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Topic: CUETools 2.2.6 (Read 356 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools 2.2.6




CUETools 2.2.6 (2024-06-28)
  • Update MAC_SDK from 10.37 to 10.74
  • EACPlugin: Allow coverart search to be stopped
  • Fix C2 mode for further drives:
        LG GH24NSD5, LITEON DH-20A4P
  • Preserve encoding of localized EAC log files
  • Add setting for UTF-8-BOM
        settings.txt: WriteUTF8BOM
        The setting is enabled by default, to preserve previous behavior
  • CUETools, Correct filenames: Support UTF-8
  • CUERipper: Fix incorrect TOC entry of first track
  • CUERipper: Add setting to force ReadCDCommand
        settings.txt: 0 (ReadCdBEh), 1 (ReadCdD8h), 2 (Unknown/AutoDetect)
        Default: 2
  • Add WavPack 5.7.0 encoder multithreading support
  • Update WavPack from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0
  • Avoid short HTOA files
        settings.txt: UseHTOALengthThreshold
        The setting is enabled by default. The restore previous behavior, set to 0.
  • CUERipper: Detect too large album art earlier