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Topic: Tagging (Read 4313 times) previous topic - next topic
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The past 2 years i always enjoyed Musepack and Ogg Vorbis, but never completely satisfied (no, i don't have golden ears, and i need new speakers). Anyway, did some (very first) flac experiments the past night, and there are some things i still don't understand, even if my answers are floating on this forum and other sites. I feel dumb and tired, in a way of speaking, and English is not my native language.

1. I rip the CDs in one rip with a cue-sheet, using EAC (the new beta version). My foobar player doesn't read the tags, besides tracknumber,date, genre and comment. As far as i understand it can't be done at once, but how can i correct it in an easy way?. My encoding settings are :

-8 -e -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=EAC (Secure Mode)"  %s

2. Is there any advantage of embedding the cue-sheet within the flac file? Also something i still don't catch at all. Will it also give trouble when decoding, or playing it with software/hardware?

3. Replaygain : always get an error when i use it in my encoding line. But i guess Foobar's Replaygain is an worthy alternative?

My first impressions about flac : i m very surprised about the quality, and the bright sound. Also about the encoding speed (the PIV version) and the several parameters you can use. Million thanks to the developers and (smart) contributors.

Thx for your patience-Tonny


Reply #1
oops, it seems i can't EDIT the title. Forgot to mention i m talking about FLAC.



Reply #2
If you embed the cue sheet into the FLAC image, then you can delete the original cue sheet, if you want to, because then you can play the image in fb2k, by just adding the FLAC image to your playlist, without having to use the cue sheet. It´s simply an one file backup of a cd, which many people finds convinient. When you ever need to burn the image, then you can extract the cue sheet out of the image into an external file again(with metaflac.exe), which you then can load into your burning app... The FLAC format has some restrictions about embedding the cue sheet. When you choose to embed the cue sheet, then first all the cd-text data gets stripped out, before it gets embedded. So that means that you can play the tracks in fb2k, but they will not appear with correct tractitles, only 'Track 01' etc... You can then paste the entire contents of the cue sheet into a 'CUESHEET' tag, in the FLAC image, which Case´s FLAC component(foo_flac) will read and use to output the correct tracktitles in fb2k... Also there´s no point in having 'Tracknumber' tag, in the FLAC image, since it´s just one file. I would recommend that you rip the image uncompressed with EAC, and then use FLAC frontend, to encode the image to FLAC, and possibly embed the cue sheet into the image. When you use EAC to encode the image to FLAC, then you will get strange filenames like 'Image.flac.flac' and 'Image.flac.cue', but if you use FLAC frontend to encode the image, then the filenames comes out as they should... -Martin.

Edit: I have had some problems with the tracktitles, when having both an embedded cue sheet + a 'CUESHEET' tag in the FLAC image, but when only having the 'CUESHEET' tag present, then all the tracktitles showed up perfectly in fb2k... -Martin.


Reply #3
If you embed the cue sheet into the FLAC image, then you can delete the original cue sheet, if you want to, because then you can play the image in fb2k, by just adding the FLAC image to your playlist, without having to use the cue sheet. It´s simply an one file backup of a cd, which many people finds convinient. When you ever need to burn the image, then you can extract the cue sheet out of the image into an external file again(with metaflac.exe), which you then can load into your burning app... The FLAC format has some restrictions about embedding the cue sheet. When you choose to embed the cue sheet, then first all the cd-text data gets stripped out, before it gets embedded. So that means that you can play the tracks in fb2k, but they will not appear with correct tractitles, only 'Track 01' etc... You can then paste the entire contents of the cue sheet into a 'CUESHEET' tag, in the FLAC image, which Case´s FLAC component(foo_flac) will read and use to output the correct tracktitles in fb2k... Also there´s no point in having 'Tracknumber' tag, in the FLAC image, since it´s just one file. I would recommend that you rip the image uncompressed with EAC, and then use FLAC frontend, to encode the image to FLAC, and possibly embed the cue sheet into the image. When you use EAC to encode the image to FLAC, then you will get strange filenames like 'Image.flac.flac' and 'Image.flac.cue', but if you use FLAC frontend to encode the image, then the filenames comes out as they should... -Martin.

Edit: I have had some problems with the tracktitles, when having both an embedded cue sheet + a 'CUESHEET' tag in the FLAC image, but when only having the 'CUESHEET' tag present, then all the tracktitles showed up perfectly in fb2k... -Martin.
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Thx Martin, i ll try it!




Reply #4
My first impressions about flac : i m very surprised about the quality, and the bright sound. Also about the encoding speed (the PIV version) and the several parameters you can use. Million thanks to the developers and (smart) contributors.
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You better look up the meaning of "lossless" or you'll meet our friend TOS #8 really fast.