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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by oops -
Looks awesome Air KEN! Happy it keeps working for you because with the update I tried making the preset resolution code more international but don't have a machine with non-Latin characters to test on.

Thanks for the update, but it takes a long time to start loading. Looking at the console, it takes at least 6 seconds.
I see something similar during cold starts of foobar2000. I think this is just the OS loading the app to RAM from disk. If I close after opening and shortly thereafter open again the entire app comes up "instantaneously." Let me know if you think I'm mistaken.

After updating foo_vis_milk2, playing music will suddenly crash for an indeterminate amount of time, probably WebView related, my player never crashed before the update.
The component does not use WebView for anything. If you submit a dump after the crash I can look at it.

Thanks @oops
I also can confirm foobar crashes sometimes with the plug running, especially when a new track comes on.
I've fixed "WARNING #359: DEVICE_DRAW_INDEX_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" message. It came from the title message that might come up during track change if you have that option set in this newer version. If you disable the "Show title anims. when song changes" option then that might avoid the crashing temporarily (until I roll out an update).
Another update in this version on track change is the loading of the album art. Try to disable this if you enabled it--if you right click make sure that "Show Album Art" is grayed out or does not have a tick mark.
foobar2000 mobile / Music imported order
Last post by Stormydog -
I am using and older version of Foobar v117 or something. A little afraid of upgrading because I am using and older Samsung Galaxy S. My question is simple.

When I create a playlist on my computer and is ordered by me entering Disc #. I sort that and copy this sorted playlist onto my Samsung. When I open Foobar on my Samsung the songs are never in Disc # order.

I need to know what order is used in copying music playlist so I can determine how to get my sorted playlist be the saame as on my computer.

Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: SRLA: A lossless audio codec focused on decode speed and compression rate
Last post by Porcus -
So as they say, TAK starts where FLAC ends ... so let's compare your -m 0 with flac -8p, even if it surely is possible to jack up flac beyond subset.

I used the basic version without optimizations (I think that's comparable to flac? I used flac at 32-bit),
--no-checksum-check and flac with --no-md5, and I removed all metadata from .flac files.

11958618022 flac -8p, with all metadata removed, that is larger than srla:
11877862240 bytes for srla;  took 38 minutes to encode 38 CDs (to file), that is slower than flac.

Then decoding time, from SSD file to NUL:
243 seconds for srla
154 seconds for flac
Support - (fb2k) / Re: Playback DTS files as pass through.
Last post by iceberg168 -
Maybe I replied too late. But I hope it is still useful to somebody who is struggling with playing DTS through foobar200 V2.
Previously, I was using foobar200 V1.6 to paly my DTS audios without any problems, it sent the DTS as bitstream to my receiver without any touch and receiver can decode DTS successfully. Since I upgraded my V1.6 to V2, I cannot to play DTS anymore, since the well-known reason, the foobar2000 decode the DTS by default since version 2. Thanks to the dev team, as I saw this post and knew that there wss a new on/off toggle (Preferences -> Advanced -> Playback -> Enable additional decoding). But once I turn off the decoding, I still got the white noise from my receiver, until I change the output from SPDIF OUT to SPDIF OUT [exclusive]. Now I can use the V2 as the same way as V1.6.