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Topic: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing. (Read 1640 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.


I just installed foobar2000 in Windows a couple of months ago, I really like the functionality except for one important thing. In the playlist view, the player does not highlight the song that is currently playing. If I put the mouse in a different place (without playing the file), the highlight in the playlist goes to the track I put the mouse last time, but there should be a highlight in the currently played track regardless if I put the mouse in another place as most music players do.

Is there a way to fix this? It is a problem when your playlists are huge (a thousand tracks) and you want to look where is the track that is currently playing without having to do a search)

In the link below, you can see the song that is playing in the playlist "OddFellows Local 151" is not highlighted and the highlight is only in a different place (track "Turn You Inside Out") just because I put the mouse there (I didn't press to play that second track).

Thanks for your attention.

PS: Another missing feature in foobar is that I don't see in the buttons (play, pause, next track stop, etc), a button for a small forward (for example 10 seconds) that other player have).

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #1
About the PS part. There is a "seekbar" you can use for that(if it's not visible, right click on the top to find it in the list of stuff you can make appear). you can stretch it as much as you want for precise location, or do exactly what you're asking for with the mouse wheel hovering over it, each step is 5s for me(no clue if that can be changed by the user?).

If you want a shortcut for convenience you can create one. File-> Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts  on the right click "add new". Under it "in filter list by:" you just type "seek" and pick the option you want then the keys you want to use for that shortcut.

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #2
Go to Playback menu, select "Cursor follows playback".
Alternatively, create a shortcut for it to it on demand or in addition.

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #3
Double-clicking the status bar jumps to the now-playing track.

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #4
In Default UI at least, there is no option to highlight the background row (when not selected) - best you can do is highlight the text of the playing track. And/or add the 'Playing' column to your playlist (showing play symbol), or make your own column. i.e. -

Code: [Select]
$if(%ispaused%,⏸ ,$if(%isplaying%,>>>⏵<<< ,)) $if(%isplaying%,>>>%title%<<<,%title%)

^ Some unicode characters (pause / play symbol) might not display on some fonts.

^ The color control characters > < use the 'Highlight' color set in Preferences > Display > Default User Interface > Colors And Fonts. See Help menu > Title Formatting Help, at the end of document.

You can make your own toolbar buttons from the Seek menu - [hold SHIFT key] > Playback > Seek > Ahead by 10 seconds.

To add buttons, right-click the toolbar buttons > Customize Buttons. Expand the [main] menu and select the command to add. You'll have to find your own icons for each button in ICO format. Icons8 is one place - download image as PNG, upload to ICO Converter and download as ICO.

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #5
In Default UI at least, there is no option to highlight the background row (when not selected) - best you can do is highlight the text of the playing track.

Hi! Thanks for your answers. How can I do to highlight the text of the playing track? In the previous photo (see the link ) I sent in order to start this topic, neither the background row or the text of the playing track have any highlight.

I a appreciate your answers for the PS part, I am going to try the suggestions and I will let you know what happened.

Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #6
Edit the playlist columns, or create new playlist columns in Preferences > Display > Default User Interface > Playlist View.

See the Playlist View wiki for description.

For example, a normal 'Title' column is like this -

Name: Title
Pattern: %title%

Instead, use a pattern like this -

Code: [Select]

After you make the column, you must add it to the playlist by right-click column header > Columns > 'Title' (the custom one in lower menu) - and de-select the default column.

Note: the highlight is only shown when the playing track is not selected. When it is selected (or using 'Cursor Follows Playback'), the background uses 'Selection' color and text is black/white. Edit: other Playlist Viewers might do things differently.


Re: Foobar2000 player does not highlight the song that is currently playing.

Reply #7

Edit the playlist columns, or create new playlist columns in Preferences > Display > Default User Interface > Playlist View.

See the Playlist View wiki for description.

For example, a normal 'Title' column is like this -

Name: Title
Pattern: %title%

Instead, use a pattern like this -

Code: [Select]

After you make the column, you must add it to the playlist by right-click column header > Columns > 'Title' (the custom one in lower menu) - and de-select the default column.

Note: the highlight is only shown when the playing track is not selected. When it is selected (or using 'Cursor Follows Playback'), the background uses 'Selection' color and text is black/white. Edit: other Playlist Viewers might do things differently.

Thanks a lot, now I understand. You gave an answer before (reply #4), but only until I read this reply #6 I could undertand and it worked.

I did this also for artist, album and duration to make sure the complete row in my playlist layout have this highlight. It doesn't highlight the background row as desired (hopefully some developer can take a look at this), but it is still useful for me in this form.

Thanks again!