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Topic: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter (Read 429089 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1000
It is necessary to replace UF04D with $char(61517)

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1001
Oh my God!
It works!
Thank you SergPuh.68
When I copied the font code, it looked blank, so I didn't trying it.
Thank you very much! SergPuh.68

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1003
Using third-party font viewers.

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1004
Thanks for your help! Kutuzof !
I didn't know that font viewer! Thanks!

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1005
How to display "stop after current" on panel stack splitter?

I succeed to display playback order.
But I don't know how to display stop after current.

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1006
How to display "stop after current" on panel stack splitter?

I succeed to display playback order.
But I don't know how to display stop after current.

I found out that there was a same question 13 years ago.
And probably there is no way to indicate the status of "stop after current" like %is_stop_after_current% .


Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1008
Since you must be using scripting components for your seekbar/volume knob/that menu, you can use fb.StopAfterCurrent and on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed.

Wow! Thanks for your answer marc2k3.
It's an honor to meet you.

I am using your SMP Sample Rating Script with a little modification.
I've tried fb.StopAfterCurrent function on Rating panel.
It seemed to work fine.
But when I switch to a other layout and come back, the panel disappears.
The error message doesn't appear, but I have to reload the script to see it again.
It didn't happen before I added the code and I have no idea what to fix.

The first attached file is the script before adding the code,
The second file is a script with code added.

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1009
Not sure if it's related but if you want rating.x to be relative to the panel width, I'd just use 0 on init like this...

Code: [Select]
let rating = new _rating(0, 3, 12, _RGB(80, 80, 90)); // x, y, size, colour

Then update on_size

Code: [Select]
function on_size() {
rating.x = panel.w - 87;

edit: if you can still can't see it, what happens when you right click the area where it should be? Do you get the script menu or the PSS splitter settings menu?

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1010
Not sure if it's related but if you want rating.x to be relative to the panel width, I'd just use 0 on init like this...

Code: [Select]
let rating = new _rating(0, 3, 12, _RGB(80, 80, 90)); // x, y, size, colour

Then update on_size

Code: [Select]
function on_size() {
rating.x = panel.w - 87;

Thanks! It works!
Now Changing the layout doesn't make the panel disappear.

I have a another question.
I wrote the "on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed" code on the last line of the script, is this location appropriate?
And I've tested 2 code. All of the codes works fine. But which one is better?
Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed(state) {
Code: [Select]
function on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed(state) {
    window.RepaintRect(rating.x - 70, 3, 25, 22);

Thanks again for your answer.

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1011
RepaintRect is generally more efficient but with a panel so small and being called so infrequently, it really doesn't matter.

If you had a large single panel layout with a playlist, album art and a timer calling window.Repaint multiple times a second for a smooth moving seekbar, that would be really bad for performance and that's when you really need to use RepaintRect.

Re: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1012
Thanks for your advice.
Have a good day~