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Topic: foo_run (Read 631165 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #50
... But many of my files have ac3 which sounds better in Winamp than in foobar due to the plugin "Valex's AC3 decoder forWinamp". ...
What do you mean by "better"? Either a decoder is correct or it's not and then it's a bug. If you think about channel mixing options you can use these via various existing dsp components like channel mixer or athsurround in foobar, too.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #51
I have added "Open with Winamp" and the path "F:\Programme\Audio_Tools\Winamp\winamp.exe".
But this opens Winamp without playing the file.

right string is "F:\Programme\Audio_Tools\Winamp\winamp.exe /a %_path%"
i'm dont have winamp installed, but think its work also for multiply files (you must set simultaneous runs > 1)

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #52

... But many of my files have ac3 which sounds better in Winamp than in foobar due to the plugin "Valex's AC3 decoder forWinamp". ...
What do you mean by "better"? Either a decoder is correct or it's not and then it's a bug. If you think about channel mixing options you can use these via various existing dsp components like channel mixer or athsurround in foobar, too.

I cannot explain this it's a feeling, but I will quote something from "Doom9's ForumAudio FAQ"

AC3 Playback Questions

7. Which software do I need to install for AC3 playback?

Download Valex's AC3filter audio filters and install. This filter is highly recommended over any other AC3 capable filter, it's very feature rich and best of all it's open source. Please read over his excellent documentation for a full understanding of all the capabilities of the AC3filter. Valex frequently updates the package so you might check Doom9's news or the AC3filter page often.

When I'm playing the file with foobars decoder the AC3’s volume seems lower during playback.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #55
does anyone have a script to run the tag & rename "open in tag&rename" context menu item, or any equivalent to open up containing folder in tag & rename?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #56
the file is corrupt for me when i download, any thoughts?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #57
If I Google for an artist with a space in their name, everything after the space is missing  ("Neil Young" becomes "Neil")

WinXP , Firefox

+ thanks!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #58
If I Google for an artist with a space in their name, everything after the space is missing  ("Neil Young" becomes "Neil")

Replace "%artist%" with "$replace(%artist%,' ','+')".  Same goes for "%title%" in the "artist+title" preset.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #59
If I Google for an artist with a space in their name, everything after the space is missing  ("Neil Young" becomes "Neil")

I use this and it works fine
Code: [Select]$replace(%artist%", ,+)

I'm slow today (I just woke up )

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #60
For the google search, I just enclose the search command with quotation marks and it seems to work just fine.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #61
Would it really be ugly? Since you don't have to add the root entries by default. Rather add them, if the user wishes so.

Ideal situation:
- have the run-menuitem, as it's now (added as standard, if the component is installed)
- have the run:"Item"-menuitems available in the commands list (however not added to the context-menu by standard)

What do you think?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #62
Any chance of adding a "open in preffered browser" option in the prefference menu ?
You're talking to my guy all wrong... It's the wrong tone. Say it again, and i'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #64
Thanks for that bit of info roentgen, but i have portablefirefox and foobar2000 on my ipod and i'd like to use portablefirefox instead of ie.

* Sorry found a way to use ff instead of ie
You're talking to my guy all wrong... It's the wrong tone. Say it again, and i'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #65

Would it really be ugly? Since you don't have to add the root entries by default. Rather add them, if the user wishes so.

Ideal situation:
- have the run-menuitem, as it's now (added as standard, if the component is installed)
- have the run:"Item"-menuitems available in the commands list (however not added to the context-menu by standard)

What do you think?

I'm currently not aware of a simple way to implement this, because it seems that creation of submenus via the slash character / is not possible with foobar2000 0.9 anymore.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #66
Hey all, I could use some help with this plug-in, basically Im not to sure how to use it.
I have it installed and it shows up under my tools menu, so i can see all the options. I am just not sure how to apply the codes or does it work as a button? any help is appreciated.
thanks in advance

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #67
Just released foo_run 0.3.2 which is a maintenance release compiled with the new SDK.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #68
This is the first time I've used this plugin, and I don't know how I ever lived before without it. I'm constantly having to lookup artist and album info from Metal-Archives, within the Firefox searchplugin, but now I can do it an even lazier way! I'm still exploring more settings and options with this great component.

