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Topic: foo_openlyrics (not my release) (Read 58041 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #75
I've only been fiddling with this component for a very short while. I've been using LSP with Multi-source for a long time. I use Foobar to listen to online radio 99% of the time.

Some differences that I see:

1. If you open the panel after a track is already playing it doesn't do a search for the lyrics. It waits until a new song title is received (or, until you hit play again, for that stream, with the panel open).

2. It doesn't seem to have an option to show you from which site it downloaded the current lyrics (only shows website names when searching).

3. No "Next" option (in case the current lyrics aren't good).

4. I wish it had Songlyrics available as one of its sources (hard to find, un-synced lyrics). But, it works well as it is. Deezer and Minilyrics (working?) were popular, too.

5. Apparently, there's no way to select "Only (un)synced" lyrics. (Can you do that under "Source-specific options"?)

6. There doesn't seem to be a way to scroll down when an un-synced lyric is shown. You have to open the editor. Or, change "Automatic" to "Manual" under "Scroll type".

Overall, it works quite well. A good substitute for LSP + Multi-Source. I guess it's time to move on to this new component, for those of us who hadn't done so, yet.

Thanks a lot to the author!

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #76
Seems like this post by the dev needs repeating

I am aware of this thread but I almost never check it. If you'd like to report a bug or request a feature, please open a ticket on github. :)
::)  ::)

Just repeating again, if someone has suggestions, they would be more useful at github.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #77
No, I get it. I already knew he said he almost never checks. But, I'm commenting because some people have explicitly mentioned, here on this website, that they hadn't made the transition to this component because of the lack of support for online streams. I didn't know what to expect coming from LSP.

Also, I quoted him above: "* Add basic support for network music streams..."

I guess if he's interested in these features, at all, he's probably going to end up implementing most of the stuff available with the other comp. eventually, anyway. They are very similar.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #78
Misunderstood you! The dev had some discussion some days ago about not knowing which features were really being needed by users, so maybe if more people ask for things on github they get finally implemented.

1. If you open the panel after a track is already playing it doesn't do a search for the lyrics. It waits until a new song title is received (or, until you hit play again, for that stream, with the panel open).
That seems like a bug? It works fine on my side.

2. It doesn't seem to have an option to show you from which site it downloaded the current lyrics (only shows website names when searching).
Like an auto-edit new option adding the source?

3. No "Next" option (in case the current lyrics aren't good).

4. I wish it had Songlyrics available as one of its sources (hard to find, un-synced lyrics). But, it works well as it is. Deezer and Minilyrics (working?) were popular, too.

5. Apparently, there's no way to select "Only (un)synced" lyrics. (Can you do that under "Source-specific options"?)
It works for auto-saving though. Do you mean globally?

6. There doesn't seem to be a way to scroll down when an un-synced lyric is shown. You have to open the editor. Or, change "Automatic" to "Manual" under "Scroll type".
It's the same for synced lyrics. Automatic mode overrides any mouse action, which feels wrong, since you should be able to manually scroll too.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #79
Glad to see the addition of stream metadata searching in version 1.5!  My first impressions are that the searches are very fast, and all lyrics found so far were correct--though I did miss the ability to both see the source displayed, and to be able to "next" through other sources.  The supplied sources for streams are Genius, MusixMatch, AZLyrics, Dark Lyrics, QQMusic, and NetEase.  My vote would be to add SongLyrics, Deezer, and Metal Archives.  My own interests are only unsynced lyrics.

It should also have the ability to turn off automatic searching, as ESLyric has, to avoid collisions with the latter when both are installed.

If you are using 32-bit Foobar I don't see any reason to add this if you are already using the terrific Lyric Show Panel/foo_multisource plugin combo, but for 64-bit versions it is a welcome addition to the sometimes confusing ESLyric lyric plugin.

While I realize the developer has stated he almost never checks here vs. GitHub for user comments,  I don't understand why a plugin developed for a specific application would not want the majority of user/developer interaction in the official user forum of that application.  I don't even have an account at GitHub which is probably the same case for 90% of Foobar users.  Although I may acquire one now though  ;)

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #80
I'm new to displaying lyrics in foobar2000. I just downloaded this component. It seems great, I've been having fun with it!

