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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ilovefb2k -
Hi all,

As per  @eurekagliese suggestion, I enclose some screenshots with this post, hope this does not break any rule or bring any troublesome to site's admin.
I names these screenshot files after their main feature.

regarding '{deployed} lyrics download manager.txt', this script supports lyrics translated via Google site to other language.
by default, i set 'Vietnamese' (my mother tongue) as destination language. pls following steps to switch to others language:
- 'open' '{deployed} lyrics download manager.txt' by any text editor. 
- get to row 418. there should be a text line as follows
   url = "" //sl: source language, tl=translated lang, tex=text to be translated
- replace [tl=vi] by [tl=en] for English, [tl=de] for Germany, . . . [you can figure out this term by switching around languages and note changes of URL on web browser address bar]
- get to row 352: _menu.AppendMenuItem(lyrics.length <=2 ? MF_GRAYED : MF_STRING, 102, 'Web browser > Google Lyrics translated to Vietnamese');
- change context menu prompt accordingly.
- save script file.
- restart foobar2000.

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ilovefb2k -
Hi all,
I have moved to foobar2000 64bit to extend the memory beyond 4GB, this leaves llot of plugins behind.
To overcome, i have to recourse to JScript Panel3 and, therefore, ported/modified some scripts from others.
It seems, someone may have the same things while struggling with 64bit, i would like to share these scripts as attached.
last but not least, sorry original authors, especially Marc2003, Br3tt among others for "destroying" their beauty full codes.

you are free to use and make any changes as long as retain original author names.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nice post, just a suggestion, perhaps it would be better if you also include a screenshot.
Hi eurekagliese,
Thank you for your comment end, of course, rich- function button bar.
I learn a lot from your script.
I am thinking of some pseudo screenshots and get back later.

If you don't post the theme.fth no one will be able to use the image.

Hi ApacheReal,

Thank you for your creating this thread and, this would be a place for more JSP3 scripts too.

Pls find the theme  file attached.

Otherwise, a full-configured zip file can be found here at mediafire host:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ilovefb2k -

"{deployed} album_art [cd-vinyl].txt" was displayed.

The only thing that can't be displayed is "{deployed} lastfm (no art).txt".

JScript Panel 3.6.1 (id:1772928)
JavaScript 実行時エラー
'folders' は定義されていません。
File: <main>
Line: 15, Col: 1

{deployed} album_art [brute-force search].txt
     JSP3 Cover Panel (64bit DUI)

Albumart and Thumbs Isn't the scroll upside down?


Hi all,
I have moved to foobar2000 64bit to extend the memory beyond 4GB, this leaves llot of plugins behind.
To overcome, i have to recourse to JScript Panel3 and, therefore, ported/modified some scripts from others.
It seems, someone may have the same things while struggling with 64bit, i would like to share these scripts as attached.
last but not least, sorry original authors, especially Marc2003, Br3tt among others for "destroying" their beauty full codes.

you are free to use and make any changes as long as retain original author names.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nice post, just a suggestion, perhaps it would be better if you also include a screenshot.
Hi eurekagliese,
Thank you for your comment end, of course, rich- function button bar.
I learn a lot from your script.
I am thinking of some pseudo screenshots and get back later.

Could you please create a new thread for this "ilovefb2k's JScript Panel Sample script mod?"

Hi Air KEN,

Sorry to be late to get back to you as i have go to a specific cafe  to get site connected.
In saying so, as i said, only at sometimes and at that cafe could i login to this site. Otherwise, i may bypass firewall (of this site) via VPN but be left behind the door. Most of the times, site rejects my accessing.

JScript Panel 3.6.1 (id:1772928)
JavaScript Runtime Error
'folders' is not defined.
File: <main]
Line: 15, Col: 1
It is weir that this could trigger an error. 'folders' is an object already be declared in 'common.js' lib, that is imported at the very beginning.
Otherwise, you can add 1 line before line 15, as follows: if (folders == null )  var folders = {};
This code check whether a variable is not defined (term is 'undefined':  typeof folders === 'undefined') or not be assigned a value.

