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General - (fb2k) / -3dB gain
Last post by Gabriel Schwartz -
I want to substract 3db from the volume (-3dB gain).
There are a few options and I wanted to check which is used when and if there's a difference between them.
The idea of -3dB is to "match" the volume between PCM and DSD as I found that PCM is louder.

  • Add Amplifier DSP (foo_dsp_amp) to DSP Manager and set -3dB
  • Set -3dB in Playback for With RG info: and Without RG info:

I also use ReplayGain
Source mode: track
Processing: apply gain and prevent clipping according to level

General - (fb2k) / Re: Possibility of releasing the source code of FB2K
Last post by mudlord -
Publishing the source, regardless of licence conditions, would risk somebody plagiarising it for personal gain – licences are worthless unless you have the resources to enforce the licence, and in the commercial world those with the deepest pockets always win.

And that's what happened to me. Numerous times. I had commercial entities actively gloating about that fact, even though I had done forensic reverse engineering to prove the code was stolen for their closed source software for their locked down hardware. This is why my attitude to FOSS has changed: the GPL is worthless in the current year. You might as well go public domain/The Unlicense/WTFPL and accept the code will be stolen for the code you accept is fine to be stolen, or go closed source. And that's what I have been doing.

Are you one of the core Foobar2000 devs btw?

I contributed code to the mobile ports of FB2K, but I am not the core developer. I have no control over it.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Case -
"Single-channel" HDCD packets have been found and discussed before:,79427.msg865928.html#msg865928,79427.msg900371.html#msg900371
(You aren't clear about whether that particular thing has HDCD flags in both channels (but only one set to gain), or whether only one channel is flagged as being HDCD at all.)
There are valid HDCD codes on both channels constantly. This is the HDCD Sampler disc after all. The quote from the second link contradicts with actual observed behavior, thought part of the reasoning logic supports the observed behavior. When a gain change is already running, keeping the gain steady or adjusting it slightly is less audible than suddenly temporarily changing the gain to zero. Adjusting gain on one channel only, however, would never make sense.

(Is it plausible that the Pacific chip had something like that?)
I don't know how advanced device it was, but 32-bit or 16-bit are the guesses I'd go with. I'd think the Microsoft implementation is close to actual hardware, or then it was simply created from highly detailed specs. But for Windows 7 or even XP era PC the 32-bit overflow would not have been a problem.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by sveakul -
In 0.8.0 I'm having a problem with the Tuning menu when selecting an option and then using the scroll wheel. With the exception of ZERO and GAIN, the scroll wheel does not operate properly.

Instead of changing the levels it instead cycles through the menu choices. So if FPS is selected and I scroll the mouse (without pressing anything), it will cycle through the Tuning menu options. Then it eventually stays on GAIN.  So in other words I can only change the level of ZERO and GAIN.

I tested this on 0.7.7 and it works perfectly fine.
Yikes, I just noticed the same thing here.  Oops mentioned that he added different ways of accessing the tuning menu ("Add `Escape` and `RAlt/AltGr` as modifier keys on the mouse wheel to change tuning parameter") but the once you get there you can only change the VALUE of "gain", otherwise the wheel just cycles the parameter NAMES without allowing a value change.

Hopefully a quick fix??
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Porcus -
On the last track there was a gain change flagged only on one channel, hdcd.exe and decoders based on that ignore it, but correct decoding seems to require respecting such gain changes as long as current gain at that point isn't zero.
"Single-channel" HDCD packets have been found and discussed before:,79427.msg865928.html#msg865928,79427.msg900371.html#msg900371
(You aren't clear about whether that particular thing has HDCD flags in both channels (but only one set to gain), or whether only one channel is flagged as being HDCD at all.)

Also I now know why the output of old decoders, like WMP, is 20 bits. The decoding happens in 24 bit accuracy and gain control uses 12 bit accuracy. When computing the final sample value 24 bit multiplied by 12 bit would overflow 32-bit registers and they couldn't or didn't want to handle that. So they truncated the last four bits of the 24 bit value and avoided overflows that way.
(Is it plausible that the Pacific chip had something like that?)