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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333828 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #900
But I don't understand why the post count should matter? Although isn't 36 pages or 896 replies (and counting) enough for one thread?? I say it's more than enough.
There is a difference between using more than one thread, and suggesting a dedicated forum with subforums.

I think a "REACT  Wishlist" thread makes sense.  A "REACT development" thread makes sense, if more than one person is developing.  FAQs, guides and help are far better suited to a wiki.  We have one of those, and I'm the only one who has written any supplimentary guides thus far (IIRC).

Sounds fine, except I think that for support/helping with problems there should be a place where users could create new topics per one problem/user. That way problems would be easier to handle.. to helpers and helpees & help searchers (if people write good topic descriptions).

What if you take control of the forum, wikis and such and rest of us (me, Nago, ?) would take care of other aspects of REACT.. mainly development and main support? Or do you want to ditch all responsibilities?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #901
HA is all the forum I need for now, thank you.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #902
HA is all the forum I need for now, thank you.

I meant that in this HA forum.

EDIT: maybe we all should take a little break and think about the role we would like to take in the future.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #903
What if you take control of the forum, wikis and such and rest of us (me, Nago, ?) would take care of other aspects of REACT.. mainly development and main support? Or do you want to ditch all responsibilities?
I meant that in this HA forum.
I don't wish to 'take control' of anything.  I post to this thread, as I do to many others, to help our members.  This thread and the wiki are community property, and should remain so.  Anyone can post to this thread, and proven members can write in the wiki.  That's the way it should be.  The benefit of both a forum and a wiki is (supposed to be) that multiple people can contribute.  It would be wrong for me to claim responsibility for this thread or the wiki artticles, and I wouldn't want to.

EDIT: maybe we all should take a little break and think about the role we would like to take in the future.
This all does seem to be getting a little confused.

I wonder whether a short-term resolve would be for me to add your amends (which look fine to me) and nago's amends to b16m and release it as b16n.  Depending what is decided , this could then be my final release.  This would give everyone some time to take stock.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #904
to SyntheticSoul, Akkurat: my take on developing react any further is that I am "working on it" and am working on something at the moment. I'm still familiarizing myself with AU3 and I'm trying to work out all the kinks, I have yet to look over the changes in 16m, I have a little project I'm working on first.

Still, the project belongs to Tycho. I am still not clear what his current position on React is; if he intends to develop it any further, or if he is done for now.

Would I like to maintain react (or a mod)? to a point, yes. I'm very interested in the project and I'd like to see all the kinks hammered out, though I'm not a very experienced coder (I manage to get by alright, but at a much slower pace than SS) and at this point I don't feel confident just jumping in and taking over what Synthetic Soul has done. I'd feel a lot better assisting SyntheticSoul, though he's made it very abundantly clear that he's through with this for now.

Synthetic Soul has announced a great difficulty in taking over a project that was written by someone else in a different mindset, imagine how difficult it must be to take over THAT project and have to deal with two trains of thought that aren't yours?

I think the best solution would be to patch up 2.0+ssb16m as best as we can, but then focus on a ground-up rewrite of a new version if we wish to add any significant features, though this should probably be handled by tycho if HE'S interested.

I don't know. Why don't we just chill out for a while? It's time for the holiday season. Get some eggnog... Have a blast.... =)

REACT 2 Released

Reply #905
I really do not hope that Synthetic Soul decides to leave REACT development for good, as it would be a terrible waste for all the REACT users, to loose such a great asset  I myself would much rather preffer to have nago and Akkurat just make there own mods if they wan't to and just add them to there own section of the REACT mods wiki page. This way, then Synthetic Soul could focus on the things that he finds important/interresting and then others could take REACT into whatever direction they feel is best in their mindset.

@Synthetic Soul

If you decide to quit, then i just wanted to say thank you so much for all your great work on keeping REACT up-to-date in Tycho's absence, and i personally really hope that you will reconsider, but just please know that if you do decide to quit, then you will surely be missed

REACT 2 Released

Reply #906
Hello! It's time for more REACT questions! Answer Riddles, Win fabulous prizes!
Completely missed this post.

