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Topic: Sending big files (Read 2981 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sending big files

Hi everyone!

I have 7 gigabytes of pictures that I would like to send to my girlfriend. We live in different countries, and sending her a registered letter with 2 DVDs inside would be around 10€. I was wondering if anyone knows of a simple, fast and cheap  (< 10€ ) way of sending big chunks of data over the internet. I know of services like rapidshare, megaupload and mediafire, but their file size limits are quite low.

If anyone's had to deal with the same issue I'd like to hear his solution. Thanks!

Sending big files

Reply #1
Maybe Adrive ( They have 50 Gb free limit. I don't know whether their upload/download speed would suffice though, as i didn't use it for big amounts of data yet.

Sending big files

Reply #2
Thanks, I will try that.

Sending big files

Reply #3
Personally I use torrents for that kind of stuff. No tracker, just add peer manually. This is the best solution for me because my computer is a bit unstable and often crashes if I leave it uploading a large file for several days. Torrents will just resume where they were left off. You can also limit the bandwidth use and pause/resume as you wish.

Sending big files

Reply #4
I finally used Filemail, because it was free to try for a week and offered much faster downloading speeds than Adrive. But next time I think I will use bittorrent, it's much simpler. Thanks for the idea swolf.


Sending big files

Reply #5
Soley in the interest in speed for both parties you the uploader and your girlfriend the downloader I'd seriously just pay the 10€ or whatever it will be and just send two DVD's. Even on a fast connection 10GB is allot to upload/download. Just me opinion though.


Sending big files

Reply #6
Well, it was 7GB, not 10, and it wasn't that much of a hassle after all. I just uploaded everything at night and we were done in 3 days. If I had sent the DVDs to her it would have cost me 10x more, and it could well have never arrived (we have lost packages in the past). So I'm happy and would recommend this to anyone in my situation.