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Topic: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter (Read 429087 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #800
That fixed it - thanks!

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #801
i'm a little stuck with $textbutton(x,y,w,h,,,command,,)

wiki says - command: "Type of instruction: arguments"
so what are exactly these instructions?(especially the ones written in uppercase like COMMAND,SETGLOBAL etc)
any lists available with all "uppercase" instructions ?
and finally - any options to execute these commands/instructions without textbutton?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #802
check the text file that comes bundled with the component.

the same commands also work with $imagebutton. like $textbutton, something has to be clicked to trigger these commands.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #803
thanks for remainding!

once i looked at the beginning of the readme, but throwed it away very quickly, because of the character encoding issue

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #804
Hey, I'm trying to get two panels on top of each other with this component. More specifically I'm trying to get the visualization and now playing info on top of each other like in this picture:

Any tips?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #805
I'm having weird problems with positioning items using PSS, mostly manually with fixed layouts. Everything looks great once I hit the apply button in Columns UI:

But then I restart foobar2000 and everything gets messed up: some panels don't show up, some are cut off, and some are in the wrong positions:

(on this second screenshot, the volume bar is highlighted but seems OK. That's because it's flickering intermittently and I didn't happen to catch it when it was cut off)

Going to the Columns UI Layout options, changing then undoing anything (needed since nothing is done if nothing is changed), then hitting Apply, fixes it all. Replacing the splitters of some of the elements with regular splitter 'solves' the problem but is useless to me since the manual positioning is pretty much a big deal.

Is this a know issue, is there anything I can do to fix it, even if in a hacky way?


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #806
Panels should position correctly. It's difficult to know why you are experiencing this problem. If you are not doing so already, try positioning the panels by using code and one of the $movepanel commands (with use percentage value, enable padding settings and lock size - all unchecked). Sometimes checking ignore panel size limits or using an extra panel stack splitter as a container for another panel can help. You can also try putting $showpanel_c(xxx,0) before the $movepanel command and $showpanel_c(xxx,1) after it to force a redraw, where xxx is the name of the panel.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #807
Panels should position correctly. It's difficult to know why you are experiencing this problem. If you are not doing so already, try positioning the panels by using code and one of the $movepanel commands (with use percentage value, enable padding settings and lock size - all unchecked). Sometimes checking ignore panel size limits or using an extra panel stack splitter as a container for another panel can help. You can also try putting $showpanel_c(xxx,0) before the $movepanel command and $showpanel_c(xxx,1) after it to force a redraw, where xxx is the name of the panel.

I tried $movepanel already, but not $showpanel, I'll give it a shot and see if it works, thanks.

EDIT: Just solved it accidentally. For testing I had my 'main' PSS panel as a child of another 'dummy' PSS. Removing the dummy and making the main a direct child of the base Horizontal Splitter makes everything work as it should.

And since I had a PM asking about hiding the Filter scrollbars, I'll post in here as well.

I use Panel Stack Splitter and manual positioning. I measured the width of the scrollbar to be 24pixels in Window 7's default theme at 120DPI. So it's just a matter of placing the filter inside one of the splitters, making it 24 pixels wider than it should be, and then the scrollbar will be 'outside' of the panel and be hidden. Like this (I'm also using a similar technique to hide the header for the Filter, which is 27 pixels high). You also need to set the filtering order manually in the options because it will not be properly detected by Columns UI.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #808
Does anyone know any way to retrieve the current text color as set in Columns UI in PSS? I want to draw text matching everything else without needing to manually change it in multiple places. Thanks in advance.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #809
Is it possible to change the panel and make it fullscreen at the same time? With my code it goes fullscreen, but the second time.

Code: [Select]
$if($isvisible_c(Normal Mode),
$textbutton(0,1,27,10,,MODE,PANELSHOW:Normal Mode:0;PANELSHOW:Compact Mode:1;WINDOWSIZE:327:118;SETGLOBAL:mode:1;REFRESH,fontcolor:0-0-0,fontcolor:0-0-0)
$if($isvisible_c(Compact Mode),
$textbutton(0,1,27,10,,MODE,PANELSHOW:Compact Mode:0;PANELSHOW:Visualisations:1;COMMAND:View/Fullscreen;REFRESH,fontcolor:0-0-0,fontcolor:0-0-0)
$textbutton(0,1,27,10,,MODE,PANELSHOW:Visualisations:0;PANELSHOW:Normal Mode:1;WINDOWSIZE:755:699;SETGLOBAL:mode:0;REFRESH,fontcolor:0-0-0,fontcolor:0-0-0)

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #810
Is there any way to add the Context menu to the image button? The context menu on the Menu bar of course because I tried to create an icon that will display the context menu of displaying a list of Random Pool to choose from.

