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Topic: foo_lrc_metalarchives (Read 20259 times) previous topic - next topic
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Search by site 'Song title' and 'Band name' with 'Exact match' turned on


Reply #1
- if found nothing, retry with 'Exact match' turned off
- show found song info in lyrics source info (actual artist, album, title and release type)
- do not display lyrics when they are not available (list of found lyrics may contain not available lyrics. The fact that lyrics is not available, can be known only when it being loaded)
- cache not available lyrics to do not request them again (btw that's why next lyrics search may return less lyrics than previous for the same song)


Reply #2
Where or how should I install this part?



Reply #3
It is lyrics source for Lyric Show Panel 3. Install as usual component and after this you'll see in Lyric Show 3 preferences, Available sources list additional item 'Online DB:'


Reply #4
- if found nothing, retry with 'Exact match' turned off
- show found song info in lyrics source info (actual artist, album, title and release type)
- do not display lyrics when they are not available (list of found lyrics may contain not available lyrics. The fact that lyrics is not available, can be known only when it being loaded)
- cache not available lyrics to do not request them again (btw that's why next lyrics search may return less lyrics than previous for the same song)

Thanks, works great. Now if I can only find one for I'll have all the best lyric databases!

Re: foo_lrc_metalarchives

Reply #5
Damn! I registered and I just want to say thank you! Epic Win!!!! \m/!!!!

Re: foo_lrc_metalarchives

Reply #7
Actually for me it does work in foo_uie_lyrics3 v0.4.5, but does not work in v0.5 (latest).

Details: it seems, method lyric_http_request::do_get_request from foo_uie_lyrics3 SDK does not work in 0.5.

- fixed inability to get lyrics when running with foo_uie_lyrics3 v0.5

Note, if one would need to run it under XP, needs to be added to Advanced -> Networking -> Suppress HTTPS certificate checks.

Re: foo_lrc_metalarchives

Reply #8
3dyd:  THANK YOU for this component, v0.3 installed and working just fine on Foobar 1.4 with foo_uie_lyrics3 v0.5!  Please keep us informed of any updates.

Re: foo_lrc_metalarchives

Reply #9
Sad not working in Fo 1.3.4,- 1.6.5 I have tried various options and it does not find anything  :'(  :'(  :'(

Who Has A Fully Working Lyric +list ???

Re: foo_lrc_metalarchives

Reply #10
@KRIS85 it works for me. foo_lrc_metalarchives 0.3, foo_uie_lyrics3 0.5, foobar2000 1.6.5, windows 7 with TLS fix.