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Topic: Facets (foo_facets) (Read 814709 times) previous topic - next topic
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Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #501
Is it possible to hide column titles and customize cover art size?

and can I specify a folder and format for artist images?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #502
read the docs..

Images can be resized/zoomed by holding the Ctrl key and rotating the mouse wheel.

you can't hide column headers and you should look under file>preferences>display to set global album art options.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #503
read the docs..

Images can be resized/zoomed by holding the Ctrl key and rotating the mouse wheel.

you can't hide column headers and you should look under file>preferences>display to set global album art options.

Thanks mate, perfect advice 

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #504
Is there a way to filter out Artists that have under a certain amount of tracks within the Library?

For instance, I have a lot of hip-hop mixtapes that I'm trying to retag (which is such a nightmare), and I end up with a lot of no-name local artists who only have 1-2 tracks each cluttering up my Artists list.

I want to do something like this:

$if($greater(%trackcount%,5),%album artist%,'('Misc')') - If the number of tracks in the library is greater than 5, then list the Album Artist, otherwise file under Misc section.

Where %trackcount% is the placeholder for the hypothetical variable I'm looking for. I looked through the list of field references and I couldn't find anything that seemed to fit.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #505
The Album art browser doesn't work when the files are in subfolders(as in multiple discs).

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #506
Tried to add something like '..\folder.jpg' under File -> Preferences -> Display?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #507
1._How is ist possible that the artist Columm gives you the artist only ones regartles if he is taged "Name", "NAME", "name"? In short that the View by artist Colums works like the one from Album List. {Image: End of Green}

2._If you use in one Colum Album and Date is it possible to still show every album even if they have no date tag? {Image: Cumulo Nimbus}

I tried some veriation of the syntax but it does not worke the way I want it.

3._Facets did became pritty old I now that there is no update but is there a nother plugin as its legal successor?

Left: Album List; Right: Facets;

THX for the help

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #508

Album List uses the case of the first instance of a value it encounters and then case-insensitively places all further instances of that value with the first instance of the value. Thus, if it encounters "Abba", it will then place all tracks having Abba, ABBA, AbBa, etc. as the artist tag together under "Abba".

Facets is not case-insensitive. If I were you, I'd make sure all instances of a value have the same case; however, if that would require too much effort on your part, you can use title formatting including $caps(), $caps2(), $upper(), or $lower() to manipulate the case of your tags. I suggest learning foobar's title formatting.


I don't know exactly what you've managed to do judging by your screenshot, but I'm fairly certain the lack of a date tag is not the culprit for all albums not displaying. What "syntax variation" did you use?


Facets still works, although it might not work in the fashion some users want or expect.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #509
Hey BenB,

Thx for #1 works just fine.

I used the folled options: Multiple Columns; Album; Date.
And checked that the selection logic is set to OR (Holding the Shift key when right-clicking on column headers). But it does not work corectly cause it only shows albums having a date tag.
I created a column (Syntax: %album%[%date%]) which is working just fine it shows every album there is and if a date tag available it is also shown. Is there a way to get a line braak between the album name and the date when displayed?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #510
There's no need to combine album and date. Just make sure both are separate entries under Columns and ticked. That should cause the date to be displayed below the album name.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #511
If I do as you suggest it only displays albums with a date tag despite the selection logic is set to OR

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #512
I stand corrected. A missing date tag in conjunction with conditional brackets are the culprit. It looks like a bug to me as I can't see that being intentionally designed behavior.

To be clear, you cannot use: [%date%] in your scenario when the date tag is missing, but you can use: %date% with the drawback being a '?' when the date tag is missing.

You could add the missing date tag to the albums that don't have them (the solution I would use) or, if that's also too much effort, you can use something like one of the following instead:
Code: [Select]
$if2(%date%,' ')
$if2(%date%,'missing tag')

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #513
Thank you it works great - yes I have to add the missing date tags but I'm going to do it as I come across them

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #514
This may sound a bit ridiculous, but are Facets and SimPlaylist still being developed? Are there any serious bugs that users should be aware of?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #515
Ok I've hit a little bit of a snag or maybe trying to do something that's not possible.

what i want to do is to have the artist's logo displayed in panel #2 but no matter what i try i can't seem to get it to read image i place in the directory is this impossible or am i doing something wrong?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #516

The Album art browser doesn't work when the files are in subfolders(as in multiple discs).

Tried to add something like '..\folder.jpg' under File -> Preferences -> Display?

I've also tried this, with the above filepath formatting and not had any success getting album art to show, however in my case I had the albumart in a folder with the media in subfolders for CD1 and CD2.

Ok I've hit a little bit of a snag or maybe trying to do something that's not possible.

what i want to do is to have the artist's logo displayed in panel #2 but no matter what i try i can't seem to get it to read image i place in the directory is this impossible or am i doing something wrong?

I believe the artists tab uses the artwork specified under File -> Preferences -> Display -> "Artist" tab under album art. If you specify the correct search patterns to find the artists logo it should work, as in this example:

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #517

The Album art browser doesn't work when the files are in subfolders(as in multiple discs).

Tried to add something like '..\folder.jpg' under File -> Preferences -> Display?

I've also tried this, with the above filepath formatting and not had any success getting album art to show, however in my case I had the albumart in a folder with the media in subfolders for CD1 and CD2.

