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Topic: foo_vis_shpeck (Read 767234 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
The point is I have never used any non-standard UI in fb2k, so don't know anything about the columns UI's interface, for example. But if there's demand, I'll look at it.

Not a demand but a humble request. Introducing panel version will make so many columns users happy. By the way, new default ui is in many things inspired by columns ui.
Sharing delusions since 1991.


Reply #26
The point is I have never used any non-standard UI in fb2k, so don't know anything about the columns UI's interface, for example. But if there's demand, I'll look at it.

Oh yes, there definitely is! Columns ist very popular und with a panel version you would make a lot of people (including me) very happy   

Thanks for your efforts.
They are really appreciated!


Reply #27
Great work! It's bacon on steroids.

Just a heads up, it doesn't work with the new Milkdrop2 in Winamp 5.51 Build 1741 Beta.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #28
Another vote for a ColumnsUI panel version! 
And... of course ... thanks for your great work!


Reply #29
Just a heads up, it doesn't work with the new Milkdrop2 in Winamp 5.51 Build 1741 Beta.

It needs the new almighty Optymalyzed Nullsoft C Runtime Library, so you must copy NSCRT.DLL file from the Winamp root directory somewhere, where the Windows DLL loader can find it (e.g. your directory with foobar2000.exe).

(Actually when I did this, it still crashed when trying to load the vis_nsfs plugin, which was strange, as I thought I was already handling all exceptions, but I found out that one must explicitly enable the system ones in MSVC, so download the updated version 0.0.7: --outdated-- - still no panels/columns/whatever support, though, sorry.)
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #30
Thank you, works very good!
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #31
Thanks again for this. Something else I was thinking might be handy is the ability to easily cycle between visualizations.

Edit - It would be great if it could be 'stopped' by closing the visualization out. I've noticed if I just close it out normally it won't start up again next time unless I 'stop' it first.


Reply #32
Tnx for this plug!


Reply #33
Yirkha thanks for the lastest version. I noticed now in the console panel that there are no more extra calls to winamp which is what those were after doing some googling and i think that might have been a memory leak not too sure since i'm not a programmer  but i did notice my foobar2k mem usage drop from around 80+mb to around 47-50mb with the plugin running.


Reply #34
Where can I Find  This Winamp Plug In to make This thing Work . im Not Sure if it is the foo_winamp_spam. dll Or What , i Got The Winamp Spam Do I Need Something Else? THANK YOU...

now i have the milkDrop exe but when i run to installed i can installed it wont let me hit next .


Reply #35
Where can I Find This Winamp Plug In to make This thing Work

Install WinAmp...


Reply #36
Where can I Find This Winamp Plug In to make This thing Work

Install WinAmp...

Or just name a new text file Winamp.exe, then download Milkdrop from and install it into the same directory as the bogus Winamp.exe file.

And many thanks for the great plug-in Yirkha!


Reply #37
I still Can Get It to work i think im missing something don`t know. thank you...
Never Mind I Can Get It To Work its Ok . I Just Dont Want Winamp In My Computer Or Any Other Media Player Beside Foobar 2000 Or Windows Media Player , And WMP I Never Use. THank You So Much...


Reply #38
You don't need foo_winamp_spam. All you have to do is have Winamp installed(or what Joelimite said; haven't tried that yet personally), and then the visualizations that are installed for Winamp will show up in this component's preferences.


Reply #39
please make a panel for coulmnsui....
and consider zipping the .dll


Reply #40

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Reply #41
It helps saving bandwidth (not only yours...)

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Reply #42
All right, I'll try that next time to see if it works, thanks!

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Reply #43
ive found maybe a component collision? i use winamp_spam component to send !amp_power command to close foobar through global hotkey in my gui (nvm it just work no need to explain why i need it ) and ive installed spcheck just tu check how it work... now when i hit the hotkey i sometime recive this msg in console:

Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Unsupported WM_COMMAND 40001.

which is command that should turn winamp off. Now it looks like spheck take control of winamp sends over foo_winamp_spam... strange think is that sometime command is send to winamp_spam blank window and sometime to spheck blank window (i think its just decided by height of hwnd od which ever window with same classid is found first)...

is there any way to somehow resolve this? for now i easily solved it by removing spheck from my components but if youve ever reach panels/uie state id like to test it again.

ive recieved this msg also:
Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Unsupported WM_WA_IPC 3033 (param = 0)

which isnt correct ipc call accordin to winamp sdk but it apears only with this component


Reply #44

Thank you very much for the component!
/me hopes the 0.9.5 sdk comes soon, so that we may get a DUI version of this


Reply #45
When I open the configuration window of Milkdrop 2 in Winamp, my graphical card is recognised and the visualisation works normal.

