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Topic: Opustags.exe? (Read 5018 times) previous topic - next topic
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Where I can find, how can I compile or can someone make opustags.exe?

The goal is to import tags from file, same way than "metaflac.exe --import-tags-from=Tags.txt" and "vorbiscomment.exe -a -c Tags.txt".

Long time ago, there was discussion about this same thing.
Do you remember what happened, @skamp or @Brazil2?

I have never compiled anything, so I probably need lots of help or a good and simple guide.

Or are there other similar Windows command line -tools I can use?

MOD edit: fix github link

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #1
According to the README, it requires a POSIX-compliant system so it won't work on Windows.

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #2
According to the README, it requires a POSIX-compliant system so it won't work on Windows.
I think it means that only compiling needs POSIX -system.
If so, I can use virtual machine.
Output should still be Windows compatible opustags.exe.

I still haven't found the solution to my first post, so any help or tips are welcome.
I read this forum sometimes and tell you if problem is solved.

Once again, the goal is to import tags to .opus -files from tags.txt -file, same way than ogg and flac does.
And with Windows command line.

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #3
You can build it using MSYS2 in the MSYS (Cygwin) environment, but you'll also have to build libogg from source.

Which I found out by building it myself. I think everything you need is included, but I haven't checked to see if it works.

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #4
Thanks @Octocontrabass
Now my problem is solved :)

For archiving purposes, this is what I have done.
If somebody knows better ways, you can tell it.
Especially, my importing tags from file -method might be "quick and dirty".

Flac to opus:
Code: [Select]
opusenc.exe --bitrate 256 --music --discard-comments --discard-pictures input.flac output.opus

Delete one tag from opus:
Code: [Select]
opustags.exe --in-place --delete ARTIST=Abc audio.opus

Delete all tags from opus:
Code: [Select]
opustags.exe --in-place --delete-all audio.opus

Add one tag to opus:
Code: [Select]
opustags.exe --in-place --add ARTIST=Abc audio.opus

Edit one tag at opus:
Code: [Select]
opustags.exe --in-place --set ARTIST=Abc audio.opus

Add tags from file to opus:
Code: [Select]
type tags.txt | opustags.exe --in-place --set-all --raw audio.opus

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #5
You can build it using MSYS2 in the MSYS (Cygwin) environment, but you'll also have to build libogg from source. Which I found out by building it myself. I think everything you need is included, but I haven't checked to see if it works.

I tried to compile it myself, but failed - I simply haven't been using MSYS2/Cygwin/... a lot lately. The release posted above is 1.6 which is lacking some vital bug fixes and cover picture support.

=> Can anyone please post a Windows binary of the latest opustags.exe, ie. 1.8 or more recent?


Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #6
The current version of opustags relies on at least two POSIX functions - getline() and mkstemps() - that haven't been implemented in Mingw-w64 yet, so I can't build a native Windows version under MSYS2.

I haven't yet tried building a Cygwin version under MSYS2...

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #7
The current version of opustags relies on at least two POSIX functions - getline() and mkstemps() - that haven't been implemented in Mingw-w64 yet, so I can't build a native Windows version under MSYS2. I haven't yet tried building a Cygwin version under MSYS2...

Right, I suspeced as much seeing how compilation failed. I guess a native Cygwin version could very well be possible (that's what I did with WebP because the MinGW version lacks some features), but I don't know when I'll have time to give it a try - so anyone, please be my guest :-)

In the meantime, I've added a bug ticket - even though no dev has to love or support Windows, it's an important platform nevertheless and not bing able to tag Opus files with the command line is a pity.

Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #8
And here's the Cygwin version. Like last time, it required building libogg from source.


Re: Opustags.exe?

Reply #9
And here's the Cygwin version. Like last time, it required building libogg from source.

Great, thanks a lot! I I'll stumble upon any regressions I'll report back, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.