It appears for me that it only uses the context menu that is displayed when you right click on the track, but not from the menu bar.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #811
you need to use COMMAND for main menu items.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #812
you need to use COMMAND for main menu items.

I had tried COMMAND:File/Random Pools but it shows nothing. I would like it to display the context menu of Random pool when the imagebutton is clicked.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #813
you can't do that. you can only execute single commands.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #814
So the only way to do that is to create a custom script using WSH Panel? Too bad I have no experience of using it.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #815
I need to validate this old Panels UI format for current Panel Stack Splitter:
Code: [Select]
// PerSecond

I can't make it work.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #816
Hey guys, is there anyway to remove a drawn rectangle that is created using $drawrect() if a condition is met. I'm currently developing a HTPC skin and this is essential to display the background rectangle when the lyric button is clicked. Else if it is close, then remove the rectangle drawn.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #817
Problem solved by combining the splitters together.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #818
I need to validate this old Panels UI format for current Panel Stack Splitter:
Code: [Select]
// PerSecond

I can't make it work.

Try this:

and to use it:
ex: $drawrect($add($get(width),5),0,2,21,0-0-0-255,,)

replace 300 or 308 if the delay is not good

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #819
Can someone help me. I use xch4nge skin, it has integrated lyrics viewer of br3tt.
Lyrics viewer associated in xch4nge won't load lyrics at first time when track play,
because Lyrics Show3 saves lyrics to a folder at the end of the song. Then i must play song again to display
I found way to integrate foo_uie_lyrics3 into the skin.
I go to xch4nge and choose waveform seekbar window,
right click inside that window, add panel> panels> Lyrics show 3
Then i go to: preferences> columns ui> layout and find ''panel stack splitter'' which is above Lyrics show 3
right click on ''panel stack splitter''> configure> script, and i enter this:


then i click on the tab behavior, check custom background and pseudo transparency> apply> ok

Then in the skin i go to window i'w just created(Lyrics show3) right click on it> panel preferences and i enter the following settings:

Edge style: None

Background: Transparent

Select mode: Custom

Padding: Vertical: 0 Horizontal: 30

Line spacing: 10

Lyrics aligment: center

Font: Fixedsys, regular, 9

Normal color: blue

highline color: red

This works, only problem is that the letters are transparent.
Does anyone know how to fix that? Should I put another script?

Here's how it looks to me:

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #820
When I mentioned that your first post was clearly in the wrong thread, I did not mean for you to cross-post this everywhere, a clear violation of the TermsOfService here. Please stop. Someone will answer when they can, if they can.

As you are using a modified skin, how about asking the author directly on DeviantArt?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #821
I need to validate this old Panels UI format for current Panel Stack Splitter:
Code: [Select]
// PerSecond

I can't make it work.

Try this:

and to use it:
ex: $drawrect($add($get(width),5),0,2,21,0-0-0-255,,)

replace 300 or 308 if the delay is not good

Thanks I'll mess with it, but I need to put an image (fill), it's a seekbar. I'm using WSH Panel Mod for the seekbar and I'm not sure if it can be done using PSS simultaneously.


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #823
Hey guys, is there a way to refresh all the panel? The problem that I'm facing now is to show/hide a panel, e.g.

[left panel] [middle panel] [right panel]

The show/hide panel icon is in the script of middle panel.

When the icon is clicked, the right panel will be show or hidden.

However I will need to manually resize the whole foobar for the middle panel to fill in the width of the right panel.

A script for the middle panel:
the %rightpanelsize% is changed upon clicking the show/hide panel icon. E.g. it will set to 0 if the right panel is hidden, and hence causing the middle panel to fill in the width of the right panel. Else it will set to the panel size of the right panel.

Hope it's not too confusing.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #824
Hey guys, is there a way to refresh all the panel? The problem that I'm facing now is to show/hide a panel, [...]

Though I'm not entirely sure if I fully understand what you want, (and the solution to your question is almost certainly already answered in this topic), I think I might be able to help.

When I want to resize 'Panel_A' when 'Panel_B' is hidden, the only solution I know of is to use $isvisible() and $movepanel().