The majority of music in my library is instrumental, so a lot of the time the panel will be redundant, nonetheless I'd like to keep it visible in my interface at all times so that I can use it more passively - this is necessary for fetching lyrics anyway. However, that results in Artist/Album/Title metadata being displayed, which I already have covered by an Item Details panel.

Would it be possible to add an option to disable these from being displayed/only display lyrics and lyric-fetching info?


Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #81
I'm new to displaying lyrics in foobar2000. I just downloaded this component. It seems great, I've been having fun with it!

The majority of music in my library is instrumental, so a lot of the time the panel will be redundant, nonetheless I'd like to keep it visible in my interface at all times so that I can use it more passively - this is necessary for fetching lyrics anyway. However, that results in Artist/Album/Title metadata being displayed, which I already have covered by an Item Details panel.

Would it be possible to add an option to disable these from being displayed/only display lyrics and lyric-fetching info?

Request it here.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #82
Hi :)

OpenLyrics 1.6 (2023-04-12)
foobar2000 v2.0 32bit 64bit

Dark Mode settings screen is not normal.
Columns UI, Default UI, 32bit 64bit

SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #83
The Musixmatch source seems to be no longer working in version 1.6.  Removing all other sources except Musixmatch never returns any results, despite the same tracks being found there with other applications like MusicBee's LyricsReloaded and Lyric Show Panel 3 with Multisource.  The authentication key is known working.  Shame to lose this from an already spare list of sources.  Can other users confirm?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #84
Why is that this so often doesn't work, then you search manually and bam!  Results.  Sometimes removing the album field helps.  Genius never works unless I shut off my VPN - which sucks, since they have a good selection.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #85
I am aware of this thread but I almost never check it. If you'd like to report a bug or request a feature, please open a ticket on github. :)
Just repeating again, if someone has suggestions, they would be more useful at github.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #86
Just repeating again, if someone has suggestions, they would be more useful at github.
I did post the Musixmatch bug at GitHub before posting here.  This forum is a lot more accessible with its discussion format when seeking comments from other users, whether the developer bothers with it or not.

Edit:  I can verify what KLR posted--results from Musixmatch ARE found if using manual searching, but are only being returned to the manual list with an album field included.  Results from Genius and AZLyrics show even with blank album fields, which in searches from radio streams is almost always the case (no album name).  Now if I can find time today to tie this all up into the formal Q/A/Example fields required at GitHub I will post it over there.  In the meantime, users should know that with radio streams no results will ever show from Musixmatch if doing automatic searches, only manual.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #87
Indeed there seems to be something wrong, I just let Musixmatch do a manual search to find lyrics that an auto-search (on the same track and nothing but that) did not find.
Said track had a Musixmatch lyric already, and most likely it was auto-retrieved. So ... maybe yes.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #88
I did post the Musixmatch bug at GitHub before posting here.  This forum is a lot more accessible with its discussion format when seeking comments from other users, whether the developer bothers with it or not.
Well, to be honest... it's the developer the one who can fix it XD I mean, we can talk anything we want here, but unless someone reports the problem to them it will never get fixed. So I think the communication channel choosen by the developer is in fact more relevant than the user's choice.

Also I don't fully agree with the forums being more helpful... but maybe it's me seeing things from the other side. Both formats have their drawbacks. Anyway if you opened the issue at github, then there is nothing more to say ;)

Hope it gets fixed.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #89
Indeed there seems to be something wrong, I just let Musixmatch do a manual search to find lyrics that an auto-search (on the same track and nothing but that) did not find.
Said track had a Musixmatch lyric already, and most likely it was auto-retrieved. So ... maybe yes.
Thanks for verifying this.  From my testing this is the only source that fails to react automatically.  Of course the Dark Lyrics site is so bereft of content it's almost like "not working"--agree with you 100% on the need for Metal Archives as a new source, and appreciate it that you posted in GitHub about it (and Bandcamp, another good one), hopefully that will be implemented soon.

