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Topic: I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE (Read 8738 times) previous topic - next topic
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I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

I currently store the vast majority of my physical CDs in flight cases in the attic.  It was only supposed to be temporary while I sorted out suitable shelving, but they've been there for about 2 years so far.  The point is: they're not easily accessible right now.

However I've ripped all of them to FLAC, and probably about 60% - maybe more - have been ripped following [moderation: removed link to piracy site representing a violation of TOS #9] guidelines for 100% accurate rip (according to their log checker) and include full EAC logs plus CUE sheets.  Is it possible to use this information to rebuild an image of each CD that I can then reliably use to get a discID with MusicBrainz Picard?  I use a licenced copy of Alcohol, so wondering if I can build ISO files (or other image files) and then load them into Alcohol, and then generate discIDs (rather than getting all my CDs down, and inserting them disc by disc).  I've asked a similar question over at the MusicBrainz forums and got some feedback, but wondering if there was a more definite way to go...

My main question, I guess, is this: if I could use FLAC+CUE+log to build an exact copy of my originals, would this be "safe" to generate discID?  The whole point of discID (for me, at least) would be that there's zero ambiguity - so if there's even the slightest risk of generating a discID that would be different from the "the real thing" then it would be pointless...

Second question is because I'm lazy  Is it possible to automate creation of CD images?  As in - could I point <some utility> at my music collection, then get it to spit out disc images that I could load into Alcohol?

It just saves me faffing around with all my CDs.  Getting them down from the attic isn't the end of the world - but inserting them disc by disc to create discIDs just seems like a bit of a chore.  There has to be an easier way for the more lazy collector...

Any thoughts?

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #1
I fail to see the point of all that. What are you trying to acomplish? If the disks are accurately ripped in comparison with AR database, just burn them with correct offset for your recorder.


I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #2
Programmatically (I don't know about Picard), it is possible to compute the DiscID from appropriately ripped FLACs alone, except when there's a pregap before track one (a short pregap of 33 frames or whatever is not uncommon). The pregap information should be available in the cue sheet though.

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #3
I fail to see the point of all that. What are you trying to acomplish? If the disks are accurately ripped in comparison with AR database, just burn them with correct offset for your recorder.

I don't want to burn all my CDs again - I already have the originals, so no need to physically actually duplicate them.  My aim - and what I'm trying to accomplish - is to generate a discID.  It seems that I need to physically insert the CD into the drive to allow Picard to generate a discID.  I want to create an image (e.g. .iso, etc) that I mount on a virtual drive, that I can use to create a discID.  Then delete the .iso (or whatever) file when I'm done.

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #4
That, too, is needlessly overcomplicated.

skamp already noted that one can calculate the disc ID without requiring the CD; perhaps you weren’t interested, since you didn’t acknowledge that, but anyway, here’s how to do it yourself:
Perhaps someone else has already made an application to do this, but the source code is downloadable if not.

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #5
Programmatically (I don't know about Picard), it is possible to compute the DiscID from appropriately ripped FLACs alone, except when there's a pregap before track one (a short pregap of 33 frames or whatever is not uncommon). The pregap information should be available in the cue sheet though.

Ah - I figured a discID was something specific to MusicBrainz (and therefore Picard).  I thought it was just a way of identifying the CD within the MusicBrainz database...  When you say "programatically", can you give me an example of tools/software or even just a technique so I do some digging to see what i can come up with?  That sounds interesting - if I can use a program to scan my collection, that would be easier than recreating virtual CDs to load onto a virtual drive...

I see that this has been moved to CD hardware/software section, although I'm hoping to completely avoid using CD hardware.  I guess you could say I'm interested in CD software (kind of?) but I'm really looking for a way to reconstruct an image of a CD rather than use CD software to play or even rip anything.  Sorry if I posted in the wrong place to start off 

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #6
That, too, is needlessly overcomplicated.

skamp already noted that one can calculate the disc ID without requiring the CD; perhaps you weren’t interested, since you didn’t acknowledge that, but anyway, here’s how to do it yourself:
Perhaps someone else has already made an application to do this, but the source code is downloadable if not.

