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Topic: Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00 (Read 28796 times) previous topic - next topic
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Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Still no Winamp mpc plugin? I know I can use Foobar2000 or whatever, but it's remarkable that there's no mpc plugin that works with Winamp... Anyone?
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #1
Are you kidding?? there has always been a winamp MPC plugin!!!

It's been a while since I've last used winamp (and or mpc), but here's a link to a version of it:

Mmmmmm.. Although I see it's not linked from the site...

Ok, forget that link. I don't know why it's so hidden in the site, but the link is here:  ->

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #2
Thanks! That was another version of the plugin, one I haven't seen so far  But it's the same thing, the mpc-file won't play. Am I doing something wrong? I have encoded with Fb2k 1.2.9. Winamp recognizes the id tag, but the file length is 0:00. The same happens when encoding with Musedrop. Crap...
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #3
Thanks! That was another version of the plugin, one I haven't seen so far  But it's the same thing, the mpc-file won't play. Am I doing something wrong? I have encoded with Fb2k 1.2.9. Winamp recognizes the id tag, but the file length is 0:00. The same happens when encoding with Musedrop. Crap...

Are you sure you are using the plugin from the link JAZ provided?
I have two versions of Winamp (which I don't use anymore), 2.95 and 5.6.4, both playing Musepack sv7 and sv8 with no problems.
I've also experimented with FFSoX plugin (which do not recognize the bitrate and Replaygain) and DShow plugin with Monogram's DS filters (can be downloaded from as well), no any problem with playback.

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #4
Thanks! That was another version of the plugin, one I haven't seen so far  But it's the same thing, the mpc-file won't play. Am I doing something wrong? I have encoded with Fb2k 1.2.9. Winamp recognizes the id tag, but the file length is 0:00. The same happens when encoding with Musedrop. Crap...

Are you sure you are using the plugin from the link JAZ provided?
I have two versions of Winamp (which I don't use anymore), 2.95 and 5.6.4, both playing Musepack sv7 and sv8 with no problems.
I've also experimented with FFSoX plugin (which do not recognize the bitrate and Replaygain) and DShow plugin with Monogram's DS filters (can be downloaded from as well), no any problem with playback.

Quite positive. I have been scouring the Internet for plugins and I have tried the 0.98 and 0.99 and also the 1.0 beta. Neither worked. When I got my hands on this one I was pretty sure my problem was solved. But no.

What's more, I sometimes use the tiny player 1by1 with the Winamp plugin, but with this plugin, the mpc-files don't even show up in the player window... Strange. With the older plugins, 1by1 detected the tunes but cried out "intensity stereo is not used now, please change..." or something like that.

So what the heck am I doing wrong? You guys seem to get it to work. I can't think of anything, it's basically a one-click process with fb2k. I use the encoder from the Musepack site.

//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #5
When you go to Options->Preferences->Plug-ins->Input and double-click on 'Musepack Winamp Plugin', what message pops up?

Edit: Maybe you can upload some of your files, e.g. on Mediafire, and PM me the link? I'm just curious what will I get.

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #6
When you go to Options->Preferences->Plug-ins->Input and double-click on 'Musepack Winamp Plugin', what message pops up?

Edit: Maybe you can upload some of your files, e.g. on Mediafire, and PM me the link? I'm just curious what will I get.

This is odd, it says "NOT LOADED" next to the in_mpc.dll in the aforementioned directory. I've got the latest stable Winamp version (5.65).
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #7
I even tried a few old mpc's, SV7, but Winamp whimpered out, still showing file length 0:00. So it's got to be the plugin. Or Winamp. Or both. Or me.
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #8
It seems the plugin requires the c++ runtimes version 7.1, and it seems they weren't available as a separated download from microsoft.

But said that, it seems this plugin also doesn't work. On my laptop, with SV7 and SV8 files,and both, with Winamp and xmplay, the playback hangs constantly (i.e. there's no continuous sound).

The source code is located here , so i'll try building it with something a bit newer and see what happens..

As for your problems of displaying time 0:00 but still not working, could it be that you have the MPC directshow filter installed, and winamp tries to use the winamp directshow plugin?

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #9
About the MPC directshow filter, that's nothing I've actively installed, afaik. I just downloaded the package from But other than that, I have no idea.

I read some old threads about Winamp not really being able to play back the SV8 files correctly. The Winamp devs wanted the mpc devs to fix the plugin, at the same time as the mpc devs wanting the Winamp devs to make Winamp play back mpc files natively.
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #11
I've been searching for what's available on the net for playing musepack files in Winamp. Here's a detailed note:

Code: [Select]
MPEGplus plugin - Version: v1.7.9d
Year 2001
Original Andree Buschmann Plugin.
Only plays mp+ files (SV4..SV7).
    Is able to play files made with the latest version of the SV7 encoder but requires mp+ extension.
Works in Xmplay and Winamp 5 (yes, really!)
No source code
Config with: Equalizer. No replaygain. no title settings.

