented in every pro-DAW. Just download a demo of any pro-DAW and check it out.
Meters should be calibrated in some way. If meter is not calibrated then it is useless - it shows something but no one knows what.
For instance, a meter called "VU Meter" embedded in Foobar is not a VU meter at all. It is a RMS meter (a kind of) and its readouts are wrong. It could be repaired very simply I guess. It needs just +3dB more and RMS window = 600 ms.