{deployed} album_art [brute-force search].txt
     JSP3 Cover Panel (64bit DUI)

Albumart and Thumbs Isn't the scroll upside down?

i could not catch your idea. you mean there are no vertical thumbs along the left side of the panel ?
if so, i did remove other thumbs' postion other than the bottom's. these thumbs are actually just 1 image only and Marc2k3 monitor mouse position (coord x,y) over these thumbs (this image) to trigger a view.
i also add a callback (on_mouse_wheel), this is an event-listen for mouse wheel. artwork takes turn on show following mouse wheel.

artwork is tilted randomly on purpose.

Could you please create a new thread for this "ilovefb2k's JScript Panel Sample script mod?"
i usually get troublesome (limit resource) accessing this site. Therefore, late to react to others' comments.
This should not the way we interact with each other in the right manner.
As such, I considered these scripts as 1-time posted, and thank you for your suggestion. 

i noted that ApacheReal had created that thread, i will upload some screenshots and 'theme' file there.

pls clarify, rephrase "Albumart and Thumbs Isn't the scroll upside down?".
General - (fb2k) / Re: Dumb Columns UI Playlist Sorting Question
Last post by Penn42 -
Awesome, thank you for the continued help!  Everything is working out nicely, though I've got an slightly unrelated question now. 

I'm using the below code (stolen from the Titleformat Examples wiki) to sort my live music my month, it works great.

Code: [Select]

However, since this is isolating the month from a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd, it returns a numerical value.  This isn't a huge deal, but I thought I would write a very long if statement to replace "01" with "January" & "02" with "February" & so on.  However, the if statement does not work, it appears to always evaluate the above code as true no matter what value I specify.

For example, the below is resulting in all the music sorting to January and none to February.

Code: [Select]
$if(($puts(char1,-)$puts(char2,-)$puts(tag,%date%)$puts(spacer1,$strchr($get(tag),$get(char1)))$puts(spacer2,$strrchr($get(tag),$get(char2)))$trim($substr($get(tag),$add($get(spacer1),1),$sub($get(spacer2),1))))=01, January, February)

Any ideas?

On a similar note I was messing around with some other if statement sorting patterns in the form of:

Code: [Select]
$if(<field> MISSING, sort this way, sort that way)

Which also wasn't working similarly to the above, the statement was always resulting in a "sort this way" even if criteria for "sort that way" is met.  What am I missing here regarding Foobar ifs?
General - (fb2k) / Help from
Last post by zaede -
I hope someone from the forum can help me.
When I open the page, the message appears:

Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:
Gast, Sie sind aus diesem Forum verbannt!
Dieser Bann hat kein Ablaufdatum.

Google translate:
An error has occurred:
Guest, you are banned from this forum!
This ban has no expiration date.

This is a misstake.
I have absolutely nothing to do with spam.
What can I do ?

MOD edit: translation per TOS 10
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by Just_Addict -
I don't warn people about the dangers of assigning keyboard shortcuts consisting of a single key without modifier. I don't need to because fb2k itself already does it...

Thanks for the headsup. Completely forgot it's configurable. Always just assumed it was just the default key action since I never bothered assigning shortcut keys.

EDIT: As I thought, it's the default... never assigned it myself, comes OOB this way, same for the Space key.
Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Apesbrain -
What equipment do you have available for doing this?
Hello, thank you for your answer. I am using a Vinyl Player Audio Technica with USB for transfer.
Any good suggestion for MAC and the best configurations for best audio rip?
In all likelihood, your A-T turntable is fixed to 16/44 output so Audacity with default settings should work fine. Just keep your recording levels below 0 dB. Save your work as AIFF and when finished use iTunes or XLD to convert to Apple Lossless.