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Topic: Possible to sub-sort by track number? (Read 2389 times) previous topic - next topic
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Possible to sub-sort by track number?


I often like to listen to the most recent albums / EPs I've added to my (980GB) collection.

I do this by clicking on the "Last modified" column in Library Viewer Selection list, so all new stuff is at top of playlist - but obviously this just orders by time of last modification (and ignores track numbers within individual albums/EPs).

I have to then manually select the album/EP, right click & sort by track number.

Is there a way I could have the new stuff at the top of playlist, and retain track number order within the albums/EPs?



Re: Possible to sub-sort by track number?

Reply #1
Hi there,

"Last Modified" dates are not ideal for finding most recently added music. Do you have Playback Statistics installed? That has an %added% field which records the date/time music was added to library, and is not changing when you modify files. The downside is if you only newly installed it, everything gets the same added date (current date), so not immediately useful until you add new albums.

So with that in mind, to answer your question, the usual way would be to make an auto-playlist - Library menu > Search -

Code: [Select]
%added% DURING LAST 4 WEEKS SORT DESCENDING BY "$date(%added%)"

(Then click '...' to right of search bar > Create Auto-playlist, and rename the playlist as you like)

This should make an auto updating playlist of most recent albums at the top, while still grouped by album and track number. (The secondary sort defaults to %path_sort% which usually works for keeping albums together)

If not interested in Playback Statistics you could try substituting %added% for %last_modified% in both places above, though it might not group albums as well (because "last modified" is often changing)


Re: Possible to sub-sort by track number?

Reply #2
Thank you!