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Topic: Reviewers Wanted (Read 2012 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reviewers Wanted

Hey folks,

We at MAAT GmbH make digital audio products mostly used by mastering engineers. We also make a few products, like DRMeter, DROffline MkII, MAATgo, and our equalizers, that are also loved by audio enthusiasts worldwide.

This is a pitch to all you connoisseurs out there who are curious about:

  • adding pristine tone control or system voicing to your signal chain
  • adding what pros call “monitor controls”

All our plug–ins are delivered in the cross–platform VST 2 & 3 formats, along with AU and AAX. That implies you already are using a plug–in host that recognizes one of those formats…

Interested? Give me a shout at oliver at our maat dot digital domain.

P.S. — Sorry about the woefully out of date signature. No matter what I’ve tried, I cannot get signature updates to “stick.”
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