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MP3 - Tech / Re: Current status of MP3 encoders
Last post by Porcus -
"easily" is a very elastic concept. But some trained listeners ...,121579
Note, this is just one test, and too few samples to make it statistically significant.
This was AAC at 192 - which doesn't imply that AAC at 256 would win so much more often that it would establish significance. But it gives a fairly good indication.
Pardon, but aren't these those killer, hard-to-encode samples
"elastic concept" I said  ;)

Let's say "is 16 bits better than <suitable bit depth N>?", where N is so high that for a ton of music, you won't hear the difference - yet N is so low that it is not hard to find music where you can measure that trained ears hear the difference.
Easily ... ?
If the bar is "random sample", no. If the bar is "not hard to find", then yes.
I'd say, when we are up to > 200 kbit/s, then the yardstick is more like the latter ... ?
AAC / Re: AAC profiles and AAC support in Flash
Last post by Klymins -
I found that major profiles are LC, HEv1, HEv2, and xHE; am I right? If yes, here are my questions:

1: Does HE-AAC v1/v2 work with SBR at lower sampling rates (8kHz, 11025Hz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22050Hz, 24kHz) too? If yes, are they as efficient as at higher sampling rates at these sampling rates?

2: Does xHE-AAC work with enhanced SBR at lower sampling rates (8kHz, 11025Hz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22050Hz, 24kHz) too? If yes, is it as efficient as at higher sampling rates at these sampling rates?

3: I found that the difference of HE-AAC v2 (from v1) is that it uses parametric stereo, right? If yes, does that mean HE-AAC v2 does not work with mono or has no difference from HE-AAC v1 when working with mono?

4: In HE-AAC v1, HE-AAC v2, and xHE-AAC; what are the bandwidths of the base signals for each bandwidth or bitrate-samplerate combinations?

5: And, Flash supports which of them exactly?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Library Tree Discussion
Last post by Richard127 -
My apologies anamorphic. I couldn't get that to work originally. It just kept saying "Nothing Found". Don't know what I was doing wrong, but I tried again and the Last Modified Script you gave me is working now. The Last Added script doesn't do what I want it to do as it shows me an alphabetically arranged list of albums with the added date underneath. I'm more than happy with the Last Modified view though. Thank you very much for your time and patience.
General - (fb2k) / Using DSP - Resampler (SoX) mod2
Last post by Gabriel Schwartz -
I would like get some opinions on up-sampling before sending Bit Perfect stream to my DAC.
Does it worth up-sample 44.1KHz to 88.2KHz and 88.2KHz to 176.4KHz.
I skipped it completely for DSD as I do not want to convert to PCM (I don't see the point in doing that).

My DAC is HoloAudio May KTE which goes to Benchmark HPA4 Line Amplifier using XLR.
From HPA4 I am using mono bridged 2 AHB2 Power Amplifiers using XLR.
From AHB2 my loudspeakers are Perlisten S7t.

So my system resolution is very high IMHO and I could not hear much of a difference.
MP3 - Tech / Re: Current status of MP3 encoders
Last post by itisljar -
"easily" is a very elastic concept. But some trained listeners ...,121579
Note, this is just one test, and too few samples to make it statistically significant.
This was AAC at 192 - which doesn't imply that AAC at 256 would win so much more often that it would establish significance. But it gives a fairly good indication.
Pardon, but aren't these those killer, hard-to-encode samples, and not real life music?
If yes, I'd like to see someone differentiate before mentioned aac and mp3 music, to see how they would fare. I'm old, tho, but in my ABX testings 15-20 years ago I couldn't tell a difference at bitrates above 160 kbit.

It might be time for organizing public ABX testing, we do have some new codecs.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Library Tree Discussion
Last post by anamorphic -
^ I already told you how to do that in your thread over here. More examples -

'...' menu > Quick setup > Covers [labels right]
'...' menu > Views > Configure views > Add new button
(to add views below)
'...' menu > Views > View by ... (switch to view)

View by Last Modified (Desc):
Code: [Select]
$nodisplay{$sub(99999999999999,$replace($date(%last_modified%),-,, ,,:,))}Modified: $date(%last_modified%)|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ]%title%

View by Last Added (Desc):
Code: [Select]
$nodisplay{$sub(99999999999999,$replace($date(%added%),-,, ,,:,))}Added: $date(%added%)|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ]%title%
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Spider Monkey Panel (foo_spider_monkey_panel)
Last post by Air KEN -
foobar2000 v2.24 preview 2024-10-04 64-bit
JSplitter (foo_uie_jsplitter) 2024-10-04
Library Tree v2.4.0

JS Playlist-mod
JS Smooth Broser

No problems when starting, playing or stopping (In my environment).

Spider Monkey (foo_spider_monkey_panel) You can also display Panels other than Script.

Japanese wiki Update