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Topic: M4a fles from iTunes not gaples with gonemad music player (Read 4938 times) previous topic - next topic
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M4a fles from iTunes not gaples with gonemad music player

my favourite Android Player is gonemad music player, as it does everything exactly the way I want it.
I only have one problem with it.
I have bought some allbums at the iTunes store. These are aac files with the ending m4a. These are not played gapless without glitches and cut the very beginning of the songs.
The dev of gonemad wrote me

"at some point itunes stopped properly writing the gapless tags to its  mp3 files (and i assumed they did the same to m4a).  i know exactly what  they are doing but GMMP's audioengine is coded to handle correct values  for the encoder delay and the zero padding at the end.  Apple decided  to add an additional number into their values before writing to the tags  making the encoder delay tag not just the encoder delay, but also  another delay which throws off gmmp's calculations and it will end up  cutting too much.  This is not going to be looked at until 2.1 with all  the other audioengine work that is planned

properly tagged m4a is gapless.. i dont know at what point itunes started doing this"

My question: can I somehow fix these files without transcoding them ?


M4a fles from iTunes not gaples with gonemad music player

Reply #1
Somebody needs to read further into the iTunSMPB field and how it works. There is at least one topic on the subject of iTunSMPB on this forum, which may be useful. That applies to MP3 as well, as they use COMM frames with the description of "iTunSMPB" that contains similar fields.

Total samples in original stream, encoder delay, and padding which includes the decoder delay.

M4a fles from iTunes not gaples with gonemad music player

Reply #2
"at some point itunes stopped properly writing the gapless tags to its  mp3 files (and i assumed they did the same to m4a).  i know exactly what  they are doing but GMMP's audioengine is coded to handle correct values  for the encoder delay and the zero padding at the end.  Apple decided  to add an additional number into their values before writing to the tags  making the encoder delay tag not just the encoder delay, but also  another delay which throws off gmmp's calculations and it will end up  cutting too much.

I've never heard of it, but if it is true, then everything other than Apple's new products should not be able to play your files gaplessly.
If, for example, fb2k can play your files fine, then it is bullshit.