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Topic: Cuetools DB Navigation (Read 2775 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cuetools DB Navigation

Hi all,

First time poster. I apologize if this has been convered before, I couldn’t find it if that’s the case. I’m trying to verify exactly which pressing of a CD a few rips I have are from. I get as far as entering the TOCID on the Cuetools DB site and seeing the results. After that, I’m lost. I can kind of guess my way through and hopefully see the pressing I think the rip is from, but I’m kind of shooting in the dark. Can anyone explain how to know which CTDB Id to click firstly, and then what on earth to do in the next screen? I don’t understand if the results brought up are ranked in any way as far as likelihood, what the number under the “Rel” column means, etc. Thanks a ton in advance!

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #1
Where are you getting the TOCID from? (CUETools, CUERipper, EAC log)

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #3
Well then you have CTDB ID(s) that match your rip as accurate. I'd start there.
As for the TOCID, I'd use
Code: [Select]
followed by your TOCID.
This will list the highest confidence (Cf) first. Navigation beyond the first 10 results is broken.

Relevance (Rel) is a ranking based on a fuzzy search. Likelihood to being correct although an exact match to the TOC was not found.
If (Rel) is blank the release matched the TOC.

Will continue below your reply

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #4

I’m with you so far.

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #5
MusicBrainz has a lot of entries that are missing TOC info. The fuzzy search info may be helpful if this is the case.

I did this quick so a bit sloppy but should give you an idea what some of the info in the upper left is.


Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #6

Great! Thank you; that’s starting to clarify things. I’m totally lost as to why there can be multiple releases listed in the bottom pane. I thought the TOCID was supposed to provide you the exact version your rip matched. Are they listed in any kind of order of likelihood of being the “one” your rip is from? Is “Rel” and the corresponding number relevance?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #7
I answered part in Reply#3.
You can manipulate the XML results.
But it might be easier to follow the MusicBrainz link.

TOC info can overlap on MusicBrainz with multiple releases having the same TOC. The above MusicBrainz link has 5 releases that match the TOC but there may be even more where the TOC info is missing.

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #8

What I’ve been doing is going to the Musicbrainz link and then out to Discogs from there since I used their data for tagging. I guess I should ignore all the results at the bottom and just use the upper left Musicbrainz link?

Let me clarify a bit. I’m trying to work through rips of the original 1980’s RCA release of Bowie’s catalog. Most of these have two releases; a US and a Europe. Am I being too hopeful that I can use the TOCID to differentiate which specific release the tracks are being seen as accurate against?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #9
In the example I've been using, the first five releases at the bottom, the 5 releases in the restricted XML and the 5 releases in the MusicBrainz link are the same.

Your choice if it is easier to use the individual release links at the bottom or the combined info in the upper left MusicBrainz link.
Without the original barcode or label info, you are relying on whether or not the TOC info is in an external database and how many releases match the TOC. In the end you will still be making your best guess which one is a match to your rip.

Edit: The CTDB does not track and store the original barcode or label info from rips submitted. What information does the database contain per each CD?

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #10
Got it. Is it accurate to say that if an individual release is shown at the bottom, the chances of that being the correct one are equal to any other release shown at the bottom?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #11
No. Releases with confirmed TOC matches would be more likely than the fuzzy search matches. Fuzzy search matches are ranked by relevance.

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #12
Sorry if I’m being thick, haha. A confirmed TOC match is if I go to Musicbrainz from the upper left link and it’s a specific release rather than a general master release page?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #13
The releases on Musicbrainz from the upper left link have a match to the TOC
If (Rel) is blank the release matched the TOC.
and should be the same MusicBrainz releases shown at the bottom where (Rel) is blank.

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #14
And if there are no blank matches, should I go with the highest or lowest number under relevance?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #15
Also, why is the CTDBID shown as "accurately ripped" in the CueTools log not always a choice after entering the TOCID on CueTools DB?

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Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #16
Newest submission/confirmation first and decending1
Code: [Select] 

Highest confidence first and decending1
Code: [Select] 

1: Navigation beyond the first 10 results is broken

And if there are no blank matches, should I go with the highest or lowest number under relevance?
Relevance is scored with the highest value of 100 (most relevant) and lowest of 0 (least relevant).

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #17

This has been so immensely helpful and exactly what I needed to know to nail down a workflow - thanks so much.

Last question, I'm out of luck as far as identifying if the rip isn't available in AccurateRip DB, correct? I know I am in this scenario, just didn't know if there was another approach people use.

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #18
A rip can exist in the CUETools Database (CTDB) and not exist in the AccurateRip Database and vice versa. They are separate databases.

If at least one rip has not been submitted to the CTDB under a particular TOCID then you won't be able to use the CTDB for release/metadata.

However if at least one rip was submitted under a TOCID but no release/metadata exists, you may still find something using the upper left Musicbrainz link. There's currently an issue preventing CTDB from updating new changes on Musicbrainz. Hopefully @Gregory S. Chudov will get this fixed.

I ripped 3 different releases this week that showed accurate on CTDB and had a matching TOC on MusicBrainz but no MusicBrainz metadata stored in the CTDB.

Re: Cuetools DB Navigation

Reply #19
A rip can exist in the CUETools Database (CTDB) and not exist in the AccurateRip Database and vice versa. They are separate databases.

If at least one rip has not been submitted to the CTDB under a particular TOCID then you won't be able to use the CTDB for release/metadata.

However if at least one rip was submitted under a TOCID but no release/metadata exists, you may still find something using the upper left Musicbrainz link. There's currently an issue preventing CTDB from updating new changes on Musicbrainz. Hopefully @Gregory S. Chudov will get this fixed.

I ripped 3 different releases this week that showed accurate on CTDB and had a matching TOC on MusicBrainz but no MusicBrainz metadata stored in the CTDB.

I have a few items where no accuruip or CTDB disk was found, so that confirms what I thought.

Thanks again for all of your help, I really appreciate it. It feels good to find direct answers to very specific questions online.