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Topic: Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54 (Read 300292 times) previous topic - next topic
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Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #400
NSFE functionality has been disabled, you'll have to hand edit paired M3U files, since this seems to be what another user was requesting to use instead. I hear there's a nice resource for NSF+M3U files somewhere, I just don't know where.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #401
oh, k thanks for the info.
gonna grab last backed up version, as i really use this function.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #402
Hi. I recently updated to version 1.183 and all KSS files [with timed playlists] will now only play for one loop with a brief fade. I created playlists for all the sets I have and timed therein for each track to play through completely twice then fade out for N seconds. I never actually set a loop count value because I never had to, it just worked that way (until the update that is). Anyway I read in the change log something about changes to generic format length handling and thought this may be the cause? 

Besides reverting to 1.182 is there any change I can make in the settings or in my playlists to get these files to play the way they did before? Will it solve things to set a loop count value in the playlists? I tried changing the loop count in the settings but noticed this setting only affects VGM files and nothing else.

Sorry for the long post. I will include one of my playlists for reference. No loop count is specified but they always played as mentioned before. Thanks in advance for assisting.

Code: [Select]
# @ARTIST MSX-Engine
# @COMPOSER Loek van Kooten
# @DATE 1993
# @RIPPER unspecified
# @TAGGER chevbe2403

D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$00,BGM 00 (FM Sound),16,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$01,BGM 01 (FM Sound),9,1-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$02,BGM 02 (FM Sound),51,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$03,BGM 03 (FM Sound),51,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$04,BGM 04 (FM Sound),62,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$05,BGM 05 (FM Sound),175,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$06,BGM 06 (FM Sound),88,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$07,BGM 07 (FM Sound),84,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$08,BGM 08 (FM Sound),125,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$09,BGM 09 (FM Sound),92,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$0A,BGM 0A (FM Sound),15,0-,3
#D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$0B,BGM 01 (FM Sound),9,1-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$0C,BGM 0C (FM Sound),60,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$0D,BGM 0D (FM Sound),238,0-,3

D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8E,BGM 00 (PSG),16,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8B,BGM 01 (PSG),9,1-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$82,BGM 02 (PSG),51,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$83,BGM 03 (PSG),51,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$84,BGM 04 (PSG),62,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$85,BGM 05 (PSG),175,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$86,BGM 06 (PSG),88,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$87,BGM 07 (PSG),84,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$88,BGM 08 (PSG),125,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$89,BGM 09 (PSG),92,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8A,BGM 0A (PSG),15,0-,3
#D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8B,BGM 01 (PSG),9,1-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8C,BGM 0C (PSG),60,0-,3
D.A.S.S. (MSX)(1993)(MSX-Engine).kss::KSS,$8D,BGM 0D (PSG),238,0-,3

FWIW if loop specification is what is needed, I think I'll stick to 1.182 until the guys working on Portable/Console Music History do KSS, assuming they do at some point. After spending a lot of time timing and tagging playlists (250 give or take), I can't even look at another one just yet haha. 

EDIT: Oops, I was also meaning to ask if reading of playlist files for .nsf files was implemented in the latest update? Thanks again

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #403
NSFE functionality has been disabled, you'll have to hand edit paired M3U files, since this seems to be what another user was requesting to use instead. I hear there's a nice resource for NSF+M3U files somewhere, I just don't know where.

Couldn't you have made it an option instead of disabling NSFE functionality entirely? Or M3U for NSF, but leave NSFE alone? Seems nuts to not be able to use the nsfe info when it's there, and a damn shame to essentially throw away all the data I've tagged.

Also, did this change also disable the other NSF settings, they are all greyed out for me in the GEP settings panel.
I was wondering what happened since register $4011 was suddenly super poppy again.
made of radiation

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #404
Why disable NSFE support entirely?  I am sad now.  Registered here and everything to find out why the NSFE stuff is grayed out only to find it's deliberate and not a bug. 

Also, hi kode54, it's been a lifetime

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #405
NSFE format is still supported. Tag editing them is not. I'll probably revert that change anyway, since there's only one person who's actually producing or using NSF/M3U sets.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #406
Oh okay, that makes sense... when will an update be up?