1) Why does the ACDIR track split section of images.cfg have its own ini settings? ($n $~t [$~a]) -- My take is that these are used internally by ACDIR and not replaced by REACT. Do they offer some significant benefit over using something like $track$ - $title$ [$artist$]?
Good question.  As you say ACDIR does use its own token system, but I can't think of any reason why you couldn't just use REACT tokens, which would give you the added benefit of using REACT's illegal character substitution.  Remember that you would have to use $q@artist@$q in place of $#a.

However, remember this would only work for album-level values.  ACDIR is parsing a whole album, and therefore $~t will refer to the title of the track currently being processed.  With this is mind, you cannot escape using ACDIR tokens for track-level values.

2) Does TAK not support ReplayGain? Is there a reason TAK RG is absent from the tracks.cfg in ssb16l?
You can write RG tags to TAK, but TAK does not have its own gain calculator, unlike FLAC and WavPack - or metamp3 for the MP3 files.

3) What does the DebugMode setting in the .ini do? Why's it separate from the regular 'Debug' setting?
I added DebugMode, and it's really a dev setting, to see what the REACT application is doing in certain situations, rather than the config.  It's only really useful for bug reporting REACT, rather than debugging your config.  Setting DebugMode to 1 will result in various text being written to a file called debuggng.txt in the REACT directory.  It will not affect the batch file like Debug.

Still, the project belongs to Tycho. I am still not clear what his current position on React is; if he intends to develop it any further, or if he is done for now.
Me either, and I'm very concerned about cutting him even further out of the loop.  I rather fell into the role of REACT maintainer, after adding the Additional Meta Data dialogue, and then further with EAC 0.99 and the new log file naming.  I have always been concerned about my position, and certainly never intended to be seen as the sole developer.

I'd feel a lot better assisting SyntheticSoul, though he's made it very abundantly clear that he's through with this for now.
I'm certainly uncomfortable hacking REACT any further to resolve some minor issues that don't appear to affect the majority of REACT users.

Synthetic Soul has announced a great difficulty in taking over a project that was written by someone else in a different mindset, imagine how difficult it must be to take over THAT project and have to deal with two trains of thought that aren't yours?
I have never meant to say that.  What I have said is that some of the unresolved (or recently resolved) issues would be easier if the core REACT methodology was different.  I think tycho's methodology has proved very successful thus far, and I've always found the code to be well thought out.  On the other hand, some of the fixes I've made - certainly more recently - are probably not very pretty.

I don't know. Why don't we just chill out for a while? It's time for the holiday season. Get some eggnog... Have a blast.... =)
Indeed.  Hopefully we will be better occupied over the festive season. 

If you decide to quit, then i just wanted to say thank you so much for all your great work on keeping REACT up-to-date in Tycho's absence, and i personally really hope that you will reconsider, but just please know that if you do decide to quit, then you will surely be missed
Thanks for the kind words Martin. 

The crux of the biscuit is that I have no real interest in progressing REACT 2.  IMHO it works fine as it is, 99.5% of the time.  I have actively fixed bugs like the log file naming, as these are issues that would affect all users.

Whatever the outcome I will certainly still play an active role in this thread, just as I try to be active in other threads on HA that interest me.  So, if you are more worried about my support being dropped then please don't worry.  With regard to my discussions with Akkurat: what I am not prepared to do is stand up and say that I will be "forum and wiki God" and will control all support.  I will support where I can, when I choose, just as you have done, and many, many others.  I realise that I have been one of the most active in this thread, but we should not forget - or dissuade - the valuable input of others, like yourself.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #907
What if you take control of the forum, wikis and such and rest of us (me, Nago, ?) would take care of other aspects of REACT.. mainly development and main support? Or do you want to ditch all responsibilities?
I meant that in this HA forum.
I don't wish to 'take control' of anything.  I post to this thread, as I do to many others, to help our members.  This thread and the wiki are community property, and should remain so.  Anyone can post to this thread, and proven members can write in the wiki.  That's the way it should be.  The benefit of both a forum and a wiki is (supposed to be) that multiple people can contribute.  It would be wrong for me to claim responsibility for this thread or the wiki artticles, and I wouldn't want to.

First I must apologize for my bad choice of words, I had 3 hours of sleep behind me. But your response was uncalled-for as I see it as a indirect attack towards me. There's clearly tension between us, which I don't understand at all. I didn't come here to fight, but I've got to mention that you must have understood what I meant and you shouldn't speak that we're on the same line and "..take on the mantle" & "successor can deal.." at the same time. I'm done with this subject. No harm intended.

