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Topic: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus) (Read 182343 times) previous topic - next topic
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #100
Hi I have a question: Does this component save the playlists on its own or is there a menu in preferences where I can set up things?


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #101
Config is under Preferences>Advanced.
I have long forgotten what default is. Just make sure the word playlists is there under files and directories to backup

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #102
Thank you. It is there. Now I don't have to worry anymore about losing them without a reason.


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #103
Thank you for this component.
I'd like to make one backup every day but only after playback has stopped for 5 minutes. Is this possible?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #104
You could read the detailed documentation yirkha provides in the first post, or check the components options in preferences.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #105
I have read it and gone through the options but I haven't found a way to do it. So I'd like to know if I missed something or if it is impossible.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #106
In that case, can you tell us what trouble you are having. Your request seems simple, though I may not be understanding.

Trigger a backup after 5 minutes of stopped and keep only one [most recent]backup.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #107
Sorry for being unclear.
I want to keep several backups, not only the most recent one. For example 10 backups would be nice. This way I would have backups for the last 10 days. I want to make a backup approximately every 24 hours. But it has to be done after playback has stopped for 5 minutes because of the interface lag. Hence it would be OK if the backup is done after 26 hours in the unlikely case that I listen to foobar for more than 2 hours. I don't think this is currently possible with Autobackup.
I'd like to request an option like 'Don't backup more often than X minutes since last autosave' that has priority over the other rules. I would set it to 24 hours and combine it with the 'Autosave when playback stops, after X minutes' option.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #108
This looks like a great component and would love to try.  Does anyone know if a particular version works with Foobar  ?

I have a heavily customized Foobar config, and it took many hours to get specific component versions to play nicely each other and be 100% stable without crashing.    The thought of upgrading Foobar at this point doesn't appeal to me.

I tried foo_jesus v8 with no luck ('specified procedure could not be found').

I was thinking I would try v7 next, but haven't been able to locate it anywhere.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #109
This looks like a great component and would love to try. Does anyone know if a particular version works with Foobar ?

I have a heavily customized Foobar config, and it took many hours to get specific component versions to play nicely each other and be 100% stable without crashing. The thought of upgrading Foobar at this point doesn't appeal to me.

I tried foo_jesus v8 with no luck ('specified procedure could not be found').

I was thinking I would try v7 next, but haven't been able to locate it anywhere.

NM, it took some digging, but found a version that works, thanks!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #110
foo_jesus v8 works with

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #111
Where is this autobackup file stored? I have it at default setting but i can't find the folder.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #112
I believe the default directory is named autobackup. You should be able to find it with Shift>File>browse configuration folder

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #113
This .dll doesn't seem to be working for me. It fails on loadup.

Also, while im here. Foobar recently crashed and i lost all of my playlists.
I went into app data to try and restore them, but they are all empty when i load them into foobar. Can anyone help?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #114
Try using a system restore point prior to the crash if you can't find what you want in the install location.  I can't tell what is happening with your attempt to use the dll - please provide more details.  But I recommend you first try to recover what you can before trying to install this component, since installing this now will do nothing to recover what you've recently lost.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #115
Thanks for this component - a must have feature. 

My only observation/feedback is that, in general, it's not a good idea to leave restore procedures untried and untested and I think most people, myself incluced, probably won't get round to trying it out if it's a manual procedure.  The chances are, if things go terribly wrong, it'll be at the worst possible moment and the untried restore procedure will, like any first time task, take time to carry out. Would be good to see the restore procedure automated - perhaps made available in the hidden Menu items.  Being able to select the zip archive to unpack and restore from would be necessary. Ideally, restore could be carried on another instance of Foobar2000 for testing purposes.  This would also give a great facility to quickly build copy instances for messing around with (I suspect most problems in Foobar2000 are caused by users like me who try things out in their main instance of Foobar2000 - can be dangerous).

Good work!


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #116
I second the restore suggestion.  I'd also like to suggest the ability to add an absolute path (in addition to the path relative to %appdata%) to the files and directories to back up.  If this capability already exists, then any help in using it correctly is appreciated: I tried adding an absolute path to the latest version of this component but it was ignored.  I ensured that I separated the absolute path with ";"s  that I use to separate all items to be backed up.

An invaluable component - thanks!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #117
I've been getting fairly frequent crashes lately when foo_jesus is trying to do an autosave/autobackup. I get a 1KB zip file in the autobackup folder. It's only at home - when I'm at work (same foobar installation, but on my external drive, not internal), it seems to go fine.

Any ideas why? I've been submitting crash reports. I can post the whole thing, but for reference, it starts with:

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000006h, flags: 00000000h, address: 5A4C38A0h
Additional parameters: 00000008h 5A4C38A0h C0000008h

Call path:

Stack (0F8AFA10h):
0F8AF9F0h:  020C37E5 069A1F48 00000000 00000000
0F8AFA00h:  00010001 00000007 0013FA34 0013FBA0
0F8AFA10h:  0294121C 0F8AFA54 00000001 00000008
0F8AFA20h:  FFFFFFF1 00000008 00000000 029519A4
0F8AFA30h:  00000038 0F8AFA54 00000000 00000038
0F8AFA40h:  02964190 00000000 0295699C 077A87A8
0F8AFA50h:  02956990 00000000 00000000 00000000
0F8AFA60h:  140D0020 00100000 00000000 00000000
0F8AFA70h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0F8AFA80h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 140D0020
0F8AFA90h:  00100000 00000084 00000000 0F8AFAF8
0F8AFAA0h:  00000024 02956990 02964190 0295699C
0F8AFAB0h:  7C830674 029411A6 0F8AFBC4 0294E7D7
0F8AFAC0h:  FFFFFFFF 0F8AFBD0 029415AD 0295699C
0F8AFAD0h:  02964194 00002812 00000000 02956990
0F8AFAE0h:  0F8AFBE4 0F8AFBB4 0F8AFC04 003DB988
0F8AFAF0h:  02956990 00000004 0020000A 00000000
0F8AFB00h:  00180001 0E8D4E00 01CD505B 0E8D4E00
0F8AFB10h:  01CD505B 0E8D4E00 01CD505B 00000050
0F8AFB20h:  00000000 02962E40 02960000 02960198

EAX: 0F8AFA54, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 00000000
ESI: 0F8AFB8C, EDI: 0295699C, EBP: 0F8AFAC4, ESP: 0F8AFA10

Unable to identify crash location!
Symbol: "deflateInit2_" (+0h)

with recent events:

Code: [Select]
Recent events:
Properties dialog display refresh: 0:00.001375
Wave cache: finished analysis of "E:\Music\vcmg\Ssss\01 Lowly.mp3"
Wave cache: redundant request for "E:\Music\vcmg\Ssss\01 Lowly.mp3"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "E:\Music\vcmg\Ssss\02 Zaat.mp3"
Properties dialog refresh: 0:00.000425
Properties dialog display refresh: 0:00.002226
Watching: E:\Music
Properties dialog refresh: 0:00.000129
Properties dialog display refresh: 0:00.001431
Autosaving... (I)

Machine specifications:
OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 x86
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
Audio: Creative Sound Blaster PCI

So it must be when it's autosaving (set to be 5 minutes after music stops playing).

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #118
Sorry for being unclear.
I want to keep several backups, not only the most recent one. For example 10 backups would be nice. This way I would have backups for the last 10 days. I want to make a backup approximately every 24 hours. But it has to be done after playback has stopped for 5 minutes because of the interface lag. Hence it would be OK if the backup is done after 26 hours in the unlikely case that I listen to foobar for more than 2 hours. I don't think this is currently possible with Autobackup.
I'd like to request an option like 'Don't backup more often than X minutes since last autosave' that has priority over the other rules. I would set it to 24 hours and combine it with the 'Autosave when playback stops, after X minutes' option.

Hi, I d'like to do the same, and I was wondering if you managed to achieve this.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #119

I want to make a daily backup, but I couldn't understand how to set Jesus 10 correctly.

My current setting works only if I keep Foobar running all time (so every about 24h it makes a backup as expected), but if I terminate Foobar, also the Jesus time counter resets and the daily backup is missed.

Any suggestion on how to fix this problem?

Thanks and regards, Andrea

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #120
I lost all my playlists. Please help me

First of all, I'm posting here because I have foo_jesus installed which was suggested long ago to prevent/recover from things like this. Second, foobar did NOT crash. I had a bluescreen of death caused by World of Tanks while I was listening to music. Apparently foobar did not like that because when I started foobar back up after the system reboot, it said "cannot read file" and opened back up in a blank list.

^ screenshot (copy and paste) I tried loading an old theme since apparently It also ovewrote the "theme" file, and there's no previous versions for some reason

The playlists folder itself says there's no previous versions so I guess a restore is out of the question....which I find bizarre since I backup WEEKLY. Is it possible with foo_jesus to restore my playlists? There was a good few thousands song I had on a temporary playlist that I did not get around to saving. Manually finding each song on my system and adding them back would be very time consuming/difficult, but at least I didn't lose my actual files >.<. How do I do this?

I will love anyone that helps me resolve this. You will save me countless hours of work

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #121
you should be looking in your foobar profile folder for the zip files this component saves. you have to restore what files you want manually.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #122
The component's default folder where foo_jesus saves the backups, is \autobackup

If you have changed that setting you can check your current directory here: Preferences > Advanced > Autosave & Autobackup -> "Directory where to store the backup .zip files"

Per default, the playlists folder and the theme.fth are included in the backup.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #123
Not sure why I didn't get an email when you guys replied, pretty sure I enabled notifications.

Anyway, Thanks guys! I managed to fix it. I LOVE foo_jesus. seriously. You just saved me countless hours of work. Especially since Windows backup didnt even offer a restore point for some reason.

Apparently, the reason why I couldn't figure out how to work this on my own is because the last 2 of my backups were messed up. The last one was a backup of the NEW data, and the prior one that I tried initially was corruepted and could not be opened so I thought they were some special way to open it. I went back one and it all worked great. Than you so much. I'm glad I installed this last year. Increased the start-up back time to avoid accidently overwrites >.<. Now to figure out why WoT bluescreened me! Peace out guys. If there's a place to donate, I'll find it when I get some cash because you deserve it.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #124
One more quick question, I apologize. Is it possible to change the save location of the autobackup? I'd prefer to not be on the same harddrive just incase something happens. I do have Windows supposedly backing this up, but I like to have as many safe guards as possible.