I chose to reply in 2 separate posts - my bad - so I needed to wait 60 seconds before I could reply.  You replied during that 60 seconds.

Wow - I'm really getting off to a bad start here.  I hope I'm not causing any offence!!  Sorry too, by the way, for referring to a site which violates TOS - I will find the TOS, and read them.  (Now done - and noted - apologies once again).

Anyway.  Thanks for the link.  That's pretty much where I started off, before I came here - I have also posted in the MusicBrainz forum, and so far have been given an idea which would work in principle but I was just hoping for something easier.  As I said in my original post: I'm lazy, so I'm always looking for an easier way.  Using MusicBrainz wiki (including the link you provided) I haven't yet found a way to calculate my own discID without requiring the physical CD.  And as I mentioned - I do actually have the physical CDs, but anything I bought more than 2 years ago is currently in a flight case in the attic (the rest are readily accessible), but it's more the thought of physically loading so many discs to have Picard calculate it for me.  I just hoped there might be a better (easier) way.  I'll re-read the link you sent - perhaps I missed something?

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #7
Wow - I'm really getting off to a bad start here.  I hope I'm not causing any offence!!  Sorry too, by the way for referring to a site which violates TOS - I will find the TOS, and read them.
Better late than never…  Nope, no offence taken. Thanks!

Using MusicBrainz wiki (including the link you provided) I haven't yet found a way to calculate my own discID without requiring the physical CD.
I think it should be possible since, as skamp said, all the information used by that algorithm should be retrievable from the cue-sheet, without having to re-insert the CD.

Actually, a quick Google later: Have you run across this during your search? Is it along the right lines? It seems it might have to be manually invoked for each log file, but I suppose that’s better than nothing – plus, it might provide some pointers to a more automated solution.
EAC log to TOC/Disc ID script

Written script that reads EAC log files, calculates TOC in format used in musicbrainz and opens browser to look up release with this disc id or to add disc id to release:
Can be useful for contributing disc ids when you have log file but don't have original disc, or if you don't want to find and insert disc you already grabbed with EAC. […]
Of course, script only works on EAC logs with TOC listing, some logs don't have one.

Maybe we need to get a programmer in here!

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #8
Heh - excellent, thanks!  No, I'd not seen that one - although it sounds very similar to the idea that was suggested to me in the MusicBrainz forums HERE.  I baulked a little bit when I first got the feedback over at MB, though, and not JUST because I'm a slacker - I trusted it to be a valid theory (because the guy clearly knows more than me about such things), but it looked like an awful lot of work (and I wasn't sure I had the knowledge to make it happen!)  The link you've found goes a step further though - it's the best I've seen thus far.  Even if I couldn't automate it, it still looks like a lot less work than manually loading a shed load of CDs...

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #9
foo_musicbrainz for foobar2000 can compute the DiscID and store it as a tag, along with the rest of the metadata pulled from Musicbrainz ("get tags from Musicbrainz (by TOC)").

I want to recreate disc image/MusicBrainz ID from tracks, log, and CUE

Reply #10
[...]and include full EAC logs plus CUE sheets.  Is it possible to use this information to rebuild an image of each CD that I can then reliably use to get a discID with MusicBrainz Picard?
The whole point of discID (for me, at least) would be that there's zero ambiguity - so if there's even the slightest risk of generating a discID that would be different from the "the real thing" then it would be pointless...

Is the point to get the MusicBrainz ID correct (you want that and only that), or is the point to get a completely unique identifier for each physical disc?

In the latter case, there is no 100% proof TOC-based way. Even if you accept to identify different pressings which differ just by offset (i.e. the same TOC and the same audio except moved a few samples to the left or right), then there is no way you can be sure that a remaster of a recording that was originally mastered from files (as opposed to tapes), isn't remastered with the same TOC. Not by coincidence, but by construction -- by working with the files in a way that doesn't alter the TOC.

(Myself, I use the AccurateRip ID as TOC-based identifier, but that is because it is easy to extract from dBpoweramp logs without me having to calculate anything, and it conveniently ends in the 8-character CDDB/freeDB ID. True, it has fewer possible combinations than the MusicBrainz ID.)