I wonder whether a short-term resolve would be for me to add your amends (which look fine to me) and nago's amends to b16m and release it as b16n.  Depending what is decided , this could then be my final release.  This would give everyone some time to take stock.

Fine by me.

I think the best solution would be to patch up 2.0+ssb16m as best as we can, but then focus on a ground-up rewrite of a new version if we wish to add any significant features

Sounds good. Initially I had thoughts to add some additional features without rewrite but I ditched that idea. Currently I'm thinking of building a GUI settings based react "imitation" with no ini/cfg user editing possibilities. But it's still on the thinking state.

Still, the project belongs to Tycho. I am still not clear what his current position on React is; if he intends to develop it any further, or if he is done for now.
Me either, and I'm very concerned about cutting him even further out of the loop.  I rather fell into the role of REACT maintainer, after adding the Additional Meta Data dialogue, and then further with EAC 0.99 and the new log file naming.  I have always been concerned about my position, and certainly never intended to be seen as the sole developer.

I really don't understand why you're so cautious. If I remember correctly, his last post to this thread is from 1 year ago.. anyways, he's been away for very long time. Which although doesn't mean anything; everyone is free to fork his original REACT as long as you follow his restrictions of "any purpose permission". Do what you want, acknowledge his input and stop the unnecessary bowing to the king.. I bet that Tycho also would like to see REACT/mods grow, if not, he should have restricted the code. I'm not trying to be rude or anything (although some of you may think that I'm rude without even trying ), this is just how I see the situation.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #908
Completely missed this post.

Thanks for the answers.

Me either, and I'm very concerned about cutting him even further out of the loop.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't want to offend, as he's done a fantastic job. I don't mind tinkering with your code, since I've at least talked to you. I've never even 'met' tycho... It seems rude to try to maintain a project of someone you've never met!

However, if he were to give us his blessing, I'd feel a lot better monkeying around with his code.

I have never meant to say that.  What I have said is that some of the unresolved (or recently resolved) issues would be easier if the core REACT methodology was different.  I think tycho's methodology has proved very successful thus far, and I've always found the code to be well thought out.  On the other hand, some of the fixes I've made - certainly more recently - are probably not very pretty.

I didn't mean to insult tycho's coding, It's just a matter of fact that it's hard to adapt to someone else's style, especially if you're not particularly experienced. It can't have been easy for you, and I doubt it'd be easier for anyone else to inherit this at this point. All I meant was that for efficiency's sake, it would just likely be easier to start over. As Tycho's program stands, however, it works 99.9% of the time for the features it advertises, so certainly no complaints against Tycho.

Indeed.  Hopefully we will be better occupied over the festive season.


The crux of the biscuit is that I have no real interest in progressing REACT 2.  IMHO it works fine as it is, 99.5% of the time.  I have actively fixed bugs like the log file naming, as these are issues that would affect all users.

This is where I think I fit in. I'm very interested in developing the tracks mode much, much further. I know that you and Tycho don't have much interest in it, so that's why I figure I could help out. I've been modifying my version to accommodate a track ripper quite a bit more, and I've just been polishing and bug testing mostly. If you're interested, I'll post what I've done under the mods section of the wiki; except I did already try but it said it was locked. Who do I need to contact about that, again?

Akkurat: You mentioned you made some fixes since 22b16m? What changes did you make, and what do they fix? could I see the source?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #909
First I must apologize for my bad choice of words, I had 3 hours of sleep behind me. But your response was uncalled-for as I see it as a indirect attack towards me. There's clearly tension between us, which I don't understand at all. I didn't come here to fight, but I've got to mention that you must have understood what I meant and you shouldn't speak that we're on the same line and "..take on the mantle" & "successor can deal.." at the same time. I'm done with this subject. No harm intended.
I feel that I have to respond to this... but I really do not know what to say.  I can't see how my post was an attack of any sort.  I don't really understand the bit about "the same line".

