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Topic: Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar (Read 7974 times) previous topic - next topic
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Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

I have a bunch of music tracks from various groups playing their concerts.  I have converted the fiels to MP3 so that I can organize the concerts in different folders, for example con1, con2, con3, etc.  Now, when I bring the files into Foobar, they all come in (I guess) without any of the folders.  Finally, I owuld like to write all these MP3's in different folders to a CD.  Since these are mostly music from live concerts, the tracks need to be gapless.  I tried to write the cd with the foobar by right-clicking the files and choose Convert -> Write Audio CD... and in the dialog box I chose all the defaults (inluding Gapless).  However, when I created the CD, all the files came in in a CDA format (which I think makes sense for audio CD).  Now, my question:  Is it possible to have foobar write a gapless MP3 CD with the folders intact?  Thank you.

Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #1
You want to write a data CD, not an audio CD. foobar2000 cannot do that, you need to use another program which can burn data CDs. I'd recommend ImgBurn, but any software will do. Whether the files will be played gaplessly on the target device depends on whether the files include gapless info (such as added by LAME), and whether the player can interpret it. If gapless playback is important to you, MP3 is a bad choice, though, because of the aforementioned problems. Most software players should play MP3 gaplessly by now, but with hardware players you can never know until you try.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #2
You want to write a data CD, not an audio CD. foobar2000 cannot do that, you need to use another program which can burn data CDs. I'd recommend ImgBurn, but any software will do. Whether the files will be played gaplessly on the target device depends on whether the files include gapless info (such as added by LAME), and whether the player can interpret it. If gapless playback is important to you, MP3 is a bad choice, though, because of the aforementioned problems. Most software players should play MP3 gaplessly by now, but with hardware players you can never know until you try.

Thank you Kohlrabi.  I was afraid of that.  I am trying to condense a bunch of CD's into one or possibly two so that I can play them on my car stereo, not on my computer.  Of course they have to be gapless.  any suggestions on how to accomplish this (which format is best), and hopefully different albums going into different folders.  Thanks for your help.

Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #3
Well, since CD-Rs are not that expensive I would just try and burn one MP3 data CD and see if the car stereo will play the files gaplessly. If not, I'm afraid you'd have to burn standard audio CD, or use an external audio player which can play MP3s gaplessly, and connect it to your stereo.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #4
Well, since CD-Rs are not that expensive I would just try and burn one MP3 data CD and see if the car stereo will play the files gaplessly. If not, I'm afraid you'd have to burn standard audio CD, or use an external audio player which can play MP3s gaplessly, and connect it to your stereo.

Thank you Kohlbari. After trying everything that I could for two days, I came to the conclusion that even though the task seems relatively easy, the feature that I am looking at is not possible.

My car stereo only plays MP3 and regular CDA files. CDA is good and the tracks play continuously gapless, but each CD can only be 80 minutes. So compacting several CD's into one would not work. For a while I thought that Foobar has a trick to fit more than 80 minutes on a CD, but I was wrong.

On the other hand, MP3 is good in the sense that I can fit many albums on a single CD, but it is horrible for gapless music such as live music. As the song goes from one track to the next, the player has to read the new file, and it looses the flow.

I am just amazed that with the technology that we have, this simple task cannot be done. Oh well! Finally, I have decided rather than burn CD's, to put all the files on my iphone and go in that direction. Of course, I have not tried this yet, but from what I read on the web, itunes should produce gapless music. So, hope fully this will work. I would like to thank all of your for all your help and suggestions. I guess I will close this thread.

Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #5
My car stereo only plays MP3 and regular CDA files.
Just to clarify, there is really no such thing as a CDA file. Windows only creates and displays a virtual folder with Tracknn.cda; there are not actually any files on an audio CD.

I am just amazed that with the technology that we have, this simple task cannot be done.
It can be done; it’s just that your car stereo doesn’t do it.


Write a gapless MP3 CD with Foobar

Reply #6
what about joining all the tracks of one album to a single track?