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Topic: Read-only remote control using foo_beefweb API (Read 172 times) previous topic - next topic
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Read-only remote control using foo_beefweb API

Hi there, I'd like to contribute the remote control that I wrote. It leverages on foo_beefweb plugin. It might be useful to you.

This is how the remote controller looks like...

Dependency: foo_beefweb plugin.
Limitation: this remote control is "read-only" meaning there are no options to add/edit playlist items. this is by design.

Installation instructions:
  • Ensure foo_beefweb is installed.
  • Create beefweb.config.json file in the same folder where foo_beefweb.dll exist. Refer to content below.
    Code: [Select]
        "responseHeaders": {
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
            "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST, GET",
            "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*"
  • Unzip "fbvol" directory and place it into beefweb_root folder
    Example: C:\Users\USERID\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\user-components\foo_beefweb\beefweb.root\
  • You can now access the remote control at:  http://your.foobar.ip.address:9990/fbvol/ (substitute 9990 with your beefweb port number)

The fbvol.7Z file is attached into this post.




Re: Read-only remote control using foo_beefweb API

Reply #1
Oh ... I forgot to mention, to access the volume knob, double-tap the volume display (that "-39dB" on the screen) ...