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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2187641 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2025
Discogs fix is up: It does look like iTunes has stopped serving any full-size images, which is a pity. It was nice while it lasted, though. If anyone discovers an alternative way to get the full size images, please do let me know, and I'll update the script for it.


thanks for the response! discogs work fine now.

as for iTunes, well, I do still get occasional big ones, but very far and between, mostly this goes for *.tif files. who knows, maybe it's just a temporary glitch.

thanks for all the work, as always

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2026
now that sucks even more - most of iTunes results are now 170x170! are they blocking the outsiders somehow?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2027
now that sucks even more - most of iTunes results are now 170x170! are they blocking the outsiders somehow?

Looks like it. I'm seeing 403 - Forbidden responses to larger size requests. This comment suggests one possible cause. I'll leave the iTunes script in for now, in case they change their mind, but if it doesn't start working again I'll have to remove it as 170x170 is not really a useful image size.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2028
well, it does bring some big ones occasionally, as it seems they reduced only the standard 1425x1425 images and few others. some still remain with unusual sizes, so don't rush into anything...

maybe there's another way though?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2029
Version 0.43
This version adds support for Windows 7 taskbar functionality, with JumpList entries to open a new search window or the file or foobar browser, and progress indication. The progress indication for the search window shows the number of sources still working (rather than the progress of individual sources, which you can still see in the sources list). As sources search in parallel, this usually means the progress won't move at all for a little while, then might suddenly start completing as the sources all finish searching at similar times, but at least it gives you some general overall indication of the search.

Progress indication is also shown for the Automatic Downloader and the Queue windows.

AlbumArtDownloaderXUI.exe (Installer. Recommended) (zip archive for those who don't like installers)
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (required, except for Windows 7)Donations

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2030
Alex, sorry if this was requested before but I missed it - it would be great if the Foobar Browser had the same options under "Options..." as the File Browser.  Most important is the ability to detect embedded images.  Alternatively, perhaps you could add foobar-specific "search for media in" options to the File Browser - the ability to just look in Foobar playlists, filters and library viewer selections is quite handy.  Whatever works easiest for you of these two alternatives would be great.

Thanks for an outstanding application!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2031

Hi Godrick, the problem here is that Foobar doesn't provide the embedded image information through the COM interface. So while I can query the library or playlist for all the albums in it, I can't ask it for the artwork too. The only way to get the embedded artwork would be to actually read every file off disk, which would negate all the speed benefits of using the foobar browser, and make it just as slow as the file browser. I can see your point, though, that you might want to use the foobar browser for the playlist organisational functionality, rather than avoiding file metadata searches, but it would have to be an optional setting, off by default. Feature Request


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2032
Hello All,

This is my first time out here, and a very new user to Album Art Downloader am I -- only  a couple of weeks and only by hand.  I am running Windows XP SP2 (with all SP3 updates except the video driver which gives me the blue-screen-of-death) with .NET Framework v4.  All was well for the first week of use, so...

THANK YOU!  It is awesomely helpful.

What I noticed this week, even with the latest version, is that thumbnails sometimes disappear before the image can be saved.  I think this is related to a previous post about "iTunes limiting size to 170 px" in that I think the problem is not Album Art Downloader, but a site-blockage strategy.  Nevertheless, I wanted to share what was happening because I did not see it mentioned out here explicitly.

I have no filtering, no grouping, and have checked the box "Do not move or filter existing results."  I enter an Artist and Album, and request a search.  It populates wonderfully, but as you know, most of the album sizes are "unknown."  So typically I press and hold the mouse left mouse button over the thumbnail to get a full-size preview.  Often when I release the mouse button the preview and thumbnail disappear.  This mostly happens with iTunes and Amazon.  So, I began trying a no-preview direct save using the save button.  The thumbnails would simply disappear.  Recently, the last two nights, following a preview and left mouse button release, the thumbnail will remain but change to a graphic of a blank disk (black background with gray disc).

So, and here is where it gets interesting, since a mouse button press is one thing and mouse button release is another, I began left-pressing for a preview, then right-clicking the preview images while continuing to keep the left button pressed.  That keeps the preview in place and brings up the Windows Save pop-up menu with the default file name from Album Art Downloader.  I then release my left-press (and sometimes have to click somewhere neutral on the screen to get the preview to disappear), then do the save manually from the pop-up.  Though clever, this never works to save the album art; but it does provide an additional bit of information for you -- when it does the save (if it does the save) the image size is always (-1 x-1). 