I really don't understand why you're so cautious. If I remember correctly, his last post to this thread is from 1 year ago.. anyways, he's been away for very long time. Which although doesn't mean anything; everyone is free to fork his original REACT as long as you follow his restrictions of "any purpose permission". Do what you want, acknowledge his input and stop the unnecessary bowing to the king.. I bet that Tycho also would like to see REACT/mods grow, if not, he should have restricted the code. I'm not trying to be rude or anything (although some of you may think that I'm rude without even trying smile.gif), this is just how I see the situation.
I do see what you're saying, in part, but I also think that it is only right to acknowledge the creator of a piece of software.  It's easy to disect software and suggest improvements; it's not so easy to conceptualise and create something fresh.  Given that tycho is the brains behind REACT I would not like to see him excluded in any way.

I didn't mean to insult tycho's coding, It's just a matter of fact that it's hard to adapt to someone else's style, especially if you're not particularly experienced. It can't have been easy for you, and I doubt it'd be easier for anyone else to inherit this at this point.
No, I do know that, I just wanted to clarify that I have never meant to complain about the state of the REACT code.

This is where I think I fit in. I'm very interested in developing the tracks mode much, much further. I know that you and Tycho don't have much interest in it, so that's why I figure I could help out. I've been modifying my version to accommodate a track ripper quite a bit more, and I've just been polishing and bug testing mostly. If you're interested, I'll post what I've done under the mods section of the wiki
I am very intrigued to hear what plans there are for expanding REACT in general.  If you have some ideas and have implemented some updates already I'd be very interested to hear.

If you're interested, I'll post what I've done under the mods section of the wiki; except I did already try but it said it was locked. Who do I need to contact about that, again?
The wiki was open to all members, but a little while back was locked down due to continued  vandalism.  Just PM Jan S. and ask him for access.

Akkurat: You mentioned you made some fixes since 22b16m? What changes did you make, and what do they fix? could I see the source?
Akkurat made some nice improvements to the CreateAllCuesheets code.  I would post 2.0.ssb16n but I seem to be locked out of my website.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #910
I am very intrigued to hear what plans there are for expanding REACT in general.  If you have some ideas and have implemented some updates already I'd be very interested to hear.

It'll be a present for Christmas.  It's not all THAT much yet, but it takes me a while to learn the ropes of a new scripting language. I'm finding that AU3 is needlessly picky about conditional statement syntax...  I'm hammering out quite a few things yet, but when I feel it's ready for a testing phase, I'll be sure to at least let this thread know about it.
Akkurat made some nice improvements to the CreateAllCuesheets code. I would post 2.0.ssb16n but I seem to be locked out of my website.

I'm eager with shiny eyes.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #911
EDIT: Actually I'm not quite sure (haven't checked) that the Global $gui_album and $gui_artist variables contains true values all the way thru the code. The variables maybe changed in the source after they've been read initially. Bad design, create new FINAL varibles and use them if $gui_album and $gui_artist are not suited for this task.
The processing instance of REACT has no knowledge of $gui_album and $gui_artist.  I don't think that it could extract the values from the EAC main dialogue, because at the time it runs EAC should be focussing the ripping dialogue instead.
I have just realised that this is definately not a good option.  The processing instance cannot rely on the information displayed in the GUI, as it may not reflect the disc currently being processed.

This is definately true if the Compression Queue is being used.

I actually realised this today, while documenting what I feel to be "interesting" information that needs to be considered when updating REACT 2, or writing a replacement.  It could really been seen as a merging of some of the crucial points that have been discussed in the thread (and possibly the REACT 1 thread).  I haven't worked out the best way to post this information, in case anyone finds it of use, but I certainly intend to.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #912
Just trying out REACT 2, and I've run into these problems:
  • When in track mode (F4), why does the Nero encoder need the user to "press any key to continue" after each track is encoded?
  • If I use F10 and then split the tracks, the tak image is not deleted.
  • In either mode, Nero AAC tracks don't get tagged.

Any tips appreciated, especially the AAC tagging issue. I have NeroAacTag.exe in the tools directory, but don't have a clue how to configure REACT to use it instead of Atomic Parsley.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #913
1) Just tried it out, I don't get any such message. Did you leave "Debug" mode on? Because that's what it does.

2) I believe this is because in image mode, it is assumed that you want to keep the image, otherwise you'd rip to tracks mode, no? I could be mistaken, but I think this is a "Feature" and not a bug.

