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General Audio / Re: Downsampling 192/96 to 48 kHz - best SoX setting?
Last post by isidro -
Some albums are quiet, some are clipping...  Source is replaygained ...

Replaygain is applied by player when listening, never when processing.
Anyway, carefully look SOX process output window (scrolling up to watch all songs), if you find clipping like this on any of them:
Code: [Select]
In:100%  00:04:28.06 [00:00:00.00] Out:12.9M [    -=|=-    ] Hd:0.0 Clip:2
c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe WARN rate: rate clipped 1 samples; decrease volume?
c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe WARN dither: dither clipped 1 samples; decrease volume?
             Overall     Left      Right
DC offset   0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000

Hd:0.0 means no "headroom"
Clip:2 means two samples were clipped
Volume must be lowered for all songs of same disc, in my experience 0.1dB will do it with no headroom, 0.2dB for an extra safe margin.
So my complete batch for those cases (in: FLAC, out: WAV) is:

Code: [Select]
set destDir=B:\AUDIO
md %destDir% 1>nul 2>nul
cd %~dp0
FOR %%A IN (*.flac) DO (
  "c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe" --no-clobber --multi-threaded --buffer 131072 -S -V2 -D -R "%%A" ^
    -b 24 "%destDir%\%%~nA vI 48k d19b.wav" ^
    vol -0.2dB  rate -v -I 48k  dither -p 19  stats

Don't forget to use "dB" in vol effect after the number, (if not it will be used as a multiplier)

Where are these listening tests published? I couldn't find anything. Also just pointing out that any deviation from correct and perfect linear phase filtering will lower the signal fidelity as its timing or waveform will no longer match original.
Linear phase filtering also lowers signal fidelity. Downsample will always affect audio and is listenable.
I'm personal friend of him, he won 4 grammys, I asked him for advice for the best way to downsample. His advice was to avoid it, but if it must be done, his preference is for Intermediate phase, for him is the less disturbing when listening.
He has TWO Pacific Microsonics ADDAC converters for AD and built custom DA that is better, he has the best ear that I know, and also builds speaker systems that beats 10x it's price point.
Reference of PM:

Usual problem with electronic engineers designer is that they not always have a good ear, and on paper things may be fine, but listening experience tells another thing.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Air KEN -
Don't use anything unnecessary.
Also, FxSound Audio Enhancer seems suspicious.
If you are using FxSound Audio Enhancer and are having trouble, you will often see the answer "Delete FxSound Audio Enhancer".
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Defender -
Yes, of course I know. It's in the settings.
What is it?
This is a separate issue so let's leave it at that.
What are you on?

He has a stable running VU on a fresh foobar. The moment he installs a slightly older foo_input_sacd it starts crashing.

And your advice is this:
Also, since the Audio Device does not support DSD, please delete foo_input_sacd.

What kind of help is that?