Which is why I thought this might be like the image size limitations appearing from iTunes (170x170), less often Amazon (50x50), and now the occasional gray-disk graphic.  They are, perhaps, attempting to bypass robo-searching with tiny thumbnails, changing thumbnails, or "negative ones" (-1x-1).

I hope this helps.  Respectfully and gratefully, Dave...

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2034
What I noticed this week, even with the latest version, is that thumbnails sometimes disappear before the image can be saved.
That is not expected behaviour at all! If you don't have any filters turned on, then the results should never be removed from the list. If a full-sized image can't be downloaded, it falls back on the thumbnail that it's already got. The graphic of a black background with a grey disc is not part of Album Art Downloader itself, it must be being returned by the source itself - do you know which source it was that did this? It might be possible to fix the script to avoid it.

I wasn't able to reproduce the issue with iTunes or with, but would you mind trying the following - rather than left-clicking on the thumbnail, right click on it and choose "Preview". This will bring up a separate window that will stay open. It should show the (enlarged) thumbnail, then the full sized image when it finishes downloading. If something goes wrong, it might provide more information as to what. If you can, I'd also appreciate knowing an exact artist, album, and source to search that shows this problem for you.



Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2035
hey, Alex
just a thought on my side - maybe there's a sense in adding a script for searching the area? there are quite a lot of people who share their collections, and high quality results often come up when searching there.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2037
searching the area?
As far as I can tell, there's no uniform way of presenting covers or searching for them - blogspot is far too general for that! The best bet for this is just to use the google images script, which will be indexing all of blogspot anyway.

Would it be possible to add this site?
The problem with this one is a lack of a search facility. I suppose it might be possible to write a script that would work as long as you had the artist and album name exactly as they have it on the site, so I'd just go straight to the right page, but I doubt that would be very reliable.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2038
OK, I see. Thanks for the reply!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2039
wow, seems like Deezer is back all of a sudden. good news.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2040
Fucking apple with their practice to sell even air. 170 x 170 is bad news for everyone :-(

P.S. why it work? I try to add various data to this link from 170x170 links, but no result.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2041
I read a little through the thread but I couldnt figure out how I save the covers as cover.jpeg instead of folder.jpeg for my cowon j3.

I do the renaming right now with a batch file which is probably not the easiest method.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2042
how I save the covers as cover.jpeg instead of folder.jpeg

If you are starting directly from the main search window, then click the Options link in the search window, and in the "Save Images To" box replace the text Folder with Cover

If you are starting from the File Browser or Foobar Window, click the Options link in that window, and in the "Specify path to find images" box remove the text Folder%preset%.%extension%| so that it just says Cover%preset%.%extension% If you still want it to count albums with images called Folder.jpg as already having artwork, but to save as Cover.jpg instead of Folder.jpg, then the value to put in the box is Cover%preset%.%extension%|Folder%preset%.%extension% (the two options are separated by a |, and it takes the first option as the name to save any new images as).

If you are starting from foobar, or MP3Tag, or some other program, then check the command line that you are using to launch Album Art Downloader. It probably includes Folder somewhere, so just replace that with Cover keeping the rest of the command line the same.

I hope this helps,


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2043
Can anyone explain to me which setting allows me to save scraped artwork to coinciding album directory?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2044
I get an memory error when searching my foobar library when it reaches exactly 2234 albums, allways. Is there any way to around this ?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2045
Can anyone explain to me which setting allows me to save scraped artwork to coinciding album directory?
Sorry, I never saw your post! If you give me a few more details, I can probably help you out. Where are you starting from, are you launching AAD from Foobar, or using the File Browser, or just typing in the artist and album name into the search fields directly?

I get an memory error when searching my foobar library when it reaches exactly 2234 albums, allways. Is there any way to around this ?
That's weird, I've tested it with many more albums than that. Does it produce an error log? It should open up notepad showing a text file called errorlog.txt when it crashes; if you can PM me that I'll see if it offers any clues.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2046
7digital was completely redesigned and now doesn't bring any results in AAD... so I was wondering if maybe it's time for a new script?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2048
Thanks to Alex and all the contributors for this utility, works great!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2049

Hi !

Script to load the image from the site does not work. 

Program Version Album Art Downloader XUI -
Version script for - 0.11

Settings program Album Art Downloader:

I tried the corrected version of the script for, here - ,  still does not work