3) Huh. I just tried with the latest Nero AAC codec and I see this too. Maybe the flags have changed since Tycho coded for NeroAac? I'll look into it...

REACT 2 Released

Reply #914
Just trying out REACT 2, and I've run into these problems:
  • When in track mode (F4), why does the Nero encoder need the user to "press any key to continue" after each track is encoded?
  • If I use F10 and then split the tracks, the tak image is not deleted.
  • In either mode, Nero AAC tracks don't get tagged.
Any tips appreciated, especially the AAC tagging issue. I have NeroAacTag.exe in the tools directory, but don't have a clue how to configure REACT to use it instead of Atomic Parsley.
2. nago hit this one on the head really.  Why use TAK in image mode and then not want the image?  If you want to use image mode but not keep the image (which I know has some benefits) use set ImageExt=wav in your INI

3. Check this post.  If that doesn't help try searching this thread for neroaactag (search box, bottom left of thread page) or setting Debug=1 and posting here what command you are using.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #915
3. Check this post.  If that doesn't help try searching this thread for neroaactag (search box, bottom left of thread page) or setting Debug=1 and posting here what command you are using.

This solution works very well. Make sure to copy the entire block of code over the existing Nero AAC block to get VA and embedded cover support.

One thing it is missing is support for Synthetic Soul's additional metadata, though.
...Which leads me to a question of my own. Looking over the metadata code in tracks.cfg, how does it add the additional user-added stuff to the track? Or is it just there simply for users to be able to add that sort of thing?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #916
Looking over the metadata code in tracks.cfg, how does it add the additional user-added stuff to the track? Or is it just there simply for users to be able to add that sort of thing?
Yes, it's up to the user to amend the config accordingly.  The dialogue is merely an easy way for the user to deal with additional tokens in their config.  The user must edit their config to deal with any new tokens they choose to add.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #917
I've just installed REACT, but it seems to have stopped my installation of EAC from accessing freedb. It was working perfectly minutes earlier, and I can still access freedb in other applications. It isn't a firewall issue and I've tried different servers without any success. Even reinstalling EAC hasn't fixed it. Any ideas?

Also, I'm very confused about how to create a single album image using this tool. I can see how to create individual tracks in different formats, but what if I want all the tracks to be stored as a single file?

I've been looking for a way of quickly backing up my CDs to FLAC images with embedded cue sheets so I'd really like to get this utility working.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #918
I've just installed REACT, but it seems to have stopped my installation of EAC from accessing freedb. It was working perfectly minutes earlier, and I can still access freedb in other applications. It isn't a firewall issue and I've tried different servers without any success. Even reinstalling EAC hasn't fixed it. Any ideas?

Also, I'm very confused about how to create a single album image using this tool. I can see how to create individual tracks in different formats, but what if I want all the tracks to be stored as a single file?

I've been looking for a way of quickly backing up my CDs to FLAC images with embedded cue sheets so I'd really like to get this utility working.


1) You need to enter your email to be able to use freedb, look under the File menu and click "Freedb configuration" (F12). If it isn't an issue with your email, you might need to switch the server you're using, click the "get active servers" button and pick a new one.

2) In the .ini file, set the "image extension" (ImgExt) to "flac" instead of "wav", and use F10 to invoke the images ripping process instead of using F4 to invoke the tracks ripping instance.
Also, make sure you start EAC by clicking the react exe every time you start it up, otherwise the hotkeys wont work.

Hope this settles it for you.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #919
1) You need to enter your email to be able to use freedb, look under the File menu and click "Freedb configuration" (F12). If it isn't an issue with your email, you might need to switch the server you're using, click the "get active servers" button and pick a new one.

My working email address is still entered so I don't think that's the problem. I tried clicking "Get active freedb server list", but it comes up with "Error - Can't connect host". The same error message as when I try to get CD information.

2) In the .ini file, set the "image extension" (ImgExt) to "flac" instead of "wav", and use F10 to invoke the images ripping process instead of using F4 to invoke the tracks ripping instance.
Also, make sure you start EAC by clicking the react exe every time you start it up, otherwise the hotkeys wont work.

