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Topic: aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5) (Read 1202 times) previous topic - next topic
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aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5)

i have the latest foobar ver 1.6.5. the problem is  aac files made with fre :ac v1.1.4 wont play ( skippable in the list). i also got the free encoder pack that includes the aac decoder in it and executed it . in foobar, the component module installed  is foo_pd_aac ver1.20 with the name fdk-aac packet decoder.  what i'm doing wrong? . thank you for help. if i pick mp3 or flac files, they play without problem, so i guess the problem lies with my settings or this aac packet decoder

Re: aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5)

Reply #1
Are you saying ONLY the AAC files encoded with fre:ac won't play, but all other AAC files will?  Can you upload a sample somewhere of one of the problem files?

BTW the Free Encoder Pack does not decode.  If you have foo_pd_aac installed that will be the priority AAC decoder over the FAAD-based "stock" one.  I have it installed and all AAC files play fine here.

Re: aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5)

Reply #2
If you have foo_pd_aac installed that will be the priority AAC decoder over the FAAD-based "stock" one.
Small correction. foo_pd_aac is used only for AAC variants, that are not supported by built-in decoder. It won't take priority for "normal" (e.g. AAC-LC with 1024 samples per frame) AAC files.  And built-in one is ffmpeg, not FAAD.

Re: aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5)

Reply #3
No, major correction--thanks Rollin!  I had thought that ffmpeg did use FAAD.  And mis-interpreted the description of foo_pd_aac ("This component replaces the stock input component's AAC decoder with the one from FDK-AAC v2.0.1, to support AAC formats not supported by FFmpeg, such as xHE-AAC / USAC") as meaning it was a total replacement that included the formerly non-supported formats.


Re: aac files wont play(foobar (1.6.5)

Reply #4
I need to amend the description, thanks for reminding me.