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REM ********************************************************************** REM Drag&drop pitch shifter. Supports selecting and dropping up to 255 REM files and/or folders. For folders, all files within that folder are processed REM (non-recursive). Any file that is not .wav is ignored. Output filenames REM are the same as the input plus a suffix. REM REM The .bat can also be run on the command line, with files and folders REM listed as parameters. Filenames can include wild cards. REM **********************************************************************
SET PROCESS="C:\Program Files\Audio-Resampler\art.exe" SET SUFFIX="-24-down-pitch" SET SWITCHES="-4 --pitch=-72"
REM Exit if parameter list is empty. IF [%1]==[] GOTO end
REM Loop over all entities within a folder or which match the filename specification... FOR %%G IN ("%1") DO (
REM ...and ignore any non-wav file extension IF -i [%%~xG]==[.WAV] (
REM Preserve original working directory and change to directory of REM current file. PUSHD "%%~dpG"
REM "%PROCESS%" %%G "%%~dpnG%SUFFIX%.wav" %SWITCHES%
REM Restore original working directory. POPD
) )
REM Shift all parameters down (discarding %1), and loop. SHIFT GOTO mainloop
I might have to help debug it. is a superb resource.
I like to put my executable utilities on the standard command path by creating a link within (eg) Windows\System32 directly to the executable (wherever that might be, usually in a development folder).
Also, using estimated coefficients rather than the fixed predictors, means you need to go up so many bits that there is not much chance that a 24 bit signal can be treated with a 32 bit datatype. But I think fixed-predictor subframes can.
In the case of FLAC, I don't know if they do linear prediction on 24-bit data as it is. The residuals from different values of transformations or predictions applied to 24-bit data can be mathematically larger. This is a difficult possibility, but it can be avoided. Because each process has a rough range of desired or required results. Unnecessary overflows can therefore be avoided with a quick check. However, each of these checks will require branching.
It's of course up to you how much you want to share, but chances are your code could speed up the fastest FLAC.
FLAC is already quite fast and offers a good compression ratio. It is therefore always the standard codec of choice. It doesn't need to prove anything more. HALAC (and HALIC) is experimental and aims to improve the speed/compression ratio as much as possible. It does not claim to be a standard format. Without losing control I would like to add 24-bit and multi-channel support.
Hello everyone, is there a way to crete a txt list of the Radio stations installed onto F2000?
Try DB Browser for SQLite. In c:\Users\Your-USERNAME\appdata\Roaming\foobar2000-v2 you will find the radio.sqlite database. Make a copy and open the copy with the DBBrowser, select under "Tables" -> "Radio" and under "View" -> "Database Structure". Select "File" and then "Export" -> "Table(s) as CSV".
Thanks rowi, good idea Process doesn't finish tho.
[As a side note, I've not installed F2000 so the file in my case is in Drive:/.../Foobar/profile. HTH anyone with my same situation]
When I save a Lista.svc file I get a warning:
C:\Lista.csv The required privilege doesn't belong to the client
Basically, it won't save. The above is my translation to English, from am Italian that - I bet - is already badly translated from English :p
I've never used DB Browser, so I have no idea how to interpret/fix the issue... Any hep will be appreciated.
Last post by Case -
For the seekbar issues you should see if your device has firmware updates available. And you can try the various UPnP configuration options I mentioned, perhaps some other settings work better with the device. If you find better working options it would be nice to share them here so all other users of that device benefit from your experience too.
Current foobar2000 versions disable all visualizations with UPnP. I can probably jarsonic a little and tell that the next foobar2000 after the v2.24.x series no longer does that.
CUERipper 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 are both not loading the ripper modules. A similar problem was posted in 2020 by user "ghost". I have checked and confirmed that none of the possible explanations cited in that post are related to my issue. There is no security blocks on the archives nor any security related messages in the the Windows Event Viewer. I confirmed that the CUETools.Ripper.SCSI dll file is in the relevant plugin folders. I have confirmed that the three Bwg dll files are present.
CUEripper 2.2.4 is the most recent version that functions on my Windows 10 PRO 64bit 22H2 machine.
24-bit data is much larger than 16-bit data (and so are the error values). This can inherently add a bit more processing overhead to the linear prediction stage. I haven't used 24-bit data yet, but I wouldn't want any slowdown in terms of speed. However, the 79.79% processing load I see for FLAC doesn't seem normal.
It's when employing the "-p" switch, which brute-forces the predictor quantification. So if I am right, it calculates residuals over and over again rather than estimating new coefficients.
Also, using estimated coefficients rather than the fixed predictors, means you need to go up so many bits that there is not much chance that a 24 bit signal can be treated with a 32 bit datatype. But I think fixed-predictor subframes can.
Last post by Pehachem -
Sorry, I answered a bit quickly. I just tried to modify the parameters in the dialog box (Marantz model etc...). It works ! I can hear the music. The progress of the playback bar is sometimes random (stop and go) and the "vu metre" doesn't work but I have sound. Well done!
Last post by Pehachem -
Thanks again for trying to help me. I just tried to play a 44.1 kHz 16-bit file in FLAC (stereo) but it doesn't work So I didn't continue the rest of the manipulation. For information, the amp displays "stream from Foobar 2000" but I can hear nothing. When I launch the same file (on the PC) from Bupnp on my phone, it works