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Which Windows-based audio player do you use most?

[ 199 ] (74.8%)
[ 9 ] (3.4%)
Winamp (and compatibles, ie. MediaMonkey, etc.)
[ 25 ] (9.4%)
XMPlay (and BASS derivatives, ie. 1by1, AIMP, Potplayer, etc.)
[ 5 ] (1.9%)
[ 0 ] (0%)
J River Media Centre
[ 7 ] (2.6%)
Windows Media Player
[ 1 ] (0.4%)
[ 5 ] (1.9%)
[ 3 ] (1.1%)
Other (Please mention which in a comment)
[ 12 ] (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 297

Topic: 2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll (Read 38197 times) previous topic - next topic
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2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

As discussed in that other thread, here is a new poll. The Unix variant will be out soon.

If you don't use a Windows-based audio player ever, submit a null vote.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #1
I voted null, as when I am in home, I use google music and when outside, my gnex with poweramp.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #2
foobar2000, and then Spotify.

Didn't include VLC as I do not use it to listen to audio-only. (I sometimes open audio files in it for checking a property or two, and ... well, listening so much that I can verify that «this is the right file», that isn't to me listening for the sake of listening.)

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #3
Seems strange that Mediamonkey and Winamp are the same selection. Apart from being able to share some plugins, they seem quite different to me.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #4
The other I listed in answer to second question is SqueezePlay.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #5
I now use Traktor quite a lot as a media player. It only costs E70 now.

It's particularly good with house and electronic music. In these genres individual tracks have been designed to be mixed and are too long to play end on end.

You can set Traktor up in auto mode. It works exactly like any other media player (I know Foobar, VLC  & Spotify) with the added bonus it can beatmatch and set cue/exit points on individual tracks for you if you do a little preliminary set up work. 

Ableton Live is similar. You can download free trial versions. Both are renowned for their user-friendlyness but Traktor is easiest to start with.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #6
foobar2000 first and foremost,  XMPlay or Potplayer secondly, for fun.
foobar2000, FLAC, and qAAC -V90
It just works people!

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #7
#1 Winamp.  I've tried to leave it so many times, but keep coming back.

#2 Foobar.  It's set to default for all audio.  It's quick to open just to hear one track on the spot.  I used to do the same with WMP6.4 back when.

And I think it's strange that Winamp and MediaMonkey are in same category too.  I've always been a Winamp fan, never cared for MediaMonkey, and I think MediaMonkey fans feel the same.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #8
I use foobar2000 to check stuff/replaygain etc but I don't listen to music on my PC, I use my Squeezebox.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #9
I use fb2k to see how it "does" or "handles" stuff. I use deadbeef for playback.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #10
The other one is MusiCHI, very nice for tagging classical

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #11
As discussed in that other thread, here is a new poll. The Unix variant will be out soon.

If you don't use a Windows-based audio player ever, submit a null vote.

This forum must be the worst possible place to get a representative sample.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #12
This forum must be the worst possible place to get a representative sample.
...unless my intent is to simply get a sample that is representative of this forum.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #13
I really don't understand why you didn't include the 2 mostly used DirectShow media players: Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and Zoom Player. You should've grouped them together with Windows Media Player as being DirectShow media players imho!

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #14
This is the first year I've run this sort of survey. Given the apparent popularity of dBpoweramp and J River, I'll probably remove one of them and replace it with something else next year. I was trying to hit as many bases as possible with this survey, but I'm not perfect.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #15
I really don't understand why you didn't include the 2 mostly used DirectShow media players: Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and Zoom Player. You should've grouped them together with Windows Media Player as being DirectShow media players imho!

But do people use these to listen to their music?

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #16
This is the first year I've run this sort of survey. Given the apparent popularity of dBpoweramp and J River, I'll probably remove one of them and replace it with something else next year. I was trying to hit as many bases as possible with this survey, but I'm not perfect. will give you a good idea of what is popular for windows and linux

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #18
I was thinking along the same lines as Garf.  But annual codec poll is no different.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #19
Have used MediaMonkey (for its library capabilities), f2000 (for its customizability), and XMPlay (for its size & portability) extensively.  But my current choice is MusicBee, which combines my personal favorite aspects of ALL of the above.  For someone who doesn't have time or capability to write lots of custom scripts but still wants great music managment plus decent control over the player, MB is worth a look.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #20
XMPlay, AIMP and Winamp.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #21
Foobar only! Is the best INMO.
Listening to music is the best pastime.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #22
Foobar.  Occasionally dbpoweramp.

WHatever happened to mozilla songbird?  It was too much of a memory hog to use regularly on my (at the time) 512 MB machine, but might be ok now.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #23
A combinaison of Mediamonkey for taging and classification, and MusicBee for playback.

2012 Windows Audio Player Usage Poll

Reply #24