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Topic: Flac (or .ogg) - iTunes - Help! What am I doing wrong ?!?! (Read 12212 times) previous topic - next topic
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Flac (or .ogg) - iTunes - Help! What am I doing wrong ?!?!

I've downloaded and installed  and done these steps
(Running Windows XP SP2 - iTunes (latest) )

!Win32 Installation

Copy XiphQT.qtx file to the 'QTComponents' sub-folder of your base QuickTime installation directory. Typically it means:

C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTComponents

You may need to create the 'QTComponents' folder if it doesn't already exist in your QuickTime installation.


So how do play flac or ogg files ? If I try to 'add file to library' the .ogg file doesn't show up.  Am I missing a step ? There's something stupid I am not doing. I'm sure I;ve had Itunes play .ogg before though I can't find an older version of the plugin.

Flac (or .ogg) - iTunes - Help! What am I doing wrong ?!?!

Reply #1
[quote name='meltsheep' date='Oct 28 2006, 00:52' post='444679']
I've downloaded and installed  and done these steps

REBOOT ! That seemed to work. :-( If only Itunes was ported to Linux.... Windows is so annoying.

No I can play .ogg and .flac in iTunes I'm a lot happier.

Flac (or .ogg) - iTunes - Help! What am I doing wrong ?!?!

Reply #2
[quote name='meltsheep' date='Oct 28 2006, 02:08' post='444692']
[quote name='meltsheep' date='Oct 28 2006, 00:52' post='444679']
I've downloaded and installed  and done these steps

REBOOT ! That seemed to work. :-( If only Itunes was ported to Linux.... Windows is so annoying.

No I can play .ogg and .flac in iTunes I'm a lot happier.

Of course, another problem, I can't stream Flac to Airport Express. I thought the Flac plugin for Itunes decoded Flac to WAV ?!