I ran into the same issue and had to set up a few different search patterns. Here are mine, see which of these apply to you:

T:\*\*\%album artist%\$replace(%album%,-,,) *\1\folder.jpg
T:\*\*\%album artist%\$replace(%album%,:,,) *\1\folder.jpg
T:\*\*\%album artist%\$replace(%album%,>,,) *\1\folder.jpg
T:\*\*\%album artist%\%album% - %date%\1\folder.jpg
T:\*\*\%album artist%\%album%\1\folder.jpg

Obviously any typical 1 disc album it'll just find folder.jpg. That's the last entry. The first 3 are for compilations with a - : or > in the album title, it removes that from the search string (since 2 of those I can never use in a filename and I don't use - since I use that to separate the date). Basically you're trying to get the album name it's searching for to match the path itself. Lines 4 and 5 are probably a bit more self explanatory but you could use those, editing for your own use. The T:\*\*\ beginning each line just refers to the path to my music collection.

Keep trying variants of these, eventually you'll get it to display. I can confirm that every single album of mine will display at this point.


My own question. I know facets can put panels next to each other OR on top of each other, horizontal or vertical. Is there a way to combine this?

I'd like it set up like this, with artists in 1, select one and it shows their albums in 2, select an album in 2 and it displays track info in 3. This feels possible, I just can't get there. How can I best approximate this?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #518
As you've likely already found, Facets doesn't allow for arbitrary placement of its panels. It's all vertical, all horizontal or go home  However, you can use more than one instance of Facets in your layout and make them work together, but it may not be exactly what you want.

To approximate, use two instances of Facets. The first would be your 1 which would be set to follow your media library. The second would be your 2 and 3 which would be set to follow the playlist.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #519

I'd like to say thanks to the author/s for a great component.  Very neat, and very tidy - it works great for old tehcno-phobes (who I've seup a custom fb2k install for).

OK small issue that I can't figure out, regards track order and highlight controls.

Machine 1: Windows 7 Starter 32bit
Machine 2: Windows XP Home 32bit
All fb2k and components updated to latest.

I have a custom meta tag setup to hide unwanted tracks from the media library (which resides on machine1), this is called SKIP so can be addressed as %skip%.  I have two data entries, either an 's' for skipped/hidden, and a 'b' for backup/hidden.  This all works fine.

This is the syntax for the "Track/ Title" column:

$if($strcmp(%skip%,b),$if(%track%,<<%track% =$upper(%title%)>>,<<--- =$upper(%title%)>>),$if($strcmp(%skip%,s),$if(%track%,<<<%track% • %title%>>>,<<<--- • %title%>>>),$if(%track%,%track% %title%,--- %title%)))

Which basically makes tracks which have a 'b' look like this - "01 =MORE THAN THIS". or w/out track number - "--- =MORE THAN THIS"
and tracks that have an 's' look like this - "01 • More Than This". or w/out track number - "--- • More Than This"
Both of the %skip% tagged items appear as darkened items using the "<< >>" functions.

This all works perfectly on both machines and looks great.  However, on Machine 1 the track order of an album including some skip tagged and non tagged items is correct, ascending 01, 02, 03 .... etc.  On Machine 2, what happens is that all of the skip tagged items shift to the bottom of the album, so the result is 01, 05, 06, 10, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09...

The problem lies with how the << >> functions are being interpreted.  On Machine1 there seems to be no issue, they are ignored as actual text, in favour of reading the real number, whilst on Machine2 it is enough to almost be read as a '<' which shoves it down the list.

Any clue as to how to dodge this issue on the old XP install?

Cheers, and sorry for making a long post.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #520
In the "Library" section at Preferences > Media Library > Facets, are the "Default Sort Order" settings identical on both machines?

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #521
Yup, both set to "%path_sort%.

It's quite crazy.  Everything is essentially identical, except that on XP if I use the dimming/highlighting functions '<' or '>' on one machine it treats it as a shifting of the number value (although you don't see a '<' it gets darker instead).

Thanks for thinking though

**actually, when I tried to change the %album% formatting to change the highlighting on that, so that <album name> would be dimmed if %skip% was set to 's' or 'b', it didn't work, sending the order all over the place.  This was on either machine.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #522
I've been messing with all sorts of things and still can't get the behaviour to follow.
The only alternative I have is to put the << >> tags around the %title% and leave the %track% the default brightness.  It makes it a little awkward this way, but at least keeps the numbers interpreted correctly and thus in the correct order.

I really can't work out why the formatting would be interpreted differently on two different OS's, after all the actual core program is going to be by and large almost identical.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #523
OK, I've just been messing about with a Windows 7 Pro 64 install on this same system as the XP install is.

Tested latest Fb2k (1.2.9) and facets (1.0) and under seemingly any version of Win7 (Starter or Pro 64) the track order appears correctly regardless of highlighting controls '<' and '>'.  It seems that it is only under WinXP that this is an issue.

Facets (foo_facets)

Reply #524
I love your Facets add-on and have one request (and I'm happy to make a donation if this happens!):

I want the ability for the list of albums (in a pane) to wrap-around to the next column if there are a lot of albums in ones collection.

In other words, in my foobar set up, I have three columns: Folder, Album, and Track, which is already very workable.

But if the left column, Folder, could show all of the Albums on my PC, I'd be in heaven.