When I open the configuration window of Milkdrop 2 in Foobar2000, my graphical card is missing! When I start the visualisation the screen remains black.

Any idea what could be the problem?
EDIT: On my XP-system with a Geforce 7650GS everything works correct, this problem occurs on my Vista-laptop with a ATI X1150


Reply #46
I installed Winamp 5.5 copied the directory. The I uninstalled Winamp.
I now have the problem that the winamp directory doesn't seem to be recognized. I clicked refresh list but no result.

Some one whch has similar problems?
Can somebody help me?


Reply #47
I installed Winamp 5.5 copied the directory. The I uninstalled Winamp.
I now have the problem that the winamp directory doesn't seem to be recognized. I clicked refresh list but no result.

Some one whch has similar problems?
Can somebody help me?

Which directory are you trying to select? It only (related to this) appends "\Plugins\" to the selected directory name and searches for all *.dll files there - no other files nor settings are needed. If you are sure the vis_whatever.dll are there, they might not show up because of other error - possibly other DLL dependencies or something like this.

ive found maybe a component collision? i use winamp_spam component to send !amp_power command to close foobar through global hotkey in my gui (nvm it just work no need to explain why i need it ;)) and ive installed spcheck just tu check how it work... now when i hit the hotkey i sometime recive this msg in console:

Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Unsupported WM_COMMAND 40001.

which is command that should turn winamp off. Now it looks like spheck take control of winamp sends over foo_winamp_spam... strange think is that sometime command is send to winamp_spam blank window and sometime to spheck blank window (i think its just decided by height of hwnd od which ever window with same classid is found first)...

is there any way to somehow resolve this? for now i easily solved it by removing spheck from my components but if youve ever reach panels/uie state id like to test it again.

It is not possible to run two "winamp emulators" at once, because they both need to register a window class named "Winamp v1.x". I had to implement a large part of Winamp API to work with the vis plugins anyway, but didn't included the quit command, just because I didn't like it, but it will be there in upcoming version.

ive recieved this msg also:
Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Unsupported WM_WA_IPC 3033 (param = 0)

which isnt correct ipc call accordin to winamp sdk but it apears only with this component

Welcome to the world of undocumented functions! It's not the first one, but it will be supported in the next release.

When I open the configuration window of Milkdrop 2 in Winamp, my graphical card is recognised and the visualisation works normal.

When I open the configuration window of Milkdrop 2 in Foobar2000, my graphical card is missing! When I start the visualisation the screen remains black.

Any idea what could be the problem?
EDIT: On my XP-system with a Geforce 7650GS everything works correct, this problem occurs on my Vista-laptop with a ATI X1150

This might be related to the undocumented call #3033 above, but I would be surprised if it was. Are there any Shpeck messages in the fb2k console?

Anyway, the big changes are coming soon, stay tuned.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #48
I installed Winamp 5.5 copied the directory. The I uninstalled Winamp.
I now have the problem that the winamp directory doesn't seem to be recognized. I clicked refresh list but no result.

Some one whch has similar problems?
Can somebody help me?

try to implement this into registry
Code: [Select]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Winamp"

if you dont know what registry is just create file called for example "winampdir.reg" insert this code inside and doubleclick it. it should import correct information in correct places and winamp path should be recorgnized.

It is not possible to run two "winamp emulators" at once, because they both need to register a window class named "Winamp v1.x". I had to implement a large part of Winamp API to work with the vis plugins anyway, but didn't included the quit command, just because I didn't like it, but it will be there in upcoming version.

i expected that you create some kind of "dummy window" with correct class which transcode calls from winamp to foobar and vice versa. i didnt know if there can exist two windows with same class but different hwnd. from your post it looks like it doesnt. now it looks like there is some kind of choice of "emulators"... anyway... thx for importin quit command ill than just skip winamp_spam component and look forward for dui/cui/panel and any new versions  thx


Reply #49
I just had to reply to this thread.  I just tried this plugin out with Milkdrop2, and it's amazing.  Great work!