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Topic: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app? (Read 4269 times) previous topic - next topic
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Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

I heard that Spotify switched to AAC from VORBIS. The updated version of their app sounds great, even on the free plans.
The version I'm using right now is Spotify (Android).
If they're using AAC. Which encoder could they use to encode files?
I'm pretty sure it can't be QAAC.

Can anyone give me a clear understanding? I'm just trying to figure it out. Because I have an offline library to encode.

Re: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

Reply #1
You don't really have to use the same codec and settings that Spotify uses. It's always going to be better to find something that feeds your needs, and your device.

You may be storage limited, or you may have storage to spare. And that can cause you to go with more compression, or on the other extreme, lossless.

Device support is also a thing, but current devices have less of an issue with this.

Re: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

Reply #2
The only thing I found is a confirmation that they seem to be using AAC exclusively:

Usually, companies don't publish which media encoders they are using internally, so I guess only a Spotify spokesperson can tell us.

If I don't reply to your reply, it means I agree with you.

Re: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

Reply #3
According to , they use:
* Ogg/Vorbis (96, 160, 320 kbps)
* AAC (128, 256 kbps)
* HE-AACv2 (24kbps)

The only thing I found is a confirmation that they seem to be using AAC exclusively:
That one specifies AAC for the web player, and is silent on what format is used in the other clients.

I take it that AAC is the way they can get DRM into the web player?

Re: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

Reply #4
That one specifies AAC for the web player, and is silent on what format is used in the other clients.
You're right, I misread that table.

If I don't reply to your reply, it means I agree with you.

Re: Which codec Spotify started using on their latest mobile app?

Reply #5
Why do you take a different path than the one suggested by the forum? In my opinion Spotify from the web relies on the format it finds and if a podcast is provided in mp3, you will receive it in the same format.

According to their table they would use HE-AAC at 24kpbs but I hate this choice and I can't hear the artifacts of this format, at least on the few podcasts I have heard.