That was the first thing I tried but it doesn't seem to work. It creates the directory structure for the flac image, and places the cue sheet there, but doesn't open the encoder window at all. If I set it to create individual flac files then that works fine, so it isn't a problem with the flac encoder. I am starting EAC using REACT.exe and am using F10 to start the process. I was wondering if anything needed to be changed in the REACT-image.cfg before flac image ripping would work?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #920
In that case, I don't know why FreeDB would have stopped working, react doesn't modify anything to do with FreeDB apart from enabling the setting that fetches stuff from FreeDB manually...
Try starting eac without react and see if freedb works again. If not, try reinstalling EAC. not the most graceful solution, but I can't think of anything else.

For flac images... This should work by default. If the encoder window isn't opening (I assume it's just finishing so quickly that you don't catch it), the commands are probably getting passed incorrectly to ACDIR somehow, and it's erroring out.

Set "Debug=1" in your ini file, this will keep the encoder window open in case of an error, and will leave the .bat files behind after processing is done so you can go in and see what went wrong.
The encoding window should stay open for you to look at; if you see an error in there, can you let me know what it is?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #921
nago & Synthetic Soul, thank you for the help.

1. Indeed I did have debug=1 for some reason.
2. SS: I was ripping to tracks using F10 simply because in the readme.html it says in the examples for tracks to use F10, or alternately to use F4 with some shortcomings. Then when I found your wiki page on setting up Tak, I blindly copied the ImageExt=tak instructions without realizing that it meant it would leave the image. It makes sense, it's just that I followed the wiki instructions to the letter instead of thinking
3. Thanks for the link. Last night I searched the thread for "nero tagging" instead of neroaactag and didn't find that post. I've copied the code and am just waiting for freedb to come back online to try the next disc out.

Thanks again!

REACT 2 Released

Reply #922
I've copied the code and am just waiting for freedb to come back online to try the next disc out.

Dave_K: This is probably your FreeDB problem, then...

REACT 2 Released

Reply #924
In that case, I don't know why FreeDB would have stopped working, react doesn't modify anything to do with FreeDB apart from enabling the setting that fetches stuff from FreeDB manually...
Try starting eac without react and see if freedb works again. If not, try reinstalling EAC. not the most graceful solution, but I can't think of anything else.

From the sound of it the occurence of the freedb problem is just a coincidence, not something related to the installation of REACT. I'll read the EAC forum and hopefully work out how to get it connecting to freedb again. Still, it's funny how Foobar's tagging still seems to work when it's a freedb problem, maybe Foobar updates automatically.

For flac images... This should work by default. If the encoder window isn't opening (I assume it's just finishing so quickly that you don't catch it), the commands are probably getting passed incorrectly to ACDIR somehow, and it's erroring out.

Set "Debug=1" in your ini file, this will keep the encoder window open in case of an error, and will leave the .bat files behind after processing is done so you can go in and see what went wrong.
The encoding window should stay open for you to look at; if you see an error in there, can you let me know what it is?

I think this is the relevant section of the encoder output:

Code: [Select]
D:\Rips>C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\flac.exe -5 -f --replay-gain -T "artist=Rema R 
ema" -T album="Wheel in the Roses" -T totaltracks="4" -T date="1980" -T genre=""
 -T comment="Created with EAC/REACT2, 2007-12-06" -T encoding="Flac 1.1.3 -5 -f"
 --tag-from-file="cuesheet=D:\Rips\Rema Rema - [1980] Wheel in the Roses.cue" --
tag-from-file="eaclog=D:\Rips\Wheel in the Roses.log" "D:\Rips\Rtmp660-!.wav" -o
 "D:\Rips\Rema Rema - [1980] Wheel in the Roses.flac"
ERROR: (--tag-from-file) can't open file for tag value
Type "flac" for a usage summary or "flac --help" for all options

D:\Rips>MOVE /Y "D:\Rips\Rema Rema - [1980] Wheel in the Roses.flac" "C:\Users\Dave\Music\EAC\images\Rema Rema"
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Rips>MOVE /Y "D:\Rips\Rema Rema - [1980] Wheel in the Roses.cue" "C:\Users\Dave\Music\EAC\images\Rema Rema"
  1 file(s) moved.

The problem seems to be that it can't add tags from the cue sheet, but I can't work out why. As you can see, the cue sheet is being created in the correct location, and with the correct file name. It's the one file that's moved into the directory created for the files by REACT. Any idea what's going wrong?