I've been searching for what's available on the net for playing musepack files in Winamp. Here's a detailed note:
MPEGplus plugin - Version: v1.7.9d
Year 2001
Original Andree Buschmann Plugin.
Only plays mp+ files (SV4..SV7).
Is able to play files made with the latest version of the SV7 encoder but requires mp+ extension.
Works in Xmplay and Winamp 5 (yes, really!)
No source code
Config with: Equalizer. No replaygain. no title settings.
Musepack plugin - Version 0.98:
Year 2003
Klemm's plugin, courtesy of the wayback machine (Is version 0.99 downloadable anywhere?).
Plays SV4..SV7 formats with mp+, mpp and mpc extension
Works in Xmplay. Crashes Winamp 5.
The original source is not available.
Supposedly, it was here: [url=http://web.archive.org/web/20070304042619/http://miksha.italy.com/]http://web.archive.org/web/20070304042619/...ksha.italy.com/[/url] ,
but the files in there where not saved by archive.org, and google doesn't know about src_mpc_winamp.zip
XMMS source is available. The latter was based on the former's source but doesn't share much in common:
Config with: Equalizer, replaygain and title settings
Winamp forum DJ Eggs beta 1.0:
[url=http://meggamusic.co.uk/winamp/mpc/in_mpc.exe]http://meggamusic.co.uk/winamp/mpc/in_mpc.exe[/url] or
Year 2007 (updated file is from 2009).
DJ Egg's plugin based off of Musepack's plugin 0.99g sources.
Plays SV4..SV7 formats with mp+, mpp and mpc extension
Works in Xmplay and is more compatible with newer Winamp versions.
Note: Requires the nscrt.dll to be copied in the exe's directory!
No public source code. Supposedly, he got it from here:
[url=http://web.archive.org/web/20070304042619/http://miksha.italy.com/]http://web.archive.org/web/20070304042619/...ksha.italy.com/[/url] ,
but the files in there where not saved by archive.org, and google doesn't know about src_mpc_winamp.zip
Config with: no equalizer (uses winamp's), no replaygain (uses winamp's??). title settings unneeded (uses winamp's settings).
Musepack's unfinished "T" version:
Year 2007.
Based on new sources.
Plays SV4?..SV8 formats with mp+ and mpc extension (doesn't report mpp extension).
It loads in Xmplay and Winamp 5, but does not work. Sound skips constantly. Not up-to-date to new winamp features.
source code available here: [url=http://svn.musepack.net/winamp-musepack/trunk/]http://svn.musepack.net/winamp-musepack/trunk/[/url] .
Compiling the plugin from these sources causes exactly the same skipping sound.
Probably the problem is some interaction with libmpdec.
No configuration.
So far, I've been able to compile and run the unfinished "T" version showing the same problems than the zipped one. I will try in the following days to fix the audio skipping. If that is possible, then we will see if it's worth more effort (since there is the directshow codecs, foobar vlc and other portables support it).