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Topic: Meaning of profiles in aac and which ones to choose especially in fdkaac (Read 2141 times) previous topic - next topic
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Meaning of profiles in aac and which ones to choose especially in fdkaac

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have a system with Intel i3 10th gen and Asus prime H 510 me motherboard and I have some MP3 files and I want to convert to m4a using fdkaac and dbpoweramp. In the settings of dbpoweramp I am able to select fdkaac as encoder but while coming to profiles I have the following options

3) HE AAC V2

Generally I convert MP3 files to m4a at the bitrate 72 kbps in vbr mode.

I have read the documentation related to above and found that he aac V2 is used for bitrates bitrates below 56 kbps and he aac is used for bitrates below 96 kbps but I can't find documentation related to lc aac.

In some websites I have found that lc aac profile produces high quality output m4a file.

Recently I have found a new term called xhe aac and I think that it is a new codec and if yes is there any encoder for it.

Another important question is I have installed Linux along with fdkaac and ffmpeg with lib fdkaac. Is there any improvement in quality when I encode MP3 to m4a using fdkaac tool directly versus when I encode MP3 to m4a using ffmpeg along with lib fdkaac.

Kindly try to suggest which one to choose among lc aac or he aac and also which is best among using fdkaac tool directly or using ffmpeg along with lib fdkaac.


Re: Meaning of profiles in aac and which ones to choose especially in fdkaac

Reply #1
LC is normal AAC, which is what most people use.

HE and HEv2 are used for low bitrates and not universally supported, although these days a lot (most?) support them too.

If you aren't sure and aren't aim for very low bitrate I'd probably use LC. 

Re: Meaning of profiles in aac and which ones to choose especially in fdkaac

Reply #2
I have android smartphone which supports both he aac and lc aac.

Which profile is best for encoding using fdkaac at 72 kbps in vbr mode


Re: Meaning of profiles in aac and which ones to choose especially in fdkaac

Reply #3
Past listening tests showed that 64 kbps HE is far superior to 48 kbps LC, but it's always worth to check your own case.

(btw, what a loss that IgorC got banned because mods haven't extinguished political shitstorm in time...)