For those interested searching on Metal-Archives I've just been playing around with these strings:

Code: [Select]$replace(%artist%, ,+)&type=band&sourceid=Mozilla-search

Code: [Select]$replace(%album%, ,+)&exact_release=0&release_type=&label=&release_year=

Thanks again!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #69
i like foo_run.dll and have writen a script to delete files on playing

   1. save the code below to foobar2000\scripts\delete_playing_file.vbs
        2. configure Run sevices (foo_run.dll), add Delete Playing File:

        3. assign a hotkey to this script, such as Ctrl + Del

   4. play music now, and use Ctrl + Del to delete ugly songs ^i^

Code: [Select]
' delete_playing_file.vbs

' version: 0.2.2
' update: 2006.6.15

'   -- Scripted by lifesinger
' Usage:
' 1. place this script in foobar2000\scripts
'  2. configure Run sevices (foo_run.dll), see cfg_run.png
'  3. assign a hotkey to this script, such as Ctrl + Del
' 4. play music now, and use Ctrl + Del to delete ugly songs ^i^
' Home: [url=][/url]
Option Explicit
Const beQuiet = False ' If you are annoyed with any confirmation, please change False to True

'Get commandline arguments, if none, show tips and quit
Dim objArgs, filepath
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

If objArgs.Count <> 1 Then
msgbox "delete_playing_file.vbs: delete song on playing. " & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
  "   -- by lifesinger. Jun 16th, 2006 " & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
  "Usage: delete_playing_file.vbs <file_path> " & _
vbNewLine, 64, "About"
filepath = objArgs(0)
End If

'**** DON'T EDIT BELOW ****
'-------------------------== CODE BEGIN ==----------------------------
Dim ScriptPath, fso, oShell, file_ext
ScriptPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, (Len(WScript.ScriptFullName) - Len(WScript.ScriptName)))

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (fso.FileExists(filepath)) Then
file_ext  = LCase(Right(filepath, 3))

If file_ext = "cue" Then
oShell.Run Chr(34) & ScriptPath & "..\foobar2000.exe" & Chr(34) & "/command:Remove", 0, True  ' Remove from playlist
WScript.Sleep 100
oShell.Run Chr(34) & ScriptPath & "..\foobar2000.exe" & Chr(34) & " /next", 0, True ' play next song
oShell.Run Chr(34) & ScriptPath & "..\foobar2000.exe" & Chr(34) & " /next", 0, True ' play next song
WScript.Sleep 100
'del file
delete_file filepath
'remove dead items
oShell.Run Chr(34) & ScriptPath & "..\foobar2000.exe" & Chr(34) & " /command:" & Chr(34) & "Remove dead items"& Chr(34), 0, True
End If

If Not beQuiet Then
MsgBox filepath & " is not existed." & _
vbNewLine & _
"Run Services(foo_run.dll) maybe is configured improperly. " & _
vbnewline & _
"Please check it -_-", 48, "error"
End If

End If

Set oShell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

'-------------------------== CODE END ==----------------------------

Sub delete_file(filespec)
On Error Resume Next

Dim r
r = vbNo

If Not beQuiet Then
r = MsgBox("This will delete 1 file:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & filespec & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Continue ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Warning")
End If

If r = vbYes Then
fso.DeleteFile filespec, True
End If

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

' maybe filespec is the last file in the playlist
' so first stop it, and try delete again
oShell.Run Chr(34) & ScriptPath & "..\foobar2000.exe" & Chr(34) & " /stop", 0, True  ' stop
WScript.Sleep 100
fso.DeleteFile filespec, True

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If Not beQuiet Then
MsgBox "Delete " & filespec & " failed." & vbNewLine & "I don't know why :(", 48, "error"
End If
End If

End If

On Error Goto 0
End Sub

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Moderation: added codebox[/size]

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #70
Hi, I have a feature request:

Could you make it possible to pass the paths (or all variables) of several selected tracks as parameters to one single command!?

Best Regards!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #71
cool plugin

is it possible to execute two or more commands in one foo_run service?
(e.g. executing a program and adding the files to a playlist with one click?)

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #72
You can use a batch file.  Basically, open a text file, type the commands you want to run, one per line.  Finally, save as file.cmd.  foo_run seems to work fine with them.


foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #73
i tried that but couldn't achieve what i wanted...
i want to copy files from my external hard drive to my internal hd AND add the files to a specific playlist in foobar.
i made a batch file but couldn't figure out the right way to tell foobar with commandline to add a folder to a specific playlist. i checked the wiki for the commandline parameters, tried several different ways, but didn't succeed.  can anybody help me, please?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #74
i tried that but couldn't achieve what i wanted...
i want to copy files from my external hard drive to my internal hd AND add the files to a specific playlist in foobar.
i made a batch file but couldn't figure out the right way to tell foobar with commandline to add a folder to a specific playlist. i checked the wiki for the commandline parameters, tried several different ways, but didn't succeed.  can anybody help me, please?

have you tried Playlist Bind (foo_playlist_bind)     "Synchronize playlist with contents of specified directory(es). "?