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Scientific Discussion / Re: AudioWorklet-based filter bank spectrum analyzer
Last post by TF3RDL -
New update: Added a feature to decouple amplitude scaling of spectrogram from spectrum display (which is especially for combined spectrum/spectrogram)

BTW, the spectrogram scrolling speed (determined by "hop size") only works when "Apply time smoothing during processing" is turned on
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by marc2k3 -
3.8.0 fixes a whole bunch of Text Display / vertical alignment bugs when there is enough text to require scrolling. Scenarios like the post above where centre/bottom alignment is selected should now display properly without having to force top alignment.

As you might guess, existing users need to update Text Display scripts in panels. (rating and button/seekbar variants too)

Although this is a fairly minor release, I wanted to bump the version and leave 3.7.x behind as it was a bug riddled mess.  I'm sure this comment will come back and bite me soon enough. :))
MPC / Re: Musepack highest possible "singled-out" bitrate
Last post by -
Btw that's a link to SV7 spec, which is not the latest. But it must be the same in SV8, or else lossless conversion sv7->8 wouldn't be possible.
Also isn't it cool how so many parameters are adjustable? If you find a sample that really bothers you, it could be possible to find a specific knob that might make it transparent for relatively cheap bitrate-wise.
Assuming you don't accidentally break the math somewhere if there are some edge cases.

Actually a TOTAL transparency bitrate usually isn't above ≈320kbps. Hard samples can sometimes go above ≈400kbps.
You just need to play with TMN/NMT and LTQ in Q6/7.

I mean this for very high quality, where Vorbis and AAC aren't still good enough, but the three are quite transparent to the ear. I just propose so high bitrate to retain as details as possible without using a lossless codec. That's the real purpose of Musepack, and sadly it doesn't support Multichannel, otherwise it would be a quite good alternative to the DTS/AC3 codecs. :-\

And... yes, is pretty cool that Musepack is flexible, you can adjust the options as you want. Anyway, it's only useful above 160kbps, below that bitrate other codecs are much better. Below 100kbps Musepack quality is seriously a huge problem.

Two additional notes:
A "problem" is that Musepack is quite unpredictable... or for make it clear, it's too variable depending what's the material to encode, you can check it with some samples posted here and there in HydrogenAudio. So, maybe you will need to have a set of some "transparent" presets to choose the best for some files.
The other problem is that Musepack is poor for pure tones, as Opus. Isn't an important problem for real things (music, voice, etc), but I let it as a small notice.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Help with Syntax for Masstagger
Last post by where -
If year is always last thing in the tag/value, could simply use -

Code: [Select]

Edit: Not sure if your tag is multi-value?

Well this is a humorous turn of events, I actually figured it out by using this EXACT same function shortly after posting this!
Combed through the Title Formatting Reference page on the Hydrogen Audio wiki and couldn't believe how simple of a solution it was. And most importantly, it's unbreakable (as long as you always put the year last in the Venue tag).

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond and offer solutions, you've been a great help!


MPC / Re: Musepack highest possible "singled-out" bitrate
Last post by magicgoose -
Btw that's a link to SV7 spec, which is not the latest. But it must be the same in SV8, or else lossless conversion sv7->8 wouldn't be possible.
Also isn't it cool how so many parameters are adjustable? If you find a sample that really bothers you, it could be possible to find a specific knob that might make it transparent for relatively cheap bitrate-wise.
Assuming you don't accidentally break the math somewhere if there are some edge cases.
MPC / Re: Musepack highest possible "singled-out" bitrate
Last post by Octocontrabass -
Care to expand on it, please? Or just point me out to further reading, if you will.
Most audio codecs - including Musepack - encode multiple samples in each frame, and they do it in a way that makes it impossible to decode individual samples without decoding the entire frame, so you can't really measure bitrate on units smaller than whole frames.

Musepack encodes 1152 samples in each frame. With a 44.1kHz sample rate, that means about 38.3 frames per second.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by pqyt -
According to the crash reports, Multi-source lyrics 0.56 seems to be one of the causes of the crash.
I understand that. A similar issue was recently resolved for another plugin, Quick Search Toolbar. It had similar symptoms.
So I hope pqyt will have some motivation and ideas on how to fix it.
What does foo_multisource do? I would like to believe @Airken that it has something to do with the crash but frankly I don't understand the stack dump. It looks like a deadlock.
General Audio / Re: Downsampling 192/96 to 48 kHz - best SoX setting?
Last post by Porcus -
Does this guard against clipping?
Potential problem arising: you don't want volume changes across track transitions.

Also, if you want to save space:
I would be surprised if all your 192 tracks are 16 bits only. You can decimate off quite a lot of noise in the lower bits, and guard against clipping at the same time by reducing volume.
Relevant thread:,125718.25.html
MPC / Re: Musepack highest possible "singled-out" bitrate
Last post by guruboolez -
got me curious about Musepack's theoretical maximum bitrate for 16-bit, 44.1-kHz stereo audio. It’s not limited to PCM's 1,411 Kbps ceiling, right?

According to Andree Buschmann (Musepack first developer) in former FAQ:

What are the minimum and the maximum bitrates supported by mp+/mpc?
The encoder can theoretically use bitrates up to 1.32 MBit/sec. Normally such high bitrate will not occure. The minimum bitrate is used for zero-samples and will reach about 3.4 kbit/s.
