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Topic: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix (Read 7657 times) previous topic - next topic
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[fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Aims to replace dead playlist items like foo_playlist_revive but is based purely on title formatting which you can customise yourself.

Currently beta if anyone dares to try it.

edit: I forgot to mark it internally as a Beta so Beta.2 fixes that.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #2
I was just looking for something like this an hour ago ^^

Thank you!

Edit: So far working great, any plans on allowing us to make presets? Some files got revived with the default formats while others only through %filename%.

Very useful plugin since I've been changing everything I have from Flac/mp3 to Opus, thank you once again.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #3
while others only through %filename%.

You'll want to be careful with loose matches. The component won't care how many matching items there are in your library and will use the first one it encounters.

I offered full custom title formatting because the onus is always on the user and not me.  ;D

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #12
Hello, thank you for your component. I just tried it, it worked well.
An idea for improvement:
In the preview window, the length of my file paths make checking not very easy for me. The file name is at the end on the right and it is hidden because the path is too long. And the window is not resizable. I saw that I can resize the columns.
I thought it would be easier if the new path was on a second line (with an indentation, or a symbol at the beginning, or colors, to make the difference).
Or allow to send the results to a new playlist. That would allow you to check yourself outside the preview window. Or just make the window resizable? I don't know.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #14
The resizable window works well. It's good, I can easily see the paths now.
Thanks a lot.


Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #17
Oh My God
This is a really great gift for me.
I am always grateful to many developers.
And especially the ones you made are really useful for me using foobar2000.
Thank you very much.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #22
Maybe someone managed to make a fork of the source code?

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #23
Don't think so. But it works as is.

On 32 bit, you can use the SMP alternative (see my sig) if there is need for more development.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Fix

Reply #24
I'm sorry, but how do you use this component? The documentation is empty.