Musepack plugin - Version 0.98:
Year 2003
Klemm's plugin, courtesy of the wayback machine (Is version 0.99 downloadable anywhere?).
Plays SV4..SV7 formats with mp+, mpp and mpc extension
Works in Xmplay. Crashes Winamp 5.
The original source is not available.
    Supposedly, it was here: [url=][/url] ,
    but the files in there where not saved by, and google doesn't know about
    XMMS source is available. The latter was based on the former's source but doesn't share much in common:
Config with: Equalizer, replaygain and title settings

Winamp forum DJ Eggs beta 1.0: 
    [url=][/url] or
Year 2007 (updated file is from 2009).
DJ Egg's plugin based off of Musepack's plugin 0.99g sources.
Plays SV4..SV7 formats with mp+, mpp and mpc extension
Works in Xmplay and is more compatible with newer Winamp versions.
    Note: Requires the nscrt.dll to be copied in the exe's directory!
No public source code. Supposedly, he got it from here:
  [url=][/url] ,
    but the files in there where not saved by, and google doesn't know about
Config with: no equalizer (uses winamp's), no replaygain (uses winamp's??). title settings unneeded (uses winamp's settings).

Musepack's unfinished "T" version:
Year 2007.
Based on new sources.
Plays SV4?..SV8 formats with mp+ and mpc extension (doesn't report mpp extension).
It loads in Xmplay and Winamp 5, but does not work. Sound skips constantly. Not up-to-date to new winamp features.
source code available here: [url=][/url] .
    Compiling the plugin from these sources causes exactly the same skipping sound.
    Probably the problem is some interaction with libmpdec.
No configuration.

So far, I've been able to compile and run the unfinished "T" version showing the same problems than the zipped one. I will try in the following days to fix the audio skipping. If that is possible, then we will see if it's worth more effort (since there is the directshow codecs, foobar vlc and other portables support it).

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #12

It seems the plugin requires the c++ runtimes version 7.1, and it seems they weren't available as a separated download from microsoft.

Then it would be quite easy for fixing, DigitalDictator just have to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86), I believe.

After installing the c++ whatever I tried four different plugins, and what do you know, I got the last one to work with Winamp, but only with the SV7 encodes. I'm not sure which one it was, but it comes as an exe-program you have to install. 1by1 however, didn't want to have anything to do with it, as the mpc-files weren't even detected, SV7 as well as SV8.
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #13
the exe one contains two dlls. in_mpc.dll goes into the plugins dir, and the nscrt.dll goes into the player .exe dir.
I explained that in the "works with" section. (and btw, it's not the last in that four entries list  ).

The only hopes for SV8 is that I (or someone else) fixes the one.

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #14
Good news (sort of):

I remembered I had once seen the in_mpc sources, and launched my old PC to find them. They are the sources of version 0.96 (not too new, but not too old either).
Also, I took some time to open the old cd's to locate different versions of the musepack plugin.

I've packed it here:

- in_mpc.dll: (Jan 2002) Version 0.90e of the musepack versions. Still from Buschmann. With replaygain support already. Crashes xmplay and winamp 5, but does work in winamp 2.95.
- in_mpc.exe: (January 2003) Version 0.98. Already with contributions by Frank Klemm and Peter Pawlowski  works in xmplay and winamp
- in_mpc_0.99d.exe: (Sep 2003) Version 0.99d. works in xmplay and winamp
- in_mpc_0.99f.exe: (Aug 2004) Version 0.99f. works in xmplay and winamp.
- (Jul 2002)Version 0.96 for spanish. works in xmplay and winamp 2.95 but crashes winamp 5.
- (Jul 2002): Sources of the version 0.96
- in_mpp-plugin.exe: (May 2001): Version 1.7.9f, from Buschmann. This version supports .mpc extension.
- winamp295rc_std.exe (June 2003): Bonus. Winamp 2.95.

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #15
I had the same problems using the newest SV8 in_mpc.dll plugin from the musepack homepage. It always said: not loaded.

Then i tried a portable winamp version 5.5. This version gave out messages, what files are missing. It needs 2 files in the win7 system folder to work.
These two files are: msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll.

If you have a 64bit Win7, they have to be located in the SysWOW64 folder.

They are a part of Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 runtime. Maybe you can install Microsoft® .NET Framework to solve the problem.
I did not need to install Microsoft® .NET Framework, for me it worked just to copy these 2 files in the SysWOW64 folder.
Sorry for my bad english.

Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #16
for VC 2003 runtime, ( as well as 2002 and the older 6.0) it is enough to put them on the folder where the .exe file is. (newer runtimes require a manifest to work this way).


Re: Winamp MPC plugin shows file length as 0:00

Reply #17
Still no Winamp mpc plugin? I know I can use Foobar2000 or whatever, but it's remarkable that there's no mpc plugin that works with Winamp... Anyone?
Just use qmmp with Winamp skins enabled; qmmp plays back Musepack (SV8) just fine and has most features and functionality of Winamp, including full support for Winamp 2.x skins. Winamp shouldn't be used today as it happens to be abandonware, and Winamp being closed source software, means it's basically a dead audio player, whereas qmmp is open source and still maintained, and if the qmmp developers abandon qmmp, someone else can always fork qmmp and continue the project.
Codec enthusiast!