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Site Related Discussion / Re: About the search function...
Last post by mycroft -3
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by VxMiMxV -Code: [Select]
// ==PREPROCESSOR==in my mind, function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)} should make double clicks behave like normal clicks...
// @name "Test"
function RGB(r, g, b) {return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));}
Button = {State:0};
ButtonColors = {0:RGB(0, 0, 0), 1: RGB(155, 155, 155), 2: RGB(255, 255, 255)};
function on_paint(gr) {gr.FillRectangle(0, 0, window.Width, window.Height, ButtonColors[Button.State]);}
function on_mouse_leave() {Button.State = 0; window.Repaint();}
function on_mouse_move(x, y) {Button.State = 1; window.Repaint();}
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {Button.State = 2; window.Repaint();}
function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)}
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {Button.State = 2; window.Repaint();}
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {Button.State = 1; window.Repaint();}
function on_focus(IsFocused) {if (!IsFocused) {Button.State = 0;}; window.Repaint();};
To test, single click and drag your mouse outside the foobar window, then try doing the same but double clicking ~
Is ES5 at fault? Is foobar at fault? I'd really appreciate if someone can explain what is happening!
MP3 - General / MOVED: MP3 player NOT able to use wife, bluetooth or FM
Last post by korth -5
Audio Hardware / MP3 player NOT able to use wifi, bluetooth or FM
Last post by Jansport -6
Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by Hakan Abbas -https://github.com/hakan-abbas/halac-high-availabilitation-lossless-audio-compression/releases/tag/0.3.7
As before, the tests are Encoder AVX and Decoder is SSE2.
Code: [Select]
AMD RYZEN 3700X, 16 gb RAM, 512 gb fast SSD
WAV RESULTS (Encode Time, Decode Time, Compressed Size)
Busta Rhymes - 829.962.880 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 2.985 4.563 574,192,159
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 2.578 4.547 562,057,837
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 2.568 3.666 562,057,837 // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast 2.010 4.375 594,237,502
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast 1.922 3.766 582,314,407
FLAC -0 2.901 3.277 636,691,981 (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5 5.015 3.803 563,256,303 (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra 1.722 2.158 585,752,400
Sean Paul - 525.065.800 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 1.875 2.938 382,270,791
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.657 2.969 376,787,400
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.653 2.362 376,787,400 // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast 1.266 2.813 393,541,675
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast 1.234 2.438 390,994,355
FLAC -0 1.873 2.096 412,011,684 (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5 3.226 2.462 376,134,352 (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra 1.125 1.424 394,791,112
Sibel Can - 504.822.048 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 1.735 2.766 363,330,525
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.578 2.828 359,572,087
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.565 2.273 359,572,087 // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast 1.172 2.672 376,323,138
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast 1.188 2.360 375,079,841
FLAC -0 1.781 2.027 390,509,281 (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5 3.054 2.368 360,175,511 (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra 1.059 1.352 377,917,531
Gubbology - 671.670.372 bytes
HALAC 0.2.9 Normal 2.485 3.860 384,270,613
HALAC 0.3.6 Normal 1.969 3.703 375,515,316
HALAC 0.3.7 Normal 1.956 2.969 375,515,316 // New
HALAC 0.2.9 Fast 1.594 3.547 410,038,434
HALAC 0.3.6 Fast 1.453 3.063 395,058,374
FLAC -0 2.175 2.564 421,740,466 (flac -0b3072 -r0 --no-md5 --totally-silent) // fastest -0
FLAC -5 3.909 2.940 368,024,298 (flac -5 --no-md5 --totally-silent)
HALAC 0.3.6 Ultra 1.304 1.765 412,729,188
Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by Hakan Abbas -@Hakan Abbas :I don't know much about these issues. We see what will happen in the future. I have to work a little more on HALAC...
Considering that HALAC is anyway too late for world domination, would you think over whether you would be willing to port it into the flac reference implementation?
Probably the most efficient way to get your work known - the changelog does credit individual contributors: https://xiph.org/flac/changelog.html
I think you misunderstood. Assuming your 20% figure for Rice decoding is for the normal preset and HALAC 0.3.6, and reading 0.14% from my graph, I can calculate your Rice decoder is capable of processing over 300 million symbols per second: 100÷0,14×44100×2÷0,20 For FLAC, I get 120 million symbols: 100÷0,11×44100×2÷0,65. So, almost three times as fast. Very impressive.With my new Rice Coder, I did a test on randomly produced values. I tested it with the test version that works independently from HALAC. So it's not the last version. The results are as follows. Reading from memory, memory writing and calculation time. Disc writing speed is not included.
Code: [Select]
Intel i7 3770kThe calculation cost of the "K" parameter in the actual application and the performance of the current version can compensate each other. The processor is not fast. In this case, your account makes sense.
Random Value Range : -15000, 15000 //rand() % 30001 - 15000
Total Samples Count: 200,000,000
Rice K Parameter : 10
g++ -Wall -fexceptions -mavx -O3 -m64
Encode Time: 1.483 sec
Decode Time: 1.467 sec
foobar2000 mobile / Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2
Last post by Akbis -Moderator: Unnecessary quote removed.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by ilovefb2k -Spoiler (click to show/hide)Hi @oops,@oops :Sure, quick copy/paste because of time constraints:
Could you please post what the default values are for all the option settings in 0.1.2 beta? Thanks!
// Defaults
constexpr bool default_debug_output = false;
constexpr bool default_lock_aspect_ratio = false;
constexpr bool default_downmix = false;
constexpr bool default_cubic_interpolation = true;
constexpr bool default_lock_tuning = false;
constexpr bool default_vsync = false;
constexpr float default_zero = 0.0f;
constexpr float default_range = 0.0f;
constexpr float default_decay = 0.01f;
constexpr float default_rise_factor = 0.2f;
constexpr float default_jitter = 0.0f;
constexpr float default_round_corners = 1.0f;
constexpr double default_preamp_gain = 0.0;
constexpr double default_sample_window = 42.0;
constexpr uint32_t default_max_fps = 60;
constexpr layout default_layout = layout::LEFT_RIGHT__V;
constexpr mode default_mode = mode::LR;
constexpr level default_level = level::RMS;
constexpr tune default_tune = tune::ZERO;
constexpr std::wstring_view default_panel = L"Model 702.bin";
constexpr bool default_enable_hdr = false;
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT default_back_buffer_format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT default_depth_buffer_format = DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT;
constexpr UINT default_back_buffer_count = 2;
constexpr D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL default_min_feature_level = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0;
thank you four your update.
can you add beat detection to your component ?
foobar2000 mobile / Re: QOL - album view displays artists issue 1.6.2
Last post by Akbis -'Album Artist' does not have to be 'Various Artists'. When used, the 'Album Artist' tag just has to be the same for all tracks of the same album.Thanks for the information. I realized that in the "Album Artist" field, you can write anything. The main thing is that there is a meaning to the written text. This text will be visible in the cover window, under the Album name.
For example, when an album has featured artist(s) on one or more tracks, you would use the primary 'Artist' as the 'Album Artist'.
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