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Topic: greedy search in "automaticallt fill values..." (Read 1030 times) previous topic - next topic
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greedy search in "automaticallt fill values..."

Is it possible to do a kind of greedy matching in foobar2000?
In the example below I would like to extract what is in the last parentheses but it matches the first one and ignores the rest.
Some regex would be great...


Re: greedy search in "automaticallt fill values..."

Reply #1
Good idea, the current behavior is indeed wrong, noted.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: greedy search in "automaticallt fill values..."

Reply #2
Since there is no solution so far, I figured you could use two steps -

1) 'Automatically Fill Values...' as you were using -

Code: [Select]
%temp1% (%temp2%) (%temp2%)

That should fill in %temp2% correctly (why not use %movement% tag?), except the first set of tracks will have an extra ')' at the end. Which you could then remove with -

2) right-click TEMP2 field > 'Format From Other Fields...' and enter -

Code: [Select]

^ Possibly an overly long string for the job but you get the idea - and check everything looks correct before hitting Apply to write the tags.



Re: greedy search in "automaticallt fill values..."

Reply #3
Changed in beta 17.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.