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #407
Updated just now. The M3U/generic mode is now disabled by default, enabled by an advanced preferences setting.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #408
Updated just now. The M3U/generic mode is now disabled by default, enabled by an advanced preferences setting.

made of radiation

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #409
Who's awesome?  You're awesome. 

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #411
Hi! I'm having some trouble with tagging while creating MP3 files from nsf/nsfe files. There's no track numbers present after loading the NSFE files so the MP3 files I create will be in alphabetical order instead of track order, which means I will have to manually add track numbers and change the order of the MP3 files and also in the ID3 tags. It's kind of too much work to do this for the 70 or so games I was planning to convert. Is there some way I can make this easier?

Can't get M3U files to work with or without the setting in the advanced preferences. Ironically (or maybe it's working as intended), having the setting enabled breaks the track order of some NSFE files, like FF3, Kirby's Adventure & Mega Man 6. Setting it to off fixes it.

Using NSF+M3U from here:

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #412
Figured out how to make track numbers. Just select all items in the playlist > right click and select properties  > right click on track number and select auto track number.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #413
Okay, new problem. If i set "NSF/NSFE - use original file handeler" to off the playlist for NSFE files will have the correct track order, but fade out will not work. If I set it to on NSFE files will have wrong track order for many NSFE files, but fadeout will work.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #414
Can we expect channels disabling/enabling functionality in foo_gep or in foo_snesapu?
Can we expect support for ID666 and xid6 RIFF chunk support for possibility of setting default chanel disabling in SPC files?
I have one weird SPC file that I ripped myself via ZSNES - Sand Ocean from F-Zero. On 8 channel there is constant "engine" noise... I would like to set bit for disabling channel 8 in this file or at least have possibility to disable it in player, just for the moment of playback of this file.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #415
View -> GEP control for foo_gep.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #416
Good point mudlord!! It seems that I don't know GEP as I should
Still ID666 will be a nice addition into GEP and/or SNESAPU.

Additionally, thanks to your advice I have found that for some reason I have twice "DSP" added in my menu... and both contacin the same sub-menus... suspicious.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #417
hi, where to get previous version? bloody updater just vanish all folder, though excluding config..

1.187 on 1.2.9:

Failed to load DLL: foo_gep.dll
Reason: Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with a newer version of the foobar2000 SDK, please download latest version of foobar2000 in order to use it.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #418
Sorry, my fault for not marking the components update page to indicate 1.3 as the minimum required version. Otherwise, you simply would have stopped receiving updates.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #419
Sorry, my fault for not marking the components update page to indicate 1.3 as the minimum required version. Otherwise, you simply would have stopped receiving updates.

Hi Kode54, just upgraded to 1.189. Thanks for the great plugin. Is it possible for u to take a crack at making the plugin to support music format from the PC9801 era in Japan? Some Japanese once had created a plug and a standalone player at but his DLLs don't work in the new foobar.

You could also download here


Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #422
There is the plugin for pmd/fmp.(Not my release. By the anonymous Japanese user)
Please click "??????" button.

Hi there, this plugin no longer works in foobar v.1.3.8. Maybe it works in earlier version. Don't know what happen in between since I am not a programmer. Do you know Japanese? Could you reach out to the author so that he could revisit the plug-in and maintain the update on foobar's site? I think the author's site is at, but he has never responded to my request.

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #423
Open console and you'll see
Code: [Select]
Warning: [PMDWin] Driver module load failed.
Warning: [WinFMP] Driver module load failed.

Apparently foo_input_fmpmd also requires PMDWin.dll/WinFMP.dll

Game Emu Player (foo_gep) by kode54

Reply #424
Hi there, this plugin no longer works in foobar v.1.3.8. Maybe it works in earlier version.

It appears to be working in my environment(foobar2000 v1.3.8 Windows7).
You need to put PMDWin.dll and WinFMP.dll into the directory same as foo_input_fmpmd.dll.

Do you know Japanese? Could you reach out to the author so that he could revisit the plug-in and maintain the update on foobar's site? I think the author's site is at, but he has never responded to my request.

Yes, I know Japanese.
However, I can't reach out to the author because I don't know who he/she is.
I DON'T think "" is his/her site. It is the site of the author who made PMDWin.dll and WinFMP.dll.