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General - (fb2k) / REQ (or wishlist) batch tools and defining how many core to use
Last post by itisljar -
Hello everyone.

I have a question which is a bit of request, too, as I feel it would be a nice addition to foobar2k.

First, I'd like to have Tool Workflow. When I edit new albums, I usually tag them from the source where tags are available, and that is either MusicBrainz or Discogs. After that, I usually do these things:

  • Tagging / Sanitize Tags
  • Replaygain / Scan as albums (by tags)
  • DR Meter / Measure dynamic range
  • Tagging / Batch attach picture
  • Utilities / Optimize file layout (reduce file size)

It would be great if I could add these to one workflow and I could call them from one menu, like Workflow / My Workflow. I could add or delete items there, and of course plugins would have to have auto save option so I wouldn't have to interact there.

Second; I have a NAS, and there is lossless collection of music, and also another share with aac version of that collection. I usually right click on all music in album list, select encoding profile which is called "clone to m4a" and wait until everything is scanned so I can encode the music. Now, I'm going from lossless to lossy, and having 12 threaded CPU, it is pulling 12 flac files at the same time over gigabit network and saving 12 m4a files to another share on the same NAS over the network. It is not efficient nor fast, I feel that 4 threads there would be more efficient and faster that 12. but I can only configure one thread encoding or all, I can't define how many simultaneous encodings would I like to have. Of course it makes sense when I do it on my local computer with SSD drives, but this is over the network.
General Audio / Re: AIFF codec ID "raw"?
Last post by Porcus -
Plot thickens. Not much use in searching for AIFF/AIFC, but then there is the QuickTime format: updates from

  • NONE: now relegated to "This format descriptor should not be used, but may be found in some files." Right, insinuating that the developers should be blamed for adhering to Apple's 2001 document. Other formats are marked as obsolete, but this is not.
  • raw: 8-bit unsigned, like WAVE does for 8-bit
  • twos, a.k.a. "k16BitBigEndianFormat". That's some description. Says it is stored in 16-bit big-endian, but also says in a parenthesis that 8-bit ranges -128 to 127.
  • sowt: the next in the table, here they found out they don't need the parenthesed part - thus leaving it unclear whether it can at all be used for 8-bit signals. Isn't that quite far off best practice for documentation?
  • then fl32 fl64 in24 in32. On page 17 it says that endianness defaults to big.

Also size fields are unsigned, with a field for extended to 2^32 or more.  No wonder then that there show up AIFF files with unsigned chunk size past 2 GiB. (For all that I know, Apple could have explicitly allowed that once upon a time, only to remove it from their website.)
foobar2000 mobile / ios Foobar - listening to BBC radio streams
Last post by nogoslow -
Hi everybody,

I have listened to the BBC radio streams on fur bar for years.

However, a few months ago these all stopped working. The same streams work directly in the Safari mobile browser and on ios VLC.


I took some screenshots:

An example BBC  URL:

Has anybody seen how to get these working in Foobar 2k on ios?