I did add a console de-bug shot at the request of the developer over at GitHub about the Musixmatch issue today.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #90
No actually, I cannot confirm. Indeed, it finds that track in Musixmatch auto-search too - as long as I fix the album title.
Then I am not sure how it got into there in the first place.

But anyway:
Manual search is apparently broader. It can find the same song on a different album. Thus likely too it is less sensitive to spelling or "(special edition)" etc.

Reading your Github issue, it doesn't seem to answer your question, as you got it also in the "plain" album title?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #91
No actually, I cannot confirm. Indeed, it finds that track in Musixmatch auto-search too - as long as I fix the album title.
Then I am not sure how it got into there in the first place.
By "fix the album title", do you mean originally you had the wrong album title in the file?

My point is, it shouldn't be looking at the album title field AT ALL during auto-retrieval, which is how it handles the other sources except for Musixmatch.  If it actually did depend on album title being present/correct, people would never receive any results from radio stream metadata, which 99% of the time send only track title and artist.  Am using it right now with various SomaFM stations where poor Genius and AZLyrics are doing a fantastic job picking up all the slack.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #92
By "fix the album title", do you mean originally you had the wrong album title in the file?
Well not "wrong", but the song was on two different albums.

My point is, it shouldn't be looking at the album title field AT ALL during auto-retrieval, which is how it handles the other sources except for Musixmatch.
For synced lyrics, I beg to differ. Timestamps get wrong if you don't retrieve the correct version of the song.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #93
My point is, it shouldn't be looking at the album title field AT ALL during auto-retrieval, which is how it handles the other sources except for Musixmatch.
For synced lyrics, I beg to differ. Timestamps get wrong if you don't retrieve the correct version of the song.
Well, if Album Title is ever required in the search field, that will K-O any use of the plugin for radio stream lyrics, which as I mention do not include it.  Of course, that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good feature for SYLT fans to have it togglable when using on non-radio streams.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #94
Just a FYI I noticed just today when using the plugin:

The setting "Exclude text in brackets at the end of artist/album names and track titles (for internet searches)" will also exclude text in parentheses, not just brackets.  For example, when checked, an automatic (but not manual) search will not return the song Serpent (Black Sun) by Lapis Lazuli;  when unchecked, the lyrics from Genius are immediately returned.

I like the ability to toggle this so am not arguing for a change, just be aware that both () and [] are affected!

For those who don't read the GitHub site, the developer will be adding Metal Archives to the next release (thanks Porcus for bringing it up there) and also a fix for the issue affecting MusixMatch.  Many thanks to plugin creator Jacques Heunis for his continuing work.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #95
A very simple fix would be to merely fix the text. "Exclude text in parentheses/brackets [...]" - have you reported it?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #96
Nope didn't feel like bugging the guy while he's working on more important things.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #97
Hello folks, does anyone know if it is possible to save the lyrics in LRC format instead of TXT? I want this because ESLYRIC Desktop Lyric displays only LRC files.
So it happens that sometimes ESLYRIC fails to find lyrics for some songs but OpenLyrics manages to do so but the lyrics are saved in TXT format and they can not be displayed while playing the song.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #98
Version 1.7 was released today.  It has added Metal Archives as a source (YES!), but the rest remain as before for a total of seven (vs. 22 for the latest ESLyric).  Musixmatch searching has been fixed.  While seven sounds few nowadays, choosing Genius and AZLyrics along with Metal Archives and Musixmatch do not leave many lyrics unfound.  If Bandcamp and Song Lyrics had been included, part of the existing choices with ESLyric, it would have rounded it off perfectly.  Hopefully the developer will add those in the future but seeing as the last release was in April and the request process relies on what is (to me) an unnecessarily formal procedure on GitHub don't look for that to happen soon.

This release adds a background artwork feature where selected images or album covers can be used as a lyric backdrop, but I'll leave that for another to test right now.  Glad to see this FAST lyric grabber finally see a new release in any case.

Prior to show (and save) only synced lyrics

Reply #99
Hi there,

is there a way to show (and save) only synced lyrics.

On my 1.7 it shows always unsynced lyrics., In the manual search there are lots of synced ones.

thx bkh