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Topic: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread (Read 773529 times) previous topic - next topic
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The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #175
Obviously. It has always been an additional 3rd party component.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #177
Hey I'm new to the forums 

Thought i'd make some button packs for you all since i found some icons lying around on my hd




Each come in sizes 16x16 | 24x24 | 32x32 & i put a small folder called "extras" with a few additional icons of the same style that you might find useful


I got the "Unsupported format or corrupted file" message when trying to load it with the current version CUI. Can you fix it?

How can this be installed foobar.What parts will be transferred to player?
Components or themes, how buttons highlights the player? ("Onebit")

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #178
Hey I'm new to the forums 

Thought i'd make some button packs for you all since i found some icons lying around on my hd




Each come in sizes 16x16 | 24x24 | 32x32 & i put a small folder called "extras" with a few additional icons of the same style that you might find useful


I got the "Unsupported format or corrupted file" message when trying to load it with the current version CUI. Can you fix it?

found this link with the icons you wanted:

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #179
Here is a link to my small set of bold-looking buttons. They're simple, you could have made them yourself if you wanted to, but they're here.
Want to see more? Just push play.

Included: Six buttons making the standard-fare set you initially get with fb2k.

They're easy to edit, too! If you want more buttons in this style, feel free to express what you need in this thread or send a PM. If I STILL do not contact you, feel free to fire @ bluufoxxatgmaildotcom[NOSPAM].

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #180
Any buttons that will work for 1.0.3?


The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #181
Did someone got new buttons to share?

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #182
I've downloaded a skin but the custom buttons are not working. I've copied the .png files in all folders but they are still not displayed. Must I load the buttons somewhere in Preferences or where is the problem?

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #183
I have begun a guide to my specific setup of foobar. I will of course be uploading my config-files and other material, and I'm also planning some video tutorials for setting it up, tagging with Discogs, and so forth. I will gather all the different subjects on this blog:

So far I have only made a post about my custom buttons with the icons attached. Check them out if you are into the more Windows-like foobar experience:


(see topic:

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #184
Took some buttons, I made once and made fcb out of it.
dead link
dead link
Download foobarsilver_2006_08_12.7z to get this version. I won't delete the old version since someone might still prefer it.

Probably a dumb question, how do I use fcb files?  I know how to use png files for custom buttons.

UPDATE: Figured it out by myself.

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #186
These buttons look great , but can someone be kind to explain on how to install them for a newbie ?

sorry and thanks

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #187
You do not need to install them anywhere. For neatness, you might but them in a folder within the Foobar Directory. Up to you.
Right click button toolbar>customize buttons>change Icon> point to wherever you put them.

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #189
Here are mine, they match the stock theme.
These have more and better buttons...

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #190
Can anyone make an icon like this one but with the style of the original ones?


The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #191
Greetings fellow foobar2000 enthusiasts,

There has been many request for the complete Carbon set, however nobody has delivered.

I've included the full set for Carbon in PNG format.
I also have it in BMP, GIF, ICO, and TIFF formats if interested.

Happy Holidays (Christmas),

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #192
Greetings fellow foobar2000 enthusiasts,

There has been many request for the complete Carbon set, however nobody has delivered.

I've included the full set for Carbon in PNG format.
I also have it in BMP, GIF, ICO, and TIFF formats if interested.

Happy Holidays (Christmas),

Thanks. Please can you upload .ico ?

The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #193
^you could use icofx to make them yourself. it has a batch menu so you can process a whole load of pngs in one go.

this is not the newest version but it's the latest free version and that's all you need.

Re: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #194
I made this icons for DUI , if someone need , all icons are in *.ico format:

Re: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #195
Here's my Emoji Mute Icons and YouTube one for opening the playing song in YouTube.

All are .png 24px files so you can do what you please with them.

Just put the second mute.png image in the hot image (Columns UI only AFAIK).

Re: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #196
I've made some 48px buttons ideal for 150dpi screens (4k)

Hope somebody find them useful


Re: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #197
here are some icons i hacked together to fit the default windows-y look of foobar2000,
by layering fontawesome "solid" (size 37pts) glyphs (mildly pixel-edited for symmetry)
over a custom 96x96 background, then scaling them down to 32x32 size
(metrics given if anyone wants to expand on the set)

screenshot with the pause button hovered hover (win10)

attached is a zip file with
  • with the 32x32 icons above (and some more) (as 32bpp transparent  png)
  • basic play/random/pause/stop/next/prev 96x96 ones for umm, comparison (also 32bpp transparent png)
  • the same six images as the 96px ones in ico format embedding 96x96, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16, all 32bpp, to replace the icons in/under the taskbar hover thumbnail
  • the custom base image (again, 32bpp transparent png, 96x96 size)
  • and a random "spite sheet" of glyphs used and unused (this is 32bpp transparent png too)

comments welcome,

also i may be able to provide a paint.NET format ".pdn" source if anyone needs it / wants to tweak the base

Re: The Definitive Custom Buttons Thread

Reply #199

Simple normal and hot image button fits for dark